/plg/ Powerlifting general

/Powerlifting General/

For improving your performance on the platform.

>poutine edition

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Trappy can you critique my form?


That is some spooky shit.

Actually got 3 tinder matches with one (1) bad pic and little to no bio

can we PLEASE get a picture that doesn't make whoever chaotic neutral is to look like a fucking dinosaur

If thats 245 then I'm impressed by the number of reps you put in as someone struggling with lmao2pl8.
As a critique I'd say it looks as if you're focusing more on lowering the weight rather than pulling it from the floor. Don't exhale at the top. And maybe try double over hand instead.
I'm freaked about the possible trap imbalances so I'm trying not to use mixed until I can't get the weight off the ground.

Pass this to the OP, whoever xhe is

lmao get me the pic you want and I'll photoshop it in.

that's nothing lol I got like 40 a day

stop avatar posting

Why are you ignoring my post? :'(

Could I borrow your private jet for a profile pic or two?

That's over 3pl8. The first two are 25s.

>uses different characters interspersed with webms
>claims it's avatar fagging

You rode the short bus to school didntcha?

Trappy posted an OHP megathread in the last thread. Does anyone have one for bench press?

Oh dear God please be a troll.
What does 1pl8 equal to you in pounds?

>not asking twink to just buy you a jet

please stop giving advice

Oh god pls be a troll.
What do you think 25kg is in pounds?

I have much to lurk.


Ders looks like Isley but retarded.

Or more retarded, however you prefer to look at it.

I will not calm down boardie why don't you go try picking up some broad at the local playground or whatever it is you do when you get a hankering for hammering a hymen?

it doesn't matter what the plates weight, ya fuckin noob. you have 2.5 plates on each side of the bar, which makes is LMAO2.5PLAYT

How much do I need to lift before I can post in /plg/?

400+ wilks or be cute

I have a 300 wilks

Am I cute?

Hey Aaron how much longer are you going to be at college?

Do you have a feminine penis?

My schlong is 8 inches long

well ive been called cute before desu

Is it feminine?

what should I get for dinner tonight

feel like treating myself

A nice, fresh, Top kek

Tell me your lifts

Well that's good because based on your diddy you certainly arem't strong

It would be extremely painful

As long as you outsquat me it can't be that embarrassing.

>tfw you get a bench PR but your butt barely comes up


Time to do spotoshot to see if all the spotopress helps me.

squat 4pl8
dead 4pl8 + 20kg
bench 2pl8 + 15kg

And your wilks is only 300 at those?

Shit you must be tall/fat.

Both slightly

probably had 250+ in you tBh

I think I'm way, way weaker at the bottom of the lift than the top half, so it looks easier than it is. Maybe doing tons of spoto press and not sinking it into my chest as much will help with this and I can get 115+ at my meet in just over 8 weeks.

first day back to gym since meet last week
what should i do given that i need a bit of a break?

also open to suggestions for what to do when getting back into training which should be soon

One more semester, 5 units left senpai


I just applied to SM and im shitting myself hoping ill get in.

Spoto is gonna fix that free fall bit that just fucks your tightness. Slingshot is gonna fix your confidence.


Honestly I was surprised I did. You went to Palomar right?

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I need to buy a slingshot though.

REEEEEE all these things making me spend money on them. Good thing I have a ton :^)

>taintlifts require finely honed technique and meticulous practice

thats like 135 if you account for the 800lbs of bands

well i guess its more like 225 a tthe top

Mark Bell is a good person to send your business. I'm gonna buy myself some Gangsta wraps as a treat before my next meet.

Mate, you're just pulling conventional with your feet in the wrong damn place.

Also looking fucking small pls stop cut.

No mira costa. Idk my gpa is like 2.9

looking like an angry garrett blessing Tbh lad


Trappy is haino

I've tried to avoid this whole trapy thing, because regardless of who she is, she brings discussion to this general that's focused typically on powerlifting.

No one cares, no one should care. Let it go lad.

That's the last Imma post on this.

Damn you're looking lean af

Your butt looks completely fine here.

Congrats on the PR!

I have not finished the bench press article I was writing back then.
You can find most of the articles I have written here imgur.com/a/WElep

>I have not finished the bench press article

By Captain Pooptine


>regardless of who she is, she
>who she is, she
>she is, she
>she, she

Fuck off, you commie faggot


This desu.. I'm sure everyone remembers how bad my 225 looked 10 weeks ago. Just bench more and do memes.

