Tfw fell for the bulking meme

Tfw fell for the bulking meme

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Photo taken after 3 months bulk

You call that bulking?
Do you even GOMAD?

whats the issue, decent progress for 3 months

Bulking is really only beneficial for those huge guys who compete. There is no reason why anyone with your physique should bulk.

Literally zero visible change. Did you forget to eat little guy?

How tho I'm not even making gains I'm gonna OD on my protein shakes

Alternating between bulking and cutting cycles is important for maintaining weight while gaining lean muscle mass

What do you just get to a certain body type and then try to maintain it? That's stupid. You gotta keep sculpting your body

What's your surplus? And what are your macros?

Idk desu famalam i just eat until i can't after each workout

>visable abs

You're doing it wrong

This has probably been asked before but is timing with food significantly important

There's your problem

>don't count calories
>don't count protein
>don't count calcium

Just eat a lot as far as i know

You're wrong.


What you're doing is the dietary equivalent of doing 1 set of 10 reps and calling it a day because you're tired.

>Just lift it a bunch of times as far as i know

Kek. But what is the timing as far as food goes

Dude, just study how to bulk. Because what you're doing is stupid. You need to be eating calorie dense food, and you need to be hitting your macros

My circumstances don't allow me to eat at times for up to 9 hours

Calories are calories. Whether you eat after 7PM or every hour of the day, it doesn't matter. Just count your daily total calories and macros.

When you eat doesn't matter, it's what you're eating that's wrong. You need to count calories and hit your macros. Not just "eat til I'm full whenever I get the chance"
That's not bulking. That's just being fat.

just lol @ bulkcels

>USPA briefs in first pic
>LV in the next

at least you came into some money.


what did he mean by this?

did he do gomad? jesus christ lol

Why would he do this kek

To be honest, to gain that much mass in that amount of time is in no way natty. He was probably juicing and would talk about the gym 24/7. Or most likely scream about the gym

It's okay to get big, just don't be so obsessed without that it's all you care about



You forgot the mention that you used a filter on one pic and you're using a different camera phone which likely has a different pixel count.

Nigga and?

does anyone else 'bulk' and 'cut' but really just have an unhealthy relationship with food where you cant function normally without being on a huge surplus of carbs, then after a few months of gaining strength and fat, you call it a day and reverse the damage by cutting

>Nigga and?

Nigger and you're a stupid nigger.

>Alternating between bulking and cutting cycles is important for maintaining weight while gaining lean muscle mass


please stop spreading misinformation

a caloric surplus is an absolute necessity for gaining muscle mass beyond the early intermediate stage of training

body dismorphia


read the fucking sticky

Literally all he has to do is lose a few % of bf and cut his hair back to short and he'd look good again

Dumbass probably gained all that weight in the shortest time possible. Looks a good 40lbs heavier kek.

>citation needed

chad to sad routine

He's being sarcastic autismo.

From one autistic to another

>It's very obvious that what you wrote is correct to anyone with even a modicum of bodybuilding knowlege or experience

You wrote an obvious and correct statement. That user wrote 'Nonsense' to poke fun at the new years idiots ITT that don't understand this simple concept.

you don't know the timeframe jackass and he is inside natty limit

Do not diminish his achievements.

It's very very likely he is roiding (acne, bloat, the size) but not a guarantee, therefore, he gets the benefit of the doubt .

Gee almost like bodybuilders want to get as big as they can.

Go back to r/fitness

Wrong, it's ideal to eat many small meals. Also ideal to eat pre and post workout.

You can progress without doing so, but as far as ideals?

Do some more research user.

He made huge gains in lean mass, looks like years and years of progress or roids.

He's fat because he doesn't cut.

One cut and he would look amazing.

Do research. You are not bulkign correctly.


Anyways there are a ton of DYELS ITT, so some general advice:

>Bulk at +250 calories
>Clean food
>Protein 1g/lb
>Cardio when bulking

YOu should gain 2 lbs/month.

After a few months, cut at -500, remove the fat, be left with lean mass gains.

You never need to get fat...

