good mornings

> good mornings
>Middle of the fuckin afternoon

>still alive

>still depressed

>still rotator cuff

>romanian deadlifts
>still murican

>bicep curl
>no cottage cheese

>Romanian deadlifts
>Not Romanian

>don't burp

>front squat
>at the back of the gym

>military press
>still a civilian

>kettle bell swings
>no bells can be heard

>Get kicked out of gym when I wear them

>decline bench press
>do them anyway

>power clean
>nothing is getting cleaned

>not in a boat

>brain crushers
>still a genius

>Suicide Grip Bench

>Isolated curls
>not alone

>actually start at a 45 degree angle; dumbbells go behind the head

>not even rusaian

>ass to grass

>calf raise
>never a bull

>weighted dips
>chips keep breaking

>pay a monthly fee to be here

>has terrible mobility

Sorry this is not a joke ;_;

>squat rack
>actually doing curls

>Veeky Forums
>No one is fit