When will it get back down to 300?

When will it get back down to 300?


I don't think so, I think it goes up next week

It doesnt. Except new ath soon and then a pull back to the mid to high 300's

It will oscillate between 350 and 300 for a while.

If it keeps on going sideways tomorrow I'm going to shit myself in frustration.

I have a buy order set for 303, should I raise it? I'm afraid it will dip to 303.01 then moon while I'm not looking.

then set it to $303.10 idiot

When the crypto-bubble pops. Being the center-piece of the current bubble, ethereum will not be able to survive one bit. But until then, enjoy the ponzi gains.

but what if it only gets to $303.11?

I just bought at 309 so get ready for a plummet

Good thing I have these stop orders just incase it all goes to shit (nosedives after 300) when I'm sleeping.

Never can be too careful.

A $1.4mm sell wall was pulled on GDAX about 20 min ago

Didn't mean to specifically reply to you



>calls others idiots
>is the actual idiot

what does he mean by this?

ETH will mount a recovery, many, many shitcoins will not

accumulation pattern confirmed.

moon mission back to 400 soon

mount up kids

all of my indicators say otherwise

which indicators you stupid pajeet? you shitting yourself cause u shorting aint you?