I stopped caring a week ago. I just eat a lot when I'm hungry and try to keep it healthy

>that hair
>that cap
>that acne
>that pose
If he just trimmed and cleaned up a bit I don't think he'd be that bad

>like women have never concern trolled about going to the gym "too much" in the past
y'all believe this??

Lost natty card, needs a haicut, and has a nasty Mo. lmao.


yeah no that's wishful thinking pal, people on Veeky Forums are actually this fucking clueless now

there was no sarcasm in that guy's post

Yes or no

155 -> 165 -> 175
1 year


Counting macros is overrated as fuck.
Just approximating cals is like 10% of the work with 90% of the results.

But you wouldnt know, cus you don't lift

Goddamn, man.

Routine? Diet?






But I feel like I'm doing those things and I'm not getting as good results.

I'd like to know if my perception of adequate exercise/good diet is wrong,

this comment is fucking retarded




But I'm not getting good results, likely I'm doing something wrong. I'd like to know what.

You also have to give it time.

If you dont have 1/2/3/4 in stats just do SS or PPL till you have.

You wont look big or aesthetic without pushing those numbers

>1/2/3/4 in stats

What does that mean.

K lol.

Read the sticky first, then come back

bulk bulk bulk then cut faggot

I honestly can't find it.

I actually used to come here a lot like 1(?) year ago, and so I feel like I know a lot of the basics. But I'm pretty sure people didn't use terms(?) like "1/2/3/4" so I'm at a loss.

those are 20kg plates per side in order of OHP/bench/squat/deadlift

so 1/2/3/4 means 60kg ohp/100 bench/140 squat/180 deadlift

Got it. Thank you.

If you had an absolutely perfect understanding of your TDEE, expenditure, and intake, sure, you could make the argument that a tiny bulk could be best.

But you don't have that understanding.

I'd say it's basically impossible to actually pinpoint like 50-100 kcals above maintenance.

Could easily wind up spending a year eating almost exactly at maintenance and make zero gains.

i see we have shit ton of newfags on board so let me explain something

This guy is Blinky Bill

He was posted here long time ago and i was following him ever since. If you have at least 5 hours of free time to scroll down on his instagram page you will se how fucking disgusting and retarded he looked when he started bulking as a natty. I think he's been on gear ever since his first pin. Seems like he did a small cut recently and personally i think he looks great as of now. Also, he is a fucking cuck. His current "gf" has a child who is couple years old (managed to check her profile out before she made it private)

>he doesn't have visible abs unflexed in the off season

Don't ever call yourself a bodybuilder, cause you're not.

>Counting the bar

hello, darkness, my old friend


is that 1 rep max or what?

except no one mentioned the bar, just the PLATES, fucking idiot
>being this retarded

no. you are only at a certain weight when you can do at least 5 reps with it

110 to 140

took me four years including crohns disease and testicular cancer.

If this isn't a meme I haven't been around fit enough to know, congratulations, man! Crohn's is fucking hard shit, and ball cancer too? FFS, it's commendable you've gained all that mass. Keep it up; you look great!

>testicular cancer

what are your blast and cruise doses?

150mg/week cruise, no blasts yet

Wow, you look more filled out and barely gained body fat, what a tragedy.

is this bait? because I see no fucking difference besides some lighting and your bitching shitpost

go fuck a cow

is it all angles, or is his right arm smaller than his left?
>how do I into king crab mode

>trying to be zyzz

>chink haircut
>vidi vici veni
>overgrown traps
>small right arm
>no lats
>no v taper

looks like shit senpai

Is it possible to lose body fat % while eating at maintenance? I don't even pretend much, just want 15-17 bf%.

>Routine? Diet?
like the dude in caps said, i just eat and lift. i also do a lot of cardio.

i do high frequency, so im hitting stuff 3-5x+ a week

power lifters btfo eternally



Ideally you shouldn't need to cut back 500 cals especially if you're only working with a 250 cal surplus. Your metabolism should be running pretty efficiently at that little surplus, so you only need to cut back little by little until you find your sweet spot where you can still lift heavy with relatively high colume and lose weight. It's definitely going to be less that 500 cals.