What sports do girls watch?

What sports do girls watch?

If all black girls looked like that I would never fuck another white/hispanic girl again


She's smokin hot but the fact she's barefoot in that ghetto ass neighborhood is turnoff.

The only thing close to a sport girls watch is awards shows and fashion shows



I watch football.

What ever their friends/boyfriend watches
Girls always want to fit in and go with the majority

Reality TV and shitty celebrity tabloids.

Oh yeah? Give me the name and the blood type of the New York Giants coach from 1993-1996.

Football football or handegg?

>baseball fan
>likes the Yankees
Pick one

Football if anything

where im from, girls watch college basketball and volleyball while some watch nba

My gf watches volleyball, that shit gets intense

Nice blackpeople twitter meme

Her fiance plays baseball professionally


I used to argue that soccer was the best sport (I played in high school), but I tried watching the world cup one year and it was crazy boring.

Qimmah russo

Women can only understand dirty, paltry, daily competition. They can't give a fuck about war, sport (which is a stilization of war) or chess.

whatever is deemed 'popular' at the moment

women don't have preferences or personalities, just hiveminds

Is Instagram a sport?

Real Housewives of (insert city). 50+ year old women acting like children is the only sport women like to watch.