Who here /cocoon mode/?

Who here /cocoon mode/?

/permacocoon/ here

ye wat up?

>did cocoon mode for 6 months 3 years ago

great results highly recommend brehs

How long does one cocoon or is this one of those it is done when it is done?

>Did cocoon mode boxing.
>No friends at all just work and boxing 5 nights a week.
>started having fights and reaching my goals.
>meet a grill at the boxing gym who also uses fitness to escape a boring depressing existence.
>still training just as much but afterwards I get a shower and go to hers for sex

Feels good.

think of it like you're training inside the hyperbolic time chamber

except you're not and social withdrawal can lead to bad consequences

unintentional cocoon here

like what? no friends? Just make new friends when you're done.


i am going to break from the /cocoonmode/ soon.

any tips?!?

what's up /box/ bro, always see you in these threads.

/cocoonmode/ af here.

Been lifting heavy for three months and about time to step out.
need to get:
>get a job
>go to community college
>find hobbies that I enjoy
>make friends at community college

>unintentional cocoon here

All cocoon is unintentional.

>tfw reconnecting with people after cocoon mode

I'm running out of people who have only seen "before" me which is kind of a bummer. The high you get when they see you again and flip out is unreal.

how long did you go cocoon for?

10 years, but a lot of it was just being mired in my own depression shit rather than "I am planning to do x, y, and z"

I'd say only the last 3 of it were "real" cocoon mode. I still struggle with the feeling of being behind, but even though I'm "behind" I also can see that I'm better off than the rest of my demographic (I like myself--inside and out, I didn't hit "the wall," I have a career to aim for, I have no debt because depression kept me out of "real" school--all of these factors contribute to a more solid foundation at the age people need it the most imo).

About to break out of 9 month cocoon and go back to uni in the spring, bored at work so will write about it if interest.

whenever i go cocoon mode, i can't really force myself to read longer than 5 minutes, and end up binge watching porn and anime. how do I stop this?

More like /miss-out-on-life mode/
No thanks, I'm not an introverted faggot.

Advice for yall my friends.
> Go to cocoon mode after summer till the middle of the spring. This is the perfect period for cocoon mode.
This what i do now

Cocoon mode is a horrible idea you will make NO social gains and will be super disheartened when you are fitter, hotter and smarter and still feel like an alien trying to talk to women or even just anyone. You don't need to isolate yourself from society to improve yourself.

i fucking wish

have to deal with retarded normies everyday at work

if only i had enough money to do nothing but lift all day

This is the stupidest thing ever
Yeah you'll have a good body and be smarter but
You're just going to make yourself more socially anxious because you haven't spoke to anyone in months
So having a good body won't mean shit to anyone if you're a social retard

let me hear it user. I need motivation

You grow by experiencing life. Cocoon mode is total bullshit

>After cocoon mode, you will be...

Socially inept. Reading about fashion doesn't teach you how to talk to a girl.

get good grades

get great grills

The confidence I gained in myself from cocoon mode has warped me into the chillest autist in the universe. I can talk to anybody about anything.

Backstory, ""gifted"" kid throughout school and finished HS at 16. Didn't have many friends in HS, fuckin hated it. Was a kissless virgin until first year of uni, stayed with same gf all year. Turns out she was crazy. Second year of uni I tried rushing and did lots of drugs and drank myself into suicidal depression, LSD fixed me up. Decided to take this fall semester off and stay at home. Fast forward to now, only rarely hallucinating, hardly any depression and look so much better. Used to be fat-skinnyfat, now somewhat leaner and more muscle on me. Three semesters left of uni until I'm done.

I'm cocoon mode but still keep in touch with 2 friends just so I don't go too deep

Wow i though that i was the only one who did this, i started /cocoon/ 3 weeks ago and since i've went from 160lbs to 154lbs by dieting and exercise, started to read a lot about lifting, routines, suplements, diets, etc and i'm planning to start lifting again this friday. Non autistic /fitizens/ motivates me to keep going.

>doing cocoon mode for 25 years
>doesn't work as promised
I just need to do it longer r..right guys?

That's great, but people should be doing this stuff anyway, there is no reason to isolate yourself. If anything you robbed yourself of experienced you could have shared with others during that time

>going down in weight instead of up

what the fuck are you doing user

>the feeling of being behind
I feel you bro
I have the constant feel that there is never enough time to do everything I want to

heres your answere:
don't do it if you are an introvert. Getting back after cocoon mode is nearly impossible

I'm going leaner, but i think that i've reached my ideal body weight, will eat to mantain and if i'm lucky my noob gainz will allow me to burn a little more fat (probably sitting on 18%), then ill start to bulk

i'm not going full cocoon mode, i just have lots of free time each day, so it's basically cocoon mode but with social interaction and a job. I just can't do any of the good things of cocoon mode though

Starting cocoon mode today as I haven't emailed friends in a few months and don't really feel like talking to anyone.
Just wanna lift, eat, play cs and sleep.

>After cocoon mode you will be, stronger, sexier and more aesthetic. And much smarter

They forgot "and autistic, and build up social anxiety if youre unlucky"

Just dont be a little bitch and keep your priorities straight, no need for no-fap or cocoon mode meme bullshit

So fucking cringe. Anyone who does this is fucking retarded. Seriously. How hard is it to go to the gym for 1-2 hours 3-5 times a week? You don't have to cut all social contact to go to the fucking gym ffs. It's so embarassing. I really hope there aren't people that actually do this. You can also improve your mental state without having to cut of all social contact..which will ironically be detrimental to your mental health..it's fucked up.

"gwajega sanggi shiseumnida" is all I can translate out of your pic.

Is cocoon mode advisable for someone with no rl friends and someone who only really has contact with family and Veeky Forums/some forums? I deleted my other accounts and they're recoverable for now so would like some advice. I have trouble being social since becoming unwell a few years back.


>cocoon mode
>i dont have any friends or hobbies or goals so im going to pretend me isolating myself and masturbating all day and reading infowars is "educating " and improving myself

>i cant get a gf so im going pretend women dont matter to me

all these things are just slavemoral nonsense

i've been cocoon for a while now. When i went in i was a huge fatty, now im a skelly working on gains. wish me luck

Is cocoon mode only cutting yourself from social media? Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr? What about hanging out with friends? Talking on the phone?

And here's what cocoon really is:

>go to the gym
>then spend the rest of the day browsing Veeky Forums and jerking off
