Stop doing curls

Stop doing curls.

Other urls found in this thread:

what's with people having a hard-on about this murderer? bad music, bad looks, bad person in general.

Ok, I will stop doing curls because a random stranger, who gave no evidence supporting his claim, told me to do so.

I've been listening to black metal for nearly 20 years now, he made 2-3 classic albums imo so I respect him for that. However, it's cringeworthy seeing people lap up every word that comes out of his mouth now he's vlogging on Youtube. The man's a fucking idiot. Genocide of white people currently going on in France lmao. Also that video where he was butthurt about people making blonde jokes.

KYS Varg Churchburner

>t. a person that has never even benched 3pl8 and thinks 2pl8 OHP is achievable only on roids.

Did he actually kill someone? I thought he just burned a church down.


it's a fucking meme, lad, noone takes his opinions seriously
>bad music

Maybe not here but check the comments on his videos if you are bored one time. Hilarious but they also make you despair for humanity.

I love Varg's music. I think a lot of his worldview resonates with me to some degree, even though a good portion of it be shitbrained. His ideas on European paganism are interesting at worst, enlightening at best.

But this nigger truly believes that you should not lift weights. You should only do bodyweight exercises according to him.

it's the same as rich piana, he's a meme on Veeky Forums. I do like his music though

Join the Military.

He's so inconsistent though and not as clever as he thinks he is. Not even close. He has absolutely no class when talking about Oystein, he constantly lies and tries to claim he never liked metal anyway. He'll say one thing and do another, e.g he once said he's anti-literature (since spoken word is what our ancestors preferred or someshit) yet releases shitty role playing books. Anti-consumerism/capitalism yet drives a car everywhere, uses the internet and technology etc.
Total nutjob basically, no one should trust anything that comes out of his mouth. He despised Oystein for being an attention whore but he's exactly that himself, to an even larger extent.

I met Mattis. He's a pretty cool guy.

t. jimmy nu-tron

Curls vs. Weighted chinups

Which is better for biceps size?


can't /thread yourself fgt

It's not so much genocide as it is replacement because africans and arabs reproduce irresponsibly like fucking rabbits.

Paris has become africa. They call it genocide because the UN's definition can be applied to the situation.

curls for girls bro

I'm with varg on this one, curls suck. Dunkelheit is the song I put on when I go for PR's tho

Hey guys is this the Varg thread?

Eat your vitamins and say your prayers.

>Anti-consumerism/capitalism yet drives a car everywhere, uses the internet and technology

>Genocide of white people currently going on in France lmao
That is happening