This is going to be heavily dumped and trade below ICO price, right?

This is going to be heavily dumped and trade below ICO price, right?


of course. name an ICO in the last month that hasn't

This is the actual ONLY ico I care about. It will pump to the fucking moon first hour of trading



Yup, just like AST was supposed to x5

I doubt it, and I am being very realistic here.
There are lots of people (whales included) eagerly wanting to buy this at 1.5X and even 2X because they know its potential short to mid-term and even long term.

yeah. good project, bad time for icos due to btc fork shit.

people being protective of this are fucking deluded. The market is straight up fucked right now, no matter what the project is/does

By "I doubt it", I meant I don't think it will be "heavily dumped and trade below ICO price"

Exact same thing was said for Airswap

Why the fuck are people dumping their AST below ICO price? Seriously there is something fishy going on with whales and ICOs right now. Enigma, AST, AVT all tanked from ICO price.

Yes, except I didn't even participate in Airswap
even tho I had a whitelisted account.
Also I didn't even expect a 5x - 10x like some crazy people mentioned. I thought of a minimal 1.5X desu and it did that. Not saying REQ will blast off either, but I really don't think it will dump and probably won't moon right away either. But what I do I know, I'm a shit trader ;)

You can bet your sweet ass. Almost everyone who bought these ICOs during exchange release got fucking JUST'd. This has major marketing behind it, but starting off, it will not do well at all considering most people won't be trusting this enough to buy, and even if they wanted to, they'd rather not lose out their position in BTC or MTP. Not really FUDing, just giving my insight on market sentiment so far. Good luck with this.

> still below ICO


presale. They can sell their shit for good profit under ico price, it's simple.
Enigma tanked due to way bigger problems tho, fuck enigma completely

airscam 2.0 imo

no one is buying after ico anymore
I see Request dropping at least 10%



no product, why by this shit

I doubt that.
I'm aiming for 2x day 1.

I swear you people get so offended over the truth, get out of crypto if you can't trade without crying because someone isn't praising your investment.

I heard REQ will start trading on Radar Relay as well which is pretty cool! Some guy wants to buy REQ for 2X its ICO price using that platform. He posted on the REQ subreddit. If you're scared about thinking it will dump, you should check the post out. He will probably buy from you.

presale is locked.


I didn't say I disagreed with you FAg I just said your id is neat.
Request will dump immediately just like Airswap

Mfw every single fuder in here is desperately shilling for a lower price. Sounds like a seller market on Friday :). Comfy.

Comfy with 4 filled accounts. Let's watch the pajeets killing each other tomorrow



Fuck it i am even buying more, the FUD is so real, even in slack right now.