What is the worst way to die?

What is the worst way to die?

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Being cucked to death.

radiation, cancers, aids
how is this Veeky Forums anyway

Either flaying or impalement, definitely.

Being eaten alive

By the hands of the ninja assassins in feudal Japan

Being captured by radical NazBol feminist Germans and them sitting on you

idk, maybe cartel style or being steamed alive

being sanded into nothing


In b4 scaphism. Fact is, any way of dying can be "the worst", it's all about how you deal with the arrival of your own death.

None, death is death.



>op asks a simple question
>user answers with a literal non sequitur
it seems the illiterate here is you

>too retarded to understand basic English grammar

it's my fourth language, what is your excuse to not understand your own language?


>hodor hodor hodor

starvation, or living a life not worth living and dying by any other way



>What is the worst way to die?

Reddit invasion and sell-out staff. People slowly forgetting there was worth in the first place. Sanitized, boring environment. Brain drain, massive emigration of high I Q individuals. Attention whores who not only force the same shitty meme for years, but they take the meme and redraw scribbles around it. Usually trying to make something that look like Charles Manson drew it. All while the people in charge sit there and go "t-t-times change". Censorship. Pandering. Being the same in name only. Clicking on pictures of drivers being spied on for a minute, then being told you did it wrong when you really didn't. And so on.

>muh secret club
Nothing stays the same forever, this is just life.

slowly, inescapably, and very painfully. especially for you.

This, but user theres no going back.
Unless some one from 4chans userbase springs up and completely rehires the entire staff on Veeky Forums (with some exceptions) and reworks the rules entirely there isnt really any hope.
Plua the chances of that happening is a million to one, just move on to 8.chan or something.

Not if it’s by a cute girl


Moving to a chan founded by /pol/ and /v/ermin sounds like the worst possible plan.