Quit smoking

>quit smoking
>stopped drinking alcohol
>stopped taking drugs
>stopped eating sweets
>stopped eating junkfood
>stopped clubbing because sleep is important

Am i gonna make it, Brehs?

Other urls found in this thread:


>stopped smoking
never gonna mkae it

Congratulations on all of that. Keep it up.

Besides smoking and doing drugs, you can get away with everything else if you know the meaning of the word ''moderation''.

you can smoke and take drugs in moderation too, fuckwit

>be me
>stop drinking, meth, heroin, benzos, various psychedelics
>still smoke kush everyday
>workout high for better gains
>eat junkfood and sweets cause easy calories
>still don't get enough sleep but it's not really a big deal

No, you cant. You dumbfuck.

I couldn't.... :(

>knows anything about current drug culture

only people like you who lack discipline can't

Why should I? I really couldnt care less about ''current drug culture''.

Dont you feel dumb posting such things? Are you 16?

What have you started doing?

So you don't know and yet you talk like you do? Fkin smart cunt right here aye?

Guys..Guys....Shut the fuck up.

How are you liking being sober?

Have drugs gotten any less addictive or something? wtf are you talking about?

yeah bro you didn't hear? heroin's not addictive anymore which fucking rules man.

>mainline every day 3x a day
>progressive overload on the dose for my neuroreceptor gains
>I can stop any time I want because heroin's not addictive anymore
>I just don't want to stop right now

Drugs are not more addictive than alcohol. You can drink alcohol every now and then without problems. Only difference is that alcohol is literally poison.

>he doesn't know about ΔFosB
>doesn't know anything about biochemistry at all in fact
>"drugs are not more addictive than alcohol"

I trust you and I think you're right. I'm gonna stop drinking and start smoking meth because at least that's not literal poi-

Probably not. The people who actually make it and reach their fitness goals don't make posts like these look for validation and compliments.

I can tell by your post that you just started, like this week. There is a 95 % chance or more, just the facts, that you won't make it. I hope you do, but I really think you wont.

You shouldn't completely give up everything. You shouldn't never have sweets, or junkfood, or alcohol again. The people who really make it learn to do things in moderation. The people who burn out and quit are the people who go so hard in the beginning, having a super strict diet with low calories and pushing themselves super hard in the gym.

Find a moderate fitness that is sustainable. Have a cheat meal every week. Work out hard, but leave some in the tank so you are not tired all week and so that you can come back again and train.

I am really just ranting. I dont know why because you will not make. You fat fuck. But in case you do, take my advice. By really you probably wont.

Yeah meth is dangerous but there are alot safer drugs you can take.

question, how long ago did you quit?

Why are you treating drugs and alcohol like they're different you idiot?

it's all relative to the dose ffs

i'll step in for the dumbass defending drugs like a dam libertarian, and say there are some safe nonaddictive drugs that don't fuck with gainz
0 addiction potential, safe to use as long as you don't put yourself in a dangerous situation
same as lsd, also helps depression for them >mental gainz
>weed (dude lmao)
this one isn't great for everyone because a ton of people become emotionally dependent on it
obviously smoking is bad for you but there are better ways to ingest THC

pretty much all other drugs fuck up your body and mind.

>pretty much all other drugs fuck up your body and mind.
fucking idiot detected

>"Drugs are not more addictive than alcohol"

I guess you meant to type "A lot of drugs are not more addictive than alcohol, but obviously I understand addiction is so dependant on personal genetics and countless variables that I cannot make blanket statements about which substances are objectively more addictive than other substances."

I gotta work on reading between the lines.

bro I've done more of those 3 than you'll do in your lifetime. please don't "educate" me about them.

and yes I know that the vast majority of psychoactive substances are not "addictive" to the vast majority of people. but these drugs can present what you might call a psychological addiction for a small percentage of people who use them enough to overexpress certain genes (i.e. FosB)

alright tell everyone what you know then.

Drinking alcohol in moderation is actually recommended by cardiologists to prevent cardiovascular diseases, especially if you drink it in the form of wine. Marijuana is the only drug that comes to mind that has also some therapeutic uses.

how is meth dangerous? it gets such bad rap, it's not fair. meth is hella underrated. most of its awful health effects are little more than a byproduct of the insomnia and anorexia it brings about. it's only neurotoxic in very high doses. it's not half as cardiotoxic as cocaine. meth is actually really safe and of course awesome if you treat it with respect and use it with care.

>Marijuana is the only drug that comes to mind that has also some therapeutic uses.
Literally every recreational drug has therapeutic uses.

>How is meth dangerous?
>it's easy to use it with care



I feel like I shouldn't have had to do that, but oh well.

>0 addiction potential
No such thing. That's just a meme perpetuated by drug addicts. I once got addicted to collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards. There are people addicted to eating drywall, etc.

Psychological addiction can be just as harmful and damaging to your life as physical addiction.

