What is Veeky Forums asking santa for this year?

what is Veeky Forums asking santa for this year?

for my jaundice, liver damage and pancreatitis to go away

for him to leave me a qt short stack elf waifu

lifting shoes, lgd-4033.

that's legitimately the only things I've told people to get me so far. can't think of anything else material I want, but don't have.

to do a snowboard grab backflip out of the frat house off the ramp and onto my bfs dick

a gf

santa can't afford to bring me gifts


Pre-kaged and Re-Kaged supplements. Literally all I want in the world. I'm too poor to buy it for myself and have to survive on C4 and Six Star... feels so bad man.

Also, another year on my parents health insurance and some whey.

a qt gf :(

>dip belt
>teeth whitening strips
>frames for my degrees

Take away my social anxiety and give me some confidence and conversation skills.

>on the first day of Liftmas my gymbro gave to me

A gallon of ON proteeein

if Santa was real i would ask to die in my sleep.

On the second day of Liftmas my gymbro gave to me

2 shiny dumbells
and a gallon of ON proteeein

>On the third day of Liftmas my gymbro gave to me

>3 barbells
>2 shiny dumbells
>and a gallon of ON proteeein

a day where i feel normal

>>On the fourth day of Liftmas my gymbro gave to me

lifting belts
shiny dumbells
>>and a gallon of ON proteeein

>On the fifth day of Liftmas my gymbro gave to me

>5 golden scoooops
>4 lifting belts
>3 barbells
>2 shiny dumbells
>and a gallon of ON proteeein

Griptillian 3.5"
GoPro Hero 4 Silver
Patagonia Blackhole backpack
J Crew 770 flannel lined chinos
Uber, Volumes 1-5
Money to ground some electrical outlets in my house
A new bed for my dog
Anal sex (gonna get it from my wife either Christmas or New Years, depending on where we stay on Christmas Eve).


Compression pants
New headphones
Dip belt
I'm gonna buy them, wrap them and pretend Santa gave it to me

>>on the 6th day of liftmas my gymbro gave to me

new scooby videos
golden scoop
lifting belts
shiny dumbbells
>>and a gallon of ON protein


Just a little bit of happiness. Been a rough year

it doesn't work if you don't give 5 golden scoops your heart and soul

Veeky Forums for 2017!

SBD knee sleeves

I'll probably just buy myself some cheap bluetooth earbuds. I like to film some squat maxes to check depth and doing them without music sucks.

I can't ask mom for Savickas' shoulders so I have asked her to get me a cute russian girlfriend instead so I can have someone to go to the cottage in the middle of the winter for three months and have drunk sex with

pic related

Im asking my parents for another rescue golden retreiver/any retreiver. 1st is i love doggoes, 2st every chick in a 2 mile radius flocks to my sweet bod, new jeep wrangler and 2 retreivers named kirk and ripley. 3st is dogs are cool bros

>on the 7th day of liftmas my gymbro gave to me

> 7 squat plugs
> 6 new scooby videos
> 5 golden scoop
> 4 lifting belts
> 3 barbbells
> 2 shiny dumbbells
> and a gallon of ON protein

pic related

seems like the manliest form of cardio
and i'm tired of shadow boxing

Thinken about getting another rescue dog also. Preferably a German shepherd or another alpha. Probably a couple years old too because I don have time to potty train a young dog anymore

Poverty bags

>on the 8th day of liftmas my gymbro gave to me

> 8 high test sloots
> 7 squat plugs
> 6 new scooby videos
> 5 golden scoop
> 4 lifting belts
> 3 barbbells
> 2 shiny dumbbells
> and a gallon of ON protein

running shorts

>on the 9th day of liftmas my gymbro gave to me

> 9 grams of TEST-E
> 8 high test sloots
> 7 squat plugs
> 6 new scooby videos
> 5 golden scoop
> 4 lifting belts
> 3 barbbells
> 2 shiny dumbbells
> and a gallon of ON protein

On the 10th day of Xmas my Gym bro game to me

10 milk gallons

>> 9 grams of TEST-E
>> 8 high test sloots
>> 7 squat plugs
>> 6 new scooby videos
>> 5 golden scoop
>> 4 lifting belts
>> 3 barbbells
>> 2 shiny dumbbells
>> and a gallon of ON protein

How to be happy.

Gains and gf

>All those problems

What did you do?

take heroin. youll be happier than you could ever imagine.

but happiness is overrated. because hedonic treadmill !eans youll just adapt to your new situation.

better not to care about happiness, but rather live an interesting/exciting (to you) life

That the 8+/10 grills I basically had in the palm of my hand, which are about 4 qts (and lost due to my pasguettis and autismos, so im still a 20 y/o kv) notice me when I get Veeky Forums and regret losing interest in me back then meanwhile im getting better grills

I know I sound like a teenager but that shit will give me a confidence and ego boost like you have no idea

I will make it Veeky Forums

I don't care about excitement or interest. I just want a simple life, alone or with other people, where I can be content, but I just have no idea where to go about building that for myself.

A quiet life until I'm called back to void.

>On the 11h day of Liftmas my Gymbro gave to me

11 cardio bunnies Mirin

>10 milk gallons
> 9 grams of TEST-E
>8 high test sloots
> 7 squat plugs
>6 new scooby videos
> 5 golden scoop
>4 lifting belts
> 3 barbbells
>2 shiny dumbbells
> and a gallon of ON protein



to stop getting sick so i can continue lifting

>stop having fun!!!!

I just want to be content. It doesn't even have to be happiness, just not this constant state of exhaustion and hopelessness. I'll take it over a gf, gains, anything.



I'm Our feels are one.

No homo.


a friend! :D

>On the 11h day of Liftmas my Gymbro gave to me

12 squatters squatting

>11 cardio bunnies Mirin
>10 milk gallons
> 9 grams of TEST-E
>8 high test sloots
> 7 squat plugs
>6 new scooby videos
> 5 golden scoop
>4 lifting belts
> 3 barbbells
>2 shiny dumbbells

I fucked up the last verse, sorry about that.

go away kappa sig, stop trying to steal our wimmin

To end my misery.

help me lose 15lbs of fat

Goddammit Gary

That's ok, it was the only funny thing about that shameless flurry of samefagging.

Were not really supposed to celebrate because we lost a family member not even a year ago. I bought everyone gift cards and small gifts though. I might be getting a car from my folks though so that's all I really could ever ask for right now. Santa I give my gift pick to someone who needs it more than me.