Tfw gf arms are bigger than mine

>tfw gf arms are bigger than mine

How do I get her to become Veeky Forums without offending her?

Flex infront of her, asks if she likes and when she says yes ask why when she says you're big and stronk say

>then you must really love yourself
>cuz you're fat Marina
>your arms are huge
>fuck sake

sneak DNP into her food

A fat girl (whom I am not dating) lost some kind of bet with me and afterwards I decided that her "punishment" would be to do C25k with me. She likes me, so she took it like a champ. We're in the second month of this now.
Maybe this will be useful 4u

Offend her. If she blows a gasket and dumps you because she can't handle a little criticism, you've dodged a bullet. You don't want to be with someone you're not physically attracted to anyway, and if they aren't willing to make themselves look good for you, they aren't worth your time.

is Marina your gf?

She better have some rockin knockers op

Give up now. This is not a fight you will win. Dump and find someone with better personal habits.

>Dump and find someone with better personal habits.
Easy to say but next to impossible to do
Even fat pieces of shit girls with personalities like Hannibal Lecter have boyfriends so its not easy to find a new one

Nigga you look like an NPC from some back fuckin woods village in Skyrim.

Burn everything to the ground and start over OP, it's the only solution.

Unless, of course, you're willing to try and have a mature conversation with your partner.

Mirin those pythons desu

Wait until she pumps out a couple puppies user. My wife was normal weight, not fit, but not fat. 2 babies later, bad scene.

For me, i had blown up with sympathy weight during her pregnancies, was way overweight it wasnt too hard to pull the 'lets get fit together'....has worked well, we are both committed and on our way to being Veeky Forums

Get her arm routine

fake your death holy shit

Dude OP your gf is attractive. How tall are you guys?

That's fat on her arms.

Take her to the gym with you.

> having babbies with a fatty

you are the problem


>How do I get her to become Veeky Forums without offending her?

No female, in the history of the earth, has ever lost weight and kept it off without help of drugs or open major surgery. If someone says they know someone who did this, they are lying. If you say you saw this yourself, its only been a short time and/or you are lying.

Overall, women do not better themselves. They might temporarily better themselves in one aspect or another from time to time, but generally its downhill from HS or college (wherever they last felt intense, inescapable social pressure).

Always remember: she -will- be offended/upset/mad if you suggest, in any way shape or form, she exercise. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNIVERSAL

>Unless, of course, you're willing to try and have a mature conversation with your partner.
ok youre either a dilusional girl or a guy who has never dated a female. this is the fucking clueless-tier snarkiness, so im 99% sure youre a girl.

>Her arms are bigger than mine

You should get yourself some bigger arms, then.

She obviously lifts more than you, chump.

Nonsense women starve themselves all the damn time.

Only your last point is true.

yeah and thats not/never sustainable.

they starve themselves for a month... maybe a year... then its back to being a fatty. and almost always theyre fatter than when they started. like i said, they may better themselves in various ways temporarily, but its never a solid change. its always that flakey, half-assed "im doing it so a chad will bang me" effort that dissipates when chad either does and leaves, or doesnt, bang her

This. If her arms are more muscular than you, fucking lift. If she's obese, lift TOGETHER

if she refuses and in the process endorses HAES or whatever, put forth your last effort and plead with her to get healthy if only because you love her and never want to lose her

if she still insists she's fine, you're only in for heartbreak

Femanon here! My husband got me to work out (when I was almost 400 pounds at the time) that he was lonely at the gym and wanted me to come along. I was naive as fuck and came with him. So maybe suggest that? Tell her you want someone to work out with and maybe even throw some cheesy shit in there like "bby it'll make us closer and make us bond"

Jesus fuck 400 lbs....

protip: you dont

>400 lbs.


i date a fattie im happy.

Dump her. You can do better.

stop being a gross misogynist and accept her for who she is

think about it like this:

every day goes by where you don't say something, she's subconsciously losing a little respect for you. she knows she should tighten her shit up, and she knows you know. she also knows you're just avoiding it and hoping it will fix itself. this is pussy repellant. just have an honest, completely open, nice conversation with her. communicate your thoughts and feelings with her without being mean or insensitive. she's probably going to take it poorly. let her blow up on you. she will get over it and realize you are right if she's worth keeping.

t. dating a 185lb woman who I love so much, but god damn man...

man that shit blows my mind

people are actually trying to make being into hot girls in bikinis a bad thing

what the fuck