Also this. Providing on topic discussion and good content for powerlifting is good regardless.

Thanks, senpai. It felt like it came up but maybe it barely didn't? It's not the best angle to tell.

Lads, typically 13 year olds should get permission from their parents to visit certain websites, and I doubt your mom would let you post here, so maybe you should leave?

>implying I could lift 135lbs anymore
>implying I'm not actually leaning on the bar to push it down, then letting it get pulled back up

We can't all be pro taintlift cheaters like you.

>one of the first vids on his instagram is SSB squats
I'll take it.

That's not saying much.

What are you studying and how far (in years) are you into it to know biomechanics this well? I have a couple friends in kinesio. but they seem like retards.

Quit being a faggot just because Haino liked your instagram baby lift

are u gonna make routine generals again?

It came up a bit but as long as any part of your butt is in contact it's still legal.

This webm is legal, for example.

Yeah, how to get good bench is easy. More benching, more food, more chest.

I was writing more stuff like, analysing the deeper details of the biomechanics.
Stuff literally no one cares about.

I learned anatomy and basic functions and dysfunctions in medschool.

But the deeper and less known stuff with biomechanics I learned on my own*, mostly just reading books and doing a fuckton of research.

*I did work in a biomech lab for a little while, but I didn't learn much related to lifting or exercising. It was mostly focused on "regular life" issues.

I don't have the time or the passion to go at it again.

It's extremely draining, time consuming, and requires a lot of commitment and patience.
Also I'd have to deal with the usual Veeky Forums bullshit again, people crying and complaining and that sort of stuff.

I don't see it happening for now. But maybe in the future, who knows.

Wait so haino was pre-therapy 'livia'?

>It's extremely draining
Just tell them to do Sheiko

>pro taintlift cheaters like you.







If you ever wonder why people don't regard you as mature, or with respect, behavior like this is why.

>Yeah, how to get good bench is easy. More benching, more food, more chest.
>I was writing more stuff like, analysing the deeper details of the biomechanics.
>Stuff literally no one cares about.

You just better mention the Slingshill.

>makes accusations implying immaturity
>defends an adult male playing dress up

Haino and Trappy are IRL friends.

>Haino and Trappy are IRL friends.
They are exes.

>I learned anatomy and basic functions and dysfunctions in medschool
So are you a doctor now? You seem fairly young for that, if you don't mind me saying - your writing is very well researched though and shows enough insight to be a book with more effort/time.

That's none of our business really. Why are you so obsessed?

they just missed it

>none of our business
Some faggot pretending to be his own ex for his own faggot deviant pleasure, and spreading her pictures on the internet while trying and failing to be a powerlifter is our business, haino.

How is your wilks doing?

Best deadlift program for conventional puller stalling at 4plate?


>Is it a DEADLIFT webm?
Ya got me








Jelly af

Weak off the chest in bench. Is 3-5 second long pause benching gonna help me if I use it as an accessory

>4/5 matches are bots

>tfw don't know what believe about trappy anymore

What's for certain is whatever trappy is he's very mentally disturbed

You should be pausing all bench reps imho.

when are you going to learn to arch

Theres a lot trappy hasn't showed or talked about or adressed on Veeky Forums. And theres a reason the people closest to her trust her.

"Trappy is a mentally ill faggot kys" - Mike "Taze the rainbow" Pence

Hey lads, how can I maintain my grip strength if I need to start using straps for my main deadlift sets to fix a major spinal erector imbalance I have that fucked my shit up slightly, hook grip isn't an option due to me needing feeling in my thumbs

>I need to start using straps for my main deadlift sets to fix a major spinal erector imbalance

Jesus what the fuck did you do?

I knew a kid who called himself the wank he took the microphone at graduation and told all 1000 of us they will always remember the wank then made a jerking off motion over his penis on stage and all the guys laughed

You shredded yet? Post fresh pic

Well I'm all kinds of fucked, but I tore my labrum in my hip, got a femoroacetabular hip impingment on both hips, and a major spinal erector imbalance that caused a spinal rotation but it's been getting sorted out, I still want to start pulling double overhand with straps so I can fix this shit

U wot

O-ok, me at 115kg-ish