These serve as a reminder that the age of flipping ICOs for large gains quickly drawing to a close...

These serve as a reminder that the age of flipping ICOs for large gains quickly drawing to a close. It's now only large institutional investors who are making profits, and only 20-30% on each ICO. It's time to get back to our roots and actually start to care about good projects that we believe in, and not just the next hype machine, because they aren't selling anymore.

to be fair, those are solid projects as well. that's why they were hyped.

I got Airswapped, it stung. However I'm not selling because this project will blossom soon.

EBTC would like a word with you.

You realize you literally just sound like every REQ ICO investor 24 hours ago, right?

Both are good projects and will be fine in the long term. Request looks specially delicious if their team delivers.

Lmao both of those are bluechip projects you silly nigger

I'm really not doubting that the projects won't deliver in the long term. These are two solid projects, and to be honest I've been buying heavy into REQ below ICO price. I'm just saying that everyone on this board wants instant 2-10x ICO price on opening day like Kyber and 0x, but in reality I don't think we will see that again.

I'll reserve judgement til after the fork. I still got high hopes for REQ

>He thinks the flow of suckers is going to stop
Not as long as there are still people making big bucks on this.

I filled up some fat bags of both of these

and I'm really glad we probably won't see it again, I've been getting sick of these cash grab ICO bullshit things we've been seeing like Paragon and Centra and all that nonsense, I'm hoping to see less funding for those now. I'm also hoping we see people demand more from teams than just a airy fairy ambiguous whitepaper and a blockchain C class celebrity advisor.

Paragon irritated the fuck out of me. It was such an obvious cash grab...

Market is fucked up now because of the BTC forks anyway. Maybe it is for the best that ICO doesn't make such instant gains anymore and lead to a more organic growth of projects that really deserve the investment.

Both are solid but the reason why they currently bags are because of Bitcoin fork hype.

This fork hype has lead to a lot of money leaving Ethereum which is now around 0.05 BTC (was 0.07 2 weeks ago).

Bitcoin may be the first but Ethereum has much more potential and money will come pouring back after November. The other alts will go up as this happens.

>He thinks the flow of suckers is going to stop
No. The difference is that the suckers in many recent cases have become the ICO buyers that are getting cucked on exchange day #1. If you aren't in on super secret pre-sale bonus shenanigans then you're the sucker for buying an asset at a pre-pumped price before market value is established by the public.

Did you ever watch the video of her doing some interview that's posted on the homepage? I had to ragequit. She was talking about a fucking database and calling it a blockchain...

Here here!

Check out ChainTrade. 100 billion marketcap on the whitepaper goal for 2020 :D


On their reddit AMA, the CEO said they were spending 200 million dollars of their token fundraising on real estate.

I wonder who is behind this coin?
Someone please meme it
Too lazy and on phone

because the token in both of these projects is poorly implemented and is there just for them to raise money. stick to coins where the token hasnt just been shoved into the application to pay for fees.

Utility tokens? Lmao
Keep your cucky cheese tokens

ebtc wasn't an ico and was a literal useless shitcoin pump and dump tho, one I made money on but still, these are supposed to be real projects

Literally nearly the majority of tokens are made to pay fees, even ETH is made to pay for the gas for people to run the network.

Fuck this shit, im not selling ultil I get fucking gains of off Airswap. FUCK ME

[pink wojack]