What are the best proven accessories to SL 5x5?

What are the best proven accessories to SL 5x5?

Pull ups
Power clean

I'd add romanian deadlifts too

dip, pullip, some bicep curls too why not nigga

>Accessories on a 5x5 program

Have fun hating your 2+ hour workouts once the weights actually get heavy.

Arm shit, back shit and calf shit

Chins or pull-ups
Arm work
Calf work
Lateral raises and facepulls
Core work

It depends. What are you lacking?

Strength without respect for others is just being an asshole, not being 'alpha'.

True strength and true leadership means earning people's respect, not making them fear you. Even you enemies should respect you. If they don't then either they have no honor, or YOU have no honor. You decide which it is.

Anybody that is doing SL is lacking everywhere. They don't have "weaknesses". Everything is weak.

This is intellectual sloth.

OP, direct ab work, standing good-mornings, dumbell work for the pecs, direct arm work.

*tips fedora*

It's a meme you fucking sperg

The question is - what equipment do you have access to? SL in a home gym limits your accessory choices. That is my probable.

>some bicep curls too why not nigga
because you already have pullups you isolating faggot

>thinking that pullups are all you need for bigger 'cepses
>thinking that the 'ceps is just a vanity muscle
All great benchers did curls, even just for the elbow health. Go and do your arm work, you aren't hardcore for doing less work.

I smash twink boipussy everynight whilst they grope my chest the whole time, can you say the same mr "I only bench a little over 1pl8"

also almost 3 months into SL 5x5

>mfw stalling once I got to bodyweight squat

how do I improve??

I used to do strong lifts. Now I do a variation of it. I still do all the compounds (I dead lift for more then one set though) on A days (bench press days) I do lat pulldowns, cable rows and biceps. On B days I do chest fly's, dumb bell incline presses and triceps.

I didn't like how restrictive SL was but at the same time I really like the gains I got from it. Only sucky thing is...when those weights get heavy...be ready to take a vacation in that gym. Cause your gonna be there 1 1/2 -2 hours easy.

I think it really depends on what you personally feel you're lagging at. After lifting for a few months, I noticed that my triceps are really lagging, and it was massively holding back my OHP and bench progress (stalled at 60kg bench for a long time), so I added in tricep extensions, which helped me to easily break through.

My hamstrings/lower back OTOH started out really strong (started DLs at 90kg then quickly worked my way up to 130kg) so I'm not even focusing on those at all.

I started doing push ups on off days and after bench press because it helps me with my bench press.

Dips, pullups, chinups, curls, tricep extensions, close grip bench (not recommended if you can't bench over a pl8) lateral raises, face pulls.

Don't listen to the cultists who preach absurd shit like "squats release hgh that goes straight to your biceps and makes them grow", or minimalist faggots who claim that the big 3 will make you big.

Just go about your programming smartly, don't overdo shit, a few accessories for your arms and shit here and there will be fine and will probably help if done correctly.

Since we're on the topic of accessories, you might as well just do ICF 5x5, it's a good program to go with for 6 months to a year, see where it takes you - after you're past the novice phase you can alternate between strength and hypertrophy routines.

shoo shoo go away Jason Blaharino

How did you know? I'm on the phone with the FBI as we speak, you better get packing.