I'm struggling to find therapeutic uses for 5-MeO-DMT

no it's not. it's not outright recommended. they'll tell you it's better than doing nothing, but they'd prefer you just buy some resveratrol.

Feels good having a guy like you who actually knows his shit around, to prove these junkies wrong.

i meant physical dependence, not addiction. i realize it's dumb to use addiction as it is a blanket term for mental dependency as well.

oh i understand meth is dangerous, i was just asking that user to enlighten us on what exactly the dangers are seeing he told us it was so dangerous.
also virtually all of those side effects as well as the risk of overdose are negated by taking very low doses, and eating and sleeping well.

are you really trying to convince people on a Laotian Bio-engineering forum that meth is ok to use??

>people who smoke meth smoke very low doses all the time
>it's easy to limit yourself to low doses
>people who smoke meth eat and sleep well for sure because meth doesn't kill appetite and sleep patterns

what's going on in here?

the dangers are it fucking makes you feel fantastic and you want more of that feeling. and even if you quit for good after just a few times you will always know you could feel that good again if you just smoked a little. have you ever smoked meth/met people who smoke meth?

Well DMT and ayahuasca are known to be useful for helping in treating drug addiction, too much of a stretch to say maybe 5-MeO-DMT possesses similar powers?

What are the relapse rates for drug addicts who undergo DMT treatment?

You can do everything in moderation. I do drugs and smoke in moderation, so fuck off.

I take 10mg a day, orally in the morning with breakfast. Sometimes I take 15mg. I haven't the need to smoke it. I eat healthily and meet my caloric requirements. I sleep 5-10 consecutive hours every night. I am a productive and responsible working class citizen, yes, despite being a daily user of meth. In fact I figure if it weren't for meth I'd have offed myself many years ago. Meth makes me feel happy, alive, awake, confident, clear-headed, inspired, and engaged. Without meth I am a depressed and unmotivated shell of a human being, and I have not the desire nor the ability in my mind to go about my daily chores. Personally, I find my use of meth very easy to manage, it's really alcohol that I struggle to moderate my intake of, and I find meth helps me manage my cravings for alcohol as well, and I really do love it for that, were I still an alcoholic heavens I'd probably be dead.

I am thinking about taking molly again for a rave soon.
Haven't done any for a year now and also don't go to raves that often.
How bad will it be for them gainz?

>I do drugs

What drugs?

>smoke in moderation

You cannot smoke in moderation and get away with it without consequences. I have never met a single person who ''smokes in moderation'' (meaning they only do so in social ocassions) that didnt have a characteristic type of constant cough when the weather starts to get very humid and cold; and also more often than not get very nasty cases of flu whenever they get infected by the virus.

Surely you dont feel that shit yet as you might only be in your 20's so your body kinds of tolerates it. But you will start to pay for all the cigarettes you are smoking now when you are 30 or 40+.

>Without meth I am a depressed and unmotivated shell of a human being, and I have not the desire nor the ability in my mind to go about my daily chores
what is "addiction"

>Meth makes me feel happy, alive, awake, confident, clear-headed, inspired, and engaged.

You do realize that, normally, people can feel this way without relying on drugs, do you?

>Without meth I am a depressed and unmotivated shell of a human being, and I have not the desire nor the ability in my mind to go about my daily chores.

You DO have a problem.

>"I'm not addicted guys, meth isn't dangerous."
>t. maintenance meth addict


I am no doubt dependant on meth but I am capable of stopping my meth use anytime, as I have proven to myself on many occasions. However, even after many months of sobriety, my severe depression, which I have carried with me since my childhood, remains. I am not a "drug addict" anymore than your average diagnosed depressed person is a drug addict for taking antidepressant drugs everyday. I have tried many of the drugs doctors are willing to prescribe to treat depression and I have yet to find one that works for me.

btw post pics of your body fucking making these claims about eating healthy...

also it's like 30% less bioavailable orally so you're does is more like vaping 14mg, just for context.

I agree. Everyone quits smoking tons of times.

With all the negativity in this thread I just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Am a recovering "party addict" too now trying to make sense of this mess via fitness and introspection.

If you dont make it this time you will make it eventually. The real addicts never ever think about the possibility of quitting, they just consume day in day out, so you are well ahead of the curve already! (have seen this personally in a lot of friends)

Chances are you are pretty young like me, so you can unfuck yourself until you are 30. The best people did go through these times, you arent inherently broken just because you fucked up for a few years here and there. Just keep pushing

>Drug culture
xD upboted weed lmao

How to get better sleep?

I get the discipline of sleeping early, but I want to maximize my sleep quality.


Just remember that the only thing stopping you from sliding backwards is you OP. It's never ok to let your guard down

I know that feel brah, hang in there. We are all gonna make it.

thanks bruh. haven't gotten drunk or high in 16 months. life keeps getting better. wonder if that's a coincidence.