What supplements do you take everyday, Veeky Forums?

What supplements do you take everyday, Veeky Forums?

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Vitamin D3

Beta alanine

beta carotene
chios mastiha/falim
saw palmetto
retin a
vitamin c serum
vitamin c powder
collagen II
hyaluronic acid±
castor oil
grapefruit seed
vitamin C
vitamin D±±±
vitamin D3
vitamin K2
vitamin A
folacin acid

25 mg of zinc
1 pill of curcurmin for antioxidant and anti cancer benefits

what the fuck man

Sunshine and a good diet

garlic oil
fish oil


you're on the right path

>he doesn't supplement magnesium glycinate

>Case histories are presented showing rapid recovery (less than 7 days) from major depression using 125-300 mg of magnesium (as glycinate and taurinate) with each meal and at bedtime. Magnesium was found usually effective for treatment of depression in general use.


2 scoops twice a day
5g creatin
1 water dissolved magensium pill
fish oil
multivitamin pill
pinch of C acid
calcium pill (to offset the calcum loss from the bones caused by drinking milk)


has anyone tried Nitric Oxide? would you recommend?

>calcum loss from the bones caused by drinking milk

Lmao do you actually believe that garbage?

nothing because I didn't fall for the jew supplements meme

>Implying that I'm depressed

It is proven by actual scientific studies.
The same science that proved that earth is not flat. People used to believe that one for a looong time too. Same as everyone used to think that spinach has a ton of iron in it, or that carrots are good for your eyesight.
I take care of my bones and they take care of my boners.

Vitamin D
Multi vitamin

Take the whey pre and post work out
Creatine and glutamine in the morning with water as well as with both my whey shakes.

Multi and vitamin D with breakfast

Magnesium and zinc before bed

hey, if you're in the minority that gets all their nutrients from whole foods - more power to you!

but over 70% of north americans are deficient in magnesium, and while the degrees of deficiency vary, so do the symtpoms.

they range from simple brain fog, and mild cognitive impairment to heavier shit like ADHD, depression, and whatever else is plaguing our nation in the mental health department.

here's a fun one
>Two women with type II bipolar disorder were able to maintain ketosis for prolonged periods of time (2 and 3 years, respectively). Both experienced mood stabilization that exceeded that achieved with medication; experienced a significant subjective improvement that was distinctly related to ketosis; and tolerated the diet well

>not being a nutritional autist

>proven by actual scientific studies.

No it isn't you fucking mongoloid. The closest thing anyone has produced is a study showing people who drink more than 3 glasses of milk a day are more likely to die prematurely.

Literally not a single study has proven it decreases calcium content in your bones.

You fell for a vegan meme... Pathetic.

shh, let him believe in the memes

little does he know, he's actually getting too much calcium


Fish oil
Vitamin D3
CBD Oil (once or twice every other day)

generic creatine 5g
truemass 1.2

do you faggots not eat fruit/veg or something? why piss all those multivits you eat daily out (literally all you're doing)

gym days: whey creatine d2 and b12

other days d2 and b12

Whey protein, I'm a fan of ON Gold but I have to get 100% isolate now since I've determined I am lactose intolerant. I take it post-workout.

5g Creatine every day. On strength training days I take it post-workout with whey. Otherwise with breakfast.

4000 IU Vitamin D3 every morning. I'm a pale white dude and it is good for test levels.

Metamucil for fiber, a lot of the leafy greens I love also destroy my gut (FODMAP sensitivity) so this helps keep me regular.

Melatonin at night to help with sleep. I have ADHD and take stimulants and drink more coffee than I should. I pop a melatonin, take the dog out for a short pre-bed walk, then turn the lights low and read until bed. Within 15-30 minutes I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

fish oil
melatonin on training days before bed

two scoops a day
5g creatine
fish oil pills

Centrum multivitamin / multimineral
Fish oil

Fiber Capsules

I do intermittent fasting so I'll take the multivitamin and biotin with my meal and consume the fiber before I go to bed.

Getting more plant based fats, less animal fats and added biotin has made my hair thick as fuck in the past 2 months.

>to offset the calcum loss from the bones caused by drinking milk

Vegan meme.

Creatine Monohydrate 5g
Vitamin D3 5000IU

200-400mg caffeine pre workout (if I need it)

>melatonin on training days before bed

Have you noticed any differences with melatonin? It's cheap as fuck but even then I don't know if I should try it. I sleep relatively well but occasionally only get 4 hours because of my schedule.

>falling for the creatine jew

Enjoy your rapid hair loss.

5g creatine monohydrate

One day, I'll be as woke as this user.

>The same science that proved that earth is not flat. People used to believe that one for a looong time too.
No one, except for some crazy Christians recently, has believed the world to be flat. Neolithic man figured this out because higher terrain = more sight. They somewhat accurately measured the circumference of the Earth in like 500 BC.
>Same as everyone used to think that spinach has a ton of iron in it,
No, science never said this. Popular media did because of a typo in a translation from a German nutrition book transposed an extra zero in the iron content of spinach.
>or that carrots are good for your eyesight
Literally something the Brits said during WWII to hide the fact that they had RADAR.

So basically all your arguments are what shitty alt-med sites say, relying on strawmen where they claim what the news or conventional wisdom says is what we have learned via science.

damn just did a bit of reading on magnesium, good shit user. gonna go buy some right now

8g fish oil
5000ui D3
3 whey scoops
70mg Test Prop
70mg Tren A
70mg Mast
0.5mg AI
50mg Winstrol

Jokes on you I'm already bald.

It helps me fall asleep about 15 minutes faster.

>No ephedrine

lol fucking plebs

I sleep like a fucking brick. It works pretty damn well and its cheap as fuck. I stay away from using it daily to not minimize the effect over time. I just take one on training days to ensure a good night sleep, its also good if you need to get up early and fix your sleeping schedule. So yes, I would recommend it, 4 hours of sleep is unacceptable, go to bed earlier and if you can't do it naturally it might help with that as well. Make sure you get at least the 3mg version though, the one from ON is pretty good.

Fish Oil
Vitamin D

If on a cut I take ECA stack as well.


>It helps me fall asleep about 15 minutes faster.

Eh, doesn't seem worth it, thanks for the reply though.

maca, stinging nettle, and boron to get rid of excess xenoestrogens my nigga

>having so much of a shitty diet that you have to supplement

Creatine monohydrate, and Harris Teeter "Enriched" Vanilla Soymilk.

soy isolate, fish oil, and iron to get rid of excess testosterone my nigga

It isn't even proven to be true unless you have something to back it up?

From what I gather in this link below, it seems creatine *may* accelerate hair loss *but* only in men with baldness in their family.



Went from skinny to this in a little over three months. Post yfw I asked a dyel dude to shoot this vid and he couldn't stop mirin.

Are you that chick who was posting pics a while back and liked that dudes were jacking it to them? You were also crying how no guys hit on you?
>Thinking of you hurting baby gurl

Nope. Do we look alike?

disgusting mental illness

Mirror image. Blonde chick on anavar with a dis gruntled look. You generally displeased with your love life as well?
Also ive heard most var these days is fake and is just low dose dbol? Any truth to that?

>using roids and a machine
Enjoy your beard and darker body hair, idiot. You might as well transition at this point.

She was burrnette dumbass.



>she thinks she's not pretty

I dunno where you get ideas like that in your head. You (((((used)))) to be very pretty.

>She was burrnette dumbass
Faggot maybe we're thinking of different women dumbass. The chick im thinking of was blonde. Now mind your own business and go back to r9k.

>Mirror image. Blonde chick on anavar with a dis gruntled look
Was she bigger than me?

>You generally displeased with your love life as well?
Nope, got a fwb.

>Also ive heard most var these days is fake and is just low dose dbol? Any truth to that?
All I know is it makes my delts pop and my clothes not fit, which is good enough for me.

>she thinks she's not pretty
I'm not, never was. But now I don't care.

Yeah that's pretty much in line with what studies say. It takes me about 30 minutes without it so it helps a lot.

5000IU Vitamin D

Everything else feels pretty unnecessary to me.

d3 5000 ui
fish oil 5000mg
zma 3 tablets
l arginine 10g

>that chick who was posting pics a while back and liked that dudes were jacking it to them
>She was burrnette dumbass

>tfw I'm never here when qts post
my penis requests pics of both

Duspatalin and Buscopan to keep the massive pain from taking so much supplements away.

I thought this might be an OK place to ask. I've started working out recently and it's made my hunger pains worse. Has anybody found something good at dealing with hunger management? I'm thinking about Raspberry Ketones. The one I saw added some green tea extract and caffine. Think it's worth trying out? Diet is a real obstacle for me as I have a disability that demands I eat only once a day.

About 3 weeks ago I started getting real sleepy and tired feeling by the time it was about 12 in the afternoon. Everything that used to be enjoyable to me feels so bland all of a sudden, and everything that would hardly bother me now feels like such a nuisance. I don't feel like doing anything, I still make myself exercise but does anyone have any idea as to what might be the issue?

1 Source Naturals multi + 2000mg Fish Oil
Celery + Lecithin + L-Arginine for them cum gains

day by day basis
Vitamin D3 + K2 on days I don't get any sun.
ZMA + Melatonin on days I can't sleep

just copped

red pill me more on what mag does

in for answers.
best forms of magnesium?

The only one worth taking.

Zinc Picolinate 50mg
Carnitine 4g
Taurine 4g
Inositol 1g
Lysine 3g
Vitamin E 400mg
Vitamin D 10.000 UI
Vitamin C 1g
Choline 2g

Im only doing one scoopy of wheyotie a day, having it instead of breakfast. Im hella overweight.

Any suggestions on what i should start taking daily as well as whey?


K2, D3, Magnesium, C


Zinc, B-50 complex including B-1-2-6 Biotin and possibly some other crap.

do you live in a sauna ?

That's a lot of zinc and D daily. Also weird to supp choline without noots?

>fell for the "milk makes your bones lose calcium" meme

Zinc 50 mg
Magnesium 500 mg
D3 2000 IU

that's a lot of zinc. 15 or 30 mg is a more sustainable dose. i would take a 50 mg every other day. what form of Mg are you taking

magnesium oxide it says on the bottle

that's the worst form i mean the worst my dude it's only good for inducing diarrhea i actually advise you toss that filth

get some mag glycinate for better sleep or mag citrate

Just eat more beets.
Bears and battle star galactica optional

Fish oil
Biotin and keratin for hair
Magnesium for good poops

Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone)
Vitamin B-100
Vitamin B12
Rhodiola Rosea

>Workout shake blend
Acetyl L Carnitine
Protein Powder

3g creatine
10µg vitamin B12
25µg vitamin D3

I started balding when I was 19 so I have literally nothing to lose.

If you eat your daily 250-300 grams of oats you shouldn't be magnesium deficient.

I was about to start taking it, but read a forum where a 51 year old man started losing his hair after taking it. If you make it to 50 with your hair I don't think male pattern baldness is a problem.

What the fuck what's that about magnesium and depression

You sir, have piqued my intredast

With all that, how do you have time for any actual food?

lookism.net incel : the post

Sounds like a CNS overload. You're likely over training.

300mg fish oil and melatonin before bed. I've thought about adding zinc and Vit D but I'm not sure.

I used to have off and on insomnia. Started taking melatonin regularly and it helped a lot. