Sauna benefits

What do you guys think of saunas? I always feel good afterwards, but I never know if it really does anything substantial. Thoughts?

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If it makes you feel good, then why do you care about what a bunch of strangers on the internet think about it?

jts and chad westley seems to think it should only be used during deload weeks, b/c sauna can reduce inflammation which is necessary for gains

I like to pop party drugs and hit up a sauna. Really helps my test backne out by opening pores I think, and it's just a fun place to be on ex and blow and shit.

Figure I'll give it up eventually but fuck it I'm 23 and it feels great like you said.

Death machines

there's a saying in Finland:
>Jos ei sauna, terva ja viina auta on tauti kuolemaksi
>If sauna, tar and booze won't help you, the illness is lethal
But I don't think it does much, except for makes you feel good. Think of it as meditation, I'd say. It will also make you dehydrated af, which is why you will get more drunk when drinking in sauna.

depends if its a euro sauna or an americuck sauna.

Mostly for gay guys who want to look at other guys.

They're great. Hit up the steam room first for a couple minutes, as long as it's well maintained and not disgusting. Then get in the sauna for ages and take shower breaks every now and then.

I read a few scientific articles about benefits of a sauna and it seems it does not have any actual health benefits, it just relaxes you. I love saunas anyway because but it does nothing for you.

yeah thats bullshit

cardiac arrest , great for suicidal people such as zyzz

to soon man

>tfw I can only last 1 minute in the sauna

This, there is no reasonf or this thread to go on.

Too soon.

Don't fall for this b8, my m8s

I miss you bro


It's good for your skin but not sure what else

I watched about half of Lebowski in my sauna last night. Feels good man. Oh yeah, home sauna master race reporting in.

Clears pores of accumulated, dead skin cells that build up as we age, qt fit wife looks hot as fuck in there with me, relaxes muscles, sleep deep as fuck after, fucking god-tier way to end the day before cold shower and epic ficki fick, every time. Oh yeah, increases circulation big time.

Good for your skin and I believe it helps with flexibility and mobility.
It's mostly filled with old/fat people at my gym but every once in a while there are some qt's that come in.

Better pic of my rig

Very nice user, thanks for sharing. Saunas are great

You left us

Here's a big link about what it does to your body, very good effects.

thanks, user! This is exactly the type of paper I've been looking for. Really looking forward to tonight's sauna now!

Frequent sauna seems to protect from dementia and Alzheimer’s.

>sauna is good for you they said

>competing in sauna

Suanas are the evil box that killed the beloved God of Veeky Forums
We don't speak of them here. Delete this thread at once.

How much does this cost?


what temperature do you need for therapeutic heat?
if a sauna can reach it then it has clear benefits
if not, we'll need to look deeper

Would not recommend honestly

>inflammation is necessary for gains
that's a new one on me
I know about the muscle fibers being broken, and inflammation is a natural response to that, but what does it do that's necessary?

Is this sauna report a meme? I can get gains from being in the sauna post workout?

euro saunas are much much hotter than yanksaunas

gets rid of roided shitskins.

Zyzz didn't live to 23. Pathetic.

Don't your electronics overheat?

the fuck is that

At least that's longer than in your g.f.

I put a towel down on that nasty ass wood seat and stretch sometimes. Saunas are amazing for stretching. Nasty af tho.

The doctor chick on Joe Rogan's Podcast said that sauna gives you mad epigenetic gains, but you have to sit there like half an hour fuck that.

It's nice once in a while, just stay hydrated.

Wtf is wrong with you Americans

Every house here has a sauna