High test thread

How do you convert someone to high test

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You kill yourself, and they will magically transform.

how could you possibly want the right more than left? what's wrong with you? that's not high test that's falling for the feminism jew

You hating high test?

Well your pic just has a fat girl but all the high test chicks I've known LIFT. Like they all had respectable DLs. High test QTs are basically female bearmode, good muscle mass (especially in the low body) but higher BF% and big tits, or they're young and in the early stages of getting fat.

So basically fuck 22 year olds, or literally SS + Gomad


High test is not women with high testosterone.

I like thicc meme but girl on left is objectively better

Your test isnt high enough

nah, girl on the right is a little too big
fatties with jawlines are a crime
>just tried posting swimsuitsuccubus
>all her shit is copyrighted
what a bitch

Not that I'm complaining, but isn't there already a high test thread up right now already?

I know that dingus but I'm referring to the thicc girls I know with that bodytype and dat butt

That isn't high test. That's shapeless pudgy square with small tits disgusting mode.

To be high test there needs to be curves

Fit >>> Fat

Knock this meme shit off. If fit you is better than fat you, why the fuck would you think fat grill is better than foreman grill? Next you're going to start propane enhanced cooking you heathen.

See how rightside has her legs crossed to appear curvier? That's a fat chick, and they only get fatter as time goes on.

Left is also 5'11 and will make most guys feel like manlets

>high test, 1890's edition

Face it, this is what you really want: A NATURAL hourglass figure, not some girl with a fat ass.

If she doesn't have naturally wide hips and naturally big, wide boobs, with a narrow waist, then it's just a fat ass.

I see a crime.

What crime

>low test wannabe posting shapeless blobs and thinking he's high test
You clearly don't get it. You just follow along with what you think the meme is because you have no mind of your own. Seems like the majority of people don't get it, and I feel like how kids must feel when adults try to figure out why they love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

The right one is way more high test.


well you are the one thats not get it...
Hight test meme means fat chicks that rise the test Levels of "beast"...
High test can be anything that rise your test Levels... but it begun with just fat chicks and guys believing they have high test Levels but actually the were low test... you know they like just fat chicks... easy Targets.... not Alpha.

Sorry, but I don't trust Russians for English-language meme knowledge.

No you fucking imbecile, the meme is that people with high test are into curvier women, not that they raise your test levels.

That...that sounds more like a you problem then a her problem. If we can ask grills to be the right shape, I think it's the least we can do to ask men to be the right height. 6 foot master race.

I am 6'. In heels she will be an inch taller than me

Oh jesus that ass!

>how do you make someone fat

You feed them (too much) food, then they become disgusting.

I dont want a broad back. I want a girl with wide hips and a big ass, small waist and back, but with huge breasts.

Not just a dyel bloke twisting his body like in your pic.

я тeбя пoхopoню cyкa.
My english meme knowledge is superior!
You afrikan amerikano

Is this your first year here newfag?!


No, she just got fat and has some hardcore photoshop being done to shape that sad flabby shape into something decent.

thats more like a square body and nothing about her body turns me on in the slightest. i think society just make people THINK dyel girls are more acceptable to be seen with than a high test girl. i know i sound like a numale but i dont really care to be honest

Is my GF High Test ready?

yes get off fit and semen in her pussy

My problem is that if I had the left, I would cheat on her with the right and vice versa. The grass is always greener on the other side.

But those are fat girls.

Stop posting

>she has to wear body shaping underwear to hide the shitty belly and curves
user, don't you realize what you are doing to yourself.

>thunder thighs
user you could have prevented this.

God I'd wreck that girl on the left.

hip to waist ratio

THATS the stuff

the good stuff



Please tell me this isnt the same girl

God damn what a travesty


Eh, im not picky, I've slept with women 10 years younger than me and 20 years older than me, brown, asian and white, slim and chubby, 5/10 and 10/10 All i ask is not too black and not obese.

I know but I'm a sucker for fat asses



Nobody under 40 should look this way

The right is before, the left is after.

>Thinking anyone but the literal bottom feeders in this thread find that attractive.
I like a fat ass too but not when I can tell the rest of her is bigger. Stop posting.