What do you guys eat for breakfast?

what do you guys eat for breakfast?

Protein Shake
70g of Pistachios

36 hard boiled egg whites

You forgot your multivitamin

Most the time I eat oats with banana slices and blueberries.
Today I had this wonderful brown bread toast with scrambled eggs mixed with avocado.
Of course, natural orange juice.

fucking potatoes and eggs. then i throw in other shit for funsies

During the week: protein shake. Milk, protein powder, bananas, oats, etc

Weekend: 8 eggs, potatoes, some kind of meat like h or bacon.

A jar of Veggie juice - spinach carrots tomatoes beet cucumber - literally the full blender jar and 2 fish oil pills and vitamin c pill

2 cups brown rice
shake consisting of whey, milk, pb, greek yogurt

2 cups of rice??? Are you measuring that correctly? On a cut I have 1/4 cup, on a bulk I'll have 1/2 cup max. 1/2 cup is a shit load of rice. 2 cups is like what you get in a restaurant to share between 4-6 ppl. Jesus.

Cottage cheese, an omelet, several gallons of coffee.

not same guy but fuck yah dude, its a lot but its dank.

Same as for any other time of the day. Chicken breast and veggies

a 70-90g whole grain roll with iceberg lettuce and 200g baked chicken breast
a banana
not exactly a breakfast but that's what I take with me to school and eat somewhere between 10 and 12 am

Weekdays- 4 eggs mixed into ramen noodles

Weekends- beer or vodka and orange juice

I know your meme'ing but thanks I actually had.

I don't like the taste of avokado

80g oats
24g PB
13g Flax meal
1 French Press of coffee

500 calories and enough caffeine to push through the crippling pain of life.

Protein shake.

Milk, oats, 2 raw eggs, protein powder, peanut butter, banana. About 1,500 cals and 60g of protein.

My uni's cafeteria omelets with side of potatoes and an apple

100g oats
50g frozen berries
2 cups of coffee