

If you don't even train, don't come in

reminder that trappy is a man and doesn't lift

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Back at it


That kid in the back mirin


SSB bullied me enough that I invented a new kind of sumo called Poutmo where I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I keep getting fatter so it looks like I'm getting stronger.


How to stop upper back rounding/tipping over in squats? Thinking of doing lots of front squats

Fronts, highbar, paused squats. Paused highbar, while it may be a huge meme, is also both a megacomfy variant and productive.

>High bar

when should someone move on from a beginner routine like stronglifts 5x5 to a more advanced routine?

Finding the following to be true re: rep ranges lads

>squat: literally whatever, high reps build muscle and teach you to grind while keeping your position
>bench: sets over five are good for a pump but not much else. stick to the 1-4 range and spam sets
>deads: dan john was right. a few sets of a few heavy reps.

Yeah I'm pretty sure there almost a 0% the one second from the bottom is trappy.

Lith is a shitty, useless, weak, unfunny, weaseling, underage faggot. I think most people here recognize that.

what's your (projected gym) total and bodyweight at m8

Post a formcheck

when you stall repeatedly

I'm sorry aren't you the "low[high] bar is mega comfy" guy?

Ok, will do. That's actually similar to my planned fix - one day for paused front squats, one day for highbar volume, and one day to do medium weight lowbar to actually practice cueing and fixing my form

Pick one

>low reps for bench

When they stop progressing linearly

Take pic related with a grain of salt, symmetric strength isn't exactly known for being conservative with estimates.

Low bar is mega comfy and putting the bar a bit higher on the rear delts is comfy. I wouldn't quite call it high bar because it wasn't resting on my traps.


I would but I'm too lazy to make a YouTube account/webm. It's nothing you guys haven't seen before, I'm semi-upright on my descent, and then my hips shoot up out of the hole and my upper back starts to round over

Pt. 2

Bench is tng, so you can subtract ~20 lbs. Bw is somewhere around 205, if I had to guess.

Highbar/front squats are how humans are naturally supposed to squat. Lowbar feels awkward as fuck. Front squats are the comfiest squats except for the wrist/finger pain that sometimes accompanies them

>391 lbs

>490 lbs

>using tng for e1rm

I'd be amazed if you could hit any of those to IPF standards desu..

Please o 100kg benchman, teach me your ways

I like front squats more than high bar desu, the rack position feels way better

Tbf the squat is from the 290x10 I did yesterday. Like I said, take these with a grain of salt.

>Using tng
Don't worry, I'll be testing my paused max in 2 weeks.

Speaking of Dan john, what do you lads think of Easy Strength?

I used to have this issue and fixing my descent pretty much removed it

Not saying assistance like front squats wont help but shooting yourself in the foot on the way down wont help

Honestly I'm kind of looking forward to have to front/highbar squat more often to fix my form issue. I've kind of wanted to focus on them for a while but couldn't find the time. They're just so natural and comfy.

GL senpai. Hope you smesh 315. Also, reminder that 10 rep sets will almost always inflate your e1rm. I'm pretty sure I could squat 290x10 and 99% sure I would get pinned under 390.

Seems like possibly a slightly more reasonable Bulgarian in that you won't have the temptation to shoot for a PR every time you walk in the gym. I would say good as a return from a layoff/injury for sure. Wouldn't want a lifter with shoddy form doing it.

I think my descents fine honestly, it's stable and my back angle stays the same throughout. It's right out of the hole where my hips shoot up that's fuckin me up


what a shit website desu

I know it's lightweight but looks wwwaaayyy better


You need to get that bench up man, but pretty nice. Since your squat is so good, have you ever considered taking some time to focus more on deadlifts to get them to around 550-600? Also you ever tried sumo?

I'd ensure you aren't folding in the descent. Take a form vid next time. For the longest time I thought my major squat issue was hips shooting up causing me to collapse, but I was actually collapsing before I had even hit depth because I wasn't sitting back enough.

Take some video to diagnose.

Sound the fucking twink alarm

>tfw I'll soon be lighter than twink retard

i did to a full dl prog and my real max is prob around 550 or more but i didnt max (i did 463x9)

I have videos, just don't wanna post myself here plus too lazy to webm or make a YouTube account. Bar path is straight and back angle stays the same during the descent

Thanks senpai. I just hope the shitty equipment I'll have to use over break won't cuck me.


>-7 symmetry

Pls no, I feel and look so fat :(

Thanks lad, that actually means a lot. This new setup feels really good.

i did do*

If you on dat minimalist life, would you prioritize rows or pullups/chinups? Basically, which one will actually make me less likely to injure my shoulders.

Oh damn nice

Are you gonna compete in subjunior worlds?

video of lifts where

So the hip shoots up during the ascent? You know what you gotta do - hit those quads senpai. Don't just expect leg extensions to fix your shit though, you've got to figure out some cues that work for you when you're under load.

