/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General

/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General

A thread for the discussion of the sport of weightlifting and all things related. Keep the insults and shitposting to a minimum.

>I just learned how to use ffmpeg edition

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
chinfl.blogspot co.uk/2013/07/how-into-weightlifting.html

>helpful blog on some technique quirks:

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll post a few webms I made to start the thread off.



Here's a few I got from the archives.




I'm going to head to sleep. I better see this thread alive until then.

Also post some more videos on YouTube for me to convert to webm.

Which one of you memeing cunts posted the wechat QC in the weightlifting subreddit?

And could you repost it here, pls???

zlatan vanev will decide your fate

are these charts accurate? or should I wait till a store near me orders more to try them?

which shoes also what is your foot size?

I usually use 41

41 1/3 was too big
tried 40 and 40 2/3 powerlift 2
40 was really tight and 40 2/3 had little extra at toes
planning to buy pp2s though

do the shoes stretch when you use them? and how tight should they be?

When I perform the stretch in pic related, am I supposed to hold on the stick with with all five fingers?

When it gets behind my back, I end up only have a light grasp with 2 fingers. Is this some type of wrist flexibility wizardry?

Forgot pic because I'm a dumb cunt.

hookgrip, do it with wider grip and work towards narrower one
you can also do that with those bands

i also have power perfect 2. i measured my foot and bought them according to the chart you posted but they are still a bit tight even after a few months of use. they do stretch out but not much. but then again my feet are pretty wide though so it might be fine for you.

if i could buy them again i'd probably go 1 size larger.

go as wide as you need to to keep all fingers around it then slowly narrow the grip as you get better shoulder mobility

right, thanks
I guess I'll just wait for the store to order more

Yeah, my problem initially was that I didn't have a broom or any type of stick long enough to perform the movement with hook grip, but I remembered that I had a 58" pool table cue stick. Thanks guys.


This article has a pretty good tip on doing this stretch. Hope it helps out.

low bar squats and conventional deadlifts are paying off for Mary Peck I see. I still hate her faggot coach, though.

this is your reminder to do bodybuilding work



5'8 170 lbs just beginning olympic lifts after 8 months of regular PPL.
Other than copying Lu Xiaojun's accessory work, what can I do about mild scoliosis? My right erector spinae is LARGE compared to the other.

how do I do pic related without my rear delts feel impingement and/or shearing? Isn't it supposed to feel like a door stretch?

yo who's this.

>watching this webm
>think it's frozen at first
>actually hypnotically slow
>coincidentally listening to Schubert Impromptus D 889 Op. 90
>it all works

I have same imbalance. Nothing to be done, as far as I can tell.