Traps, not faggot boipussy traps

How many of you guys actually train traps?
Is it true that you don't fuck with guys who have big traps?

How to obtain big traps in like 3+ months?

what's a good way to train traps other than dl? I mean an actual isolating workout

i do powercleans.

Shrugs. Love that movie btw


Dumbbell shrugs. Put like 15-20% of your deadlift max in each hand and do sets of 15.

Yeah, I train traps like every session.

My best lifts for traps are
>barbell shrugs
>static holds
>rack pulls
>shitty rows

Shrugs and rackpulls

If you do deadlifts and clean and press, then you shouldn't need to isolate traps. You'll also hit them during rows, which you're probably doing already.

Do more deadlifts, and always clean into your OHP.

shrugs or cleans

cleans made mine explode

how many people actually OHP? I never do it, wouldn't really know what workout to throw it in with. I do bench and lots of accessories for chest and I don't isolate traps

You can do it on your chest day if you want. Overhead press is mainly a shoulder exercise, but you work your upper chest and tris a little bit, too.

Or you can do it on your leg day, if you don't want to overexert your front delts from all that pressing on your chest day. Your shoulders are important, bro.

I train shoulders pretty hard but do military press instead of OHP. Gotten pretty damn heavy at MP so hopefully it'll translate over a bit and my OHP won't be embarrassing. ty famalam

are you a retard? barbell OHP is one of the fundamental lifts...

>military press instead of OHP

That's what I meant, actually. Standing barbell overhead press. I didn't know overhead press had some other common meaning.

But seated or standing, barbell or dumbbell, it's all pretty much the same exercise anyway; pressing heavy shit over your head.

Whats the difference?

t. Military presser

If i'm not mistaken military press is the dumbbell version of ohp and is usually done while sitting. If i'm wrong and i've been doing some meme exercise instead of proper military press then you're gonna have one pissed off Veeky Forumsfag on your hands here real quick.

wtf retard

pretty sure military is just a very strict ohp with no forward hips

or its seated db press

I have an amazing trap genetics. I don't do traps anymore though, big traps looks disgusting, seriously

I was 170lbs and did shrugs 15-20 slow reps 330lbs

got any pics?

OP you're going to jail, aren't you.

Farmers Walk