>Pls no, I feel and look so fat :(

try growing vertically

don't worry I'm abhorrently dyel and weak right now (see webm of me cg benching 210x4) all my size was/is fat somehow

idk where the muscles I dl with are hiding

I'd alternate them if you only have time to do one a week. Both are too important to omit. But I fucking hate pullups. God I hate them so fucking much.

my trip is my youtube name

Ive never competed, and I would if i could if i had a mode of transportation

Unfortunately for you, vertebral discs can't hypertrophy :^)

You look halfway decent, just need some arm work.


>big arch, big ribcage, decent form
>shitty bench


I'm sadly looking at a realistic two day a week now through June or so. I figure squat and bench day A, deads, bench, and maybe paused squats day B. Hammer one pull each day and superset it with whatever other bodybuilding/prehab I have the energy for.

holy fuck

Yep, that's what I plan to do. I was thinking one day pause front squats, one day highbar volume, and then a third day to hit moderately heavy lowbar squats and practice cueing myself better

wtf is your lower / mid back? Are those muscles?

Can't stop listening to shitty lo-fi Crass albums lads

>vertebral discs can't hypertrophy


I have an allegedly spinal erector intensive deadlift.

G'night lads.


do you think i could win some local meets

Tbh yes (you fucking squatchad).

Post a dead vid.


Almost certainly. How long have you been training for?


Easily, cut to 74 or even 66 you would crush the open. Fuck, get your bench to a respectable level around 300, add like 30lbs to your squat, and get your deadlift to match your squat at around 600 and you would be competitive at subjunior worlds

He's going to be a monster in juniors

500 squat and 550+ deadlift

wouldn't even be competitive, you'd blow everyone the fuck out


2 years and 2 months but you can -5 months bc of back injury and - another 3 months for knee injury i recently had

wait, whats your bench at?

500.5 is the WR squat and 556.6 is WR deadlift at my weight and age if i got both of those id be more than competitive at ipf sub jr worlds lol

a terrible 260 comp pause

Fucking hell man, that's insane. Have you ever tried giving sumo a go? Genuinely jealous of your progress, especially your squat.



ive done semi sumo and tried full for a month and it just was painful mostly lol

>people will buy this shit

How quickly have you lost 30 lbs guy?

Looks cool

Decide to wear shorts instead of leggings for squats for the first time in a year

My ripped shorts tally is now up to 4

Jesus fuck man get some goddamned rugby shorts already

I ripped my rugby shorts that lotus sent me :(

Webm related

These are rugby shorts I think

Were they all cotton Barbarian brand, or were they the more modern ones with a buncha stretch?

How do all you tiny people have so much trouble with your clothing?

>feet between hands
I'm proud of you.

Barbarian brand desu

Those are from the good old days.

How have you been bby?

My semester ended 3 hours ago

>Barbarian brand desu

Lad, those are so bad for squatting I can't even. I've killed three, all of them old rugby shorts.

Getchaself somma these: canterbury.com/tournament-short-p23661

Then I guess I'm proud of vintage you, instead of current you.

I'm surprisingly good, considering I'm withering away to nothing and my last rest day was October 23. Thanks for asking.

Maybe we're not so tiny after all


>proud of vintage Aaron
Such is life I guess

Leggings or singlet a best.

I'm looking to get some IPF approved (goddamn jews) knee sleeves. Anyone have Eleiko sleeves that can tell me if they're good?

They're the cheapest approved sleeve I see, and I can't imagine Eleiko would be making shitty gear, but I've had people suggest that the only IPF approved sleeves that aren't shit are SBD and Titan.


Leggings a best

Feel free to correct me but I don't think knee sleeves do that much for it to matter desu. They add like what, 2.5kg at best?


you posted a 4th day for OHP to beginner sheiko yesterday and I have a few questions:

is it 8 sets of 4 reps the third week or 4 sets of 8?
same question for week 2 and 4 I guess.

and why use % of 5RM instead of 1RM like normal sheiko?

also, can i do this instead of SS? i really can't be bothered with it, and sheiko is a lot more fun for me at least. or am i shooting myself in the shoot with needlessly slow progress when i could progress workout to workout, or is it negligible in the grand scheme of things? maybe the 1rm jumps on sheiko will make up for it if the jumps are big enough?

>don't train
>come in anyway
who else here /devilish/?

there's a regular in my gym who stays for like an hour when hes done and just looks at people.

he's not weird or anything, actually a nice guy. dno why he does it

literally me desu

I am getting them more for knee compression, because 5x5 in the mid to upper-mid 400s and a max very near 600 lbs is starting to beat up my knees.

It probably still doesn't matter THAT much, but elastic shit always wears loose eventually, and maybe some brands do it noticeably faster than others. If no one really noticed any differences or shitty brands or something, I'll probably just get the Eleiko.

>For a beginner

Want me to tell you how I know that program is shit?

Tfw squats on TM
Bench on sheiko
Deadlift once a week

next op pic pls

why do you do this

does it help your loneliness or what