Routine Thread

Routine Thread
Get in here boys

Other urls found in this thread:

-Upper Workout-
Barbell Bench Press 3 x 8 (Horizontal Push) Chest

Barbell Row / T-Bar Row 3 x 8 (Horizontal Pull) Back (Thickness)

Behind The Neck Press 3 x 8 (Vertical Push) Shoulders

Pull-Ups / Lat-Pulldowns 3 x 8 (Vertical Pull) Back (Width)

Tricep Extension Isolation 3 x 8-10

Bicep Supinated Isolation 3 x 8-10

-Lower Workout-

Barbell Squat 3 x 8 (Lower Body Push) / (Quadricep Dominant)

Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 (Lower Body Pull) / (Hamstring Dominant)

Barbell Hip Thrusts 3 x 8 (Glute Isolation)

Gastrocnemius/Soleus Isolation 3 x 8

Abdominal Isolation 3 x 8


my current workout


10 x 1-5 db bench
10 x 1-5 ohp
3 x dips until failure

pull day
5 x 5 deadlifts
3x 5 db rows
3 x chinups to failure
3 x 10 barbell row
3x 10 barbell curls

leg day

10 x. 5-10 squat

I'm just following Stronglifts program, for 3 days a week.

Workout A: 5x5 Squat, 5x5 Bench Press, 5x5 Barbell Row

Workout B: 5x5 Squat, 5x5 Overhead Press, 1x5Deadlift,

Pretty easy to follow which is good because I'm a beginner.


>drink plenty of fruit juice for good energy

>little carbs
>plenty of juice

Dumbbell clean and press 5x5
deadlift 7-12 x 3-6 at 70%

Dumbbel 1 arm clean and jerk 5x2
Dumbbell clean and press 3x10,8,6
pullups 50 total

dumbbell curl to press 3x8-10
dl 7-12 x 3-6 at 70% OR Squat 5x5
Pushups 50 total

do you even arms.


Beginner Routine

Lower 1
Squat 5x5
RDL 3x8
Calves 3x8
Abs 3x15

Upper 1
Bench 5x5
Pull-up 3x8
Triceps 3x8
Biceps 3x8
Lateral Raises 3x15

Lower 2
Deadlift 4x5
Front Squat 3x8
Calves 3x8
Abs 3x15

Upper 2
OHP 5x5
Row 3x8
Triceps 3x8
Biceps 3x8
Rear Delts 3x15

Intermediate Routine DUP PPL

Front Squat can be subbed for Back Squats

Pause Front Squats can be subbed for Front Squats

Incline Bench can be subbed for Flat Bench

Add Curls if needed
Add Arm Day if needed

Order: Legs 1, Push 1, Pull 1, Rest, Legs 2, Push 2, Pull 2, Rest, Repeat
6 Week long program. Two 3-week cycles with a deload week in between.

To all the novice retards ITT: you do not have enough knowledge to make your own programs (clearly).

Only one ITT who's actually going to make it. Don't be afraid to add some chinups, curls etc. Also don't forget to eat and sleep.

>what are arms

Don't listen to this. This either troll or retarded.

>actually told him not to be afraid to add curls
Hey, good luck with your 5 day brosplit. Atleast you'll make sick arm gains with your arm day :^)

That's a meme made specifically for the new year / summerfags. I think I even remember the thread this was first posted in.

Attention beginners: do SS / SL, eat +500 kcal above your maintenance if you want to gain weight, -500 if you want to lose weight. Don't forget to sleep, 9 hours a night would be ideal but that's not possible for me as a student so try to sleep atleast 7 hours.

M: press
T: pull
W: bw circuit
Th: squat
F: press and row
Sat: front squat

Keep in mind i am hammering away at these for 45mins or so.

Can you explain the logic of this program please, especially the rep max sets

>Atleast you'll make sick arm gains with your arm day
No arm day here

uh.... can you literally not?

i do push pull legs upper lower workout... with accessories... so get on my level...

A soaking wet 135 lbs weakling should definitely focus on his "guns" rather than actually working his entire body and developing his CNS...

What are your stats on the main lifts?

It is more of a heavy single, triple, or 5 rep set, than a max. Stop a rep before failure. These are the sets you want to focus progression on.

Front Squat
Week 1: 5rm and 1rm
Week 2: 3rm and 5rm
Week 3: 1rm and 3rm

Add weight to the bar every time you do the same rep scheme. So Week 1 Legs 1 will be a heavy set of 5. The next time you do a heavy set of 5 will be Week 2, Legs 2. Add weight (usually 2.5lbs-5lbs) here. Same thing with the 1 rep set and the 3 rep set.

>A soaking wet 135 lbs weakling should definitely focus on his "guns" rather than actually working his entire body and developing his CNS...

His arms are part of his body

Thanks. Is this something you came up with yourself or found elsewhere? How have you been finding the program?

3x weekly

>5x5 Squat
>5x5 Romanian Deadlift
>5x10 Dumbbell Split Squat (5 on each leg, 10 per set)
>5x5 Bench
>5x5 Tricep Extension

plus either one of the following but not both:

>5x10 Single leg glute bridges (5x per side again)
>2x15 and 3rd set to failure roman chair situps

>inb4 arms and shoulders i'm grill and only want decent definition on upper body

This is the original program written by powerlifter Elliot Atwell. Youtuber David Laid has been running it though. I just added another Leg and Pull day. And for Push Day 2 I substituted OHP with Incline Bench.

Video starts at 3:36

I'm (really badly) epileptic and I'm worried that I'd really hurt myself by seizing while using a machine or heavy weights. What's the safest way to get fit with that in mind?

body weight fitness would be your best bet.
start with pushups pullups and lunges. in the meantime look into studying form levers, handstand pushups, pistol squats etc. i dont know too much about bodyweight fitness so go to their subreddit or a /bwg/ thread here. u dont necessarily need weights to build strength and muscle; where theres a will theres a way.

good luck my man