Tinder thread

How can you subtly reveal to girls on tinder that you lift if you're not using pictures that already would make that obvious?

lol that was bretty funny OP

Definitely not pic related

Are you sure? Seems to be working. Although I wouldn't ask if I am self wasn't sure.

post her pictures

Not sure if she's doing the xdd le ironic thing here or she's actually attracted to you

Either way you have her attention

Now seal the deal.

I wish I had the screenshots from some some girl I was letting dubs decide the message to.
It got kinda racist and she still wanted to hook up hahahaha.

Sounds like she's into you in the most autistic way possible.

Start browsing for rings my man.

How do I do that?

OP pls post more of you questing


Ask when she's free

>X day

>Good, well now you have plans on X day

Proceed to fuck her brains out


Just for you user

Already there

God bless Canada

Fuck dude, I didn't even know people still used tinder. Is it too hard to talk to girls when you're not behind a screen or accompanied by your hentai pillows?

I don't even have the guts to talk to girls on tinder, if I match any I just immediately unmatch

teach me how to talk to girls pls



was it the quads get? damn, I had to go to sleep so I missed that, if that's you I'm glad to hear you delivered!

Good job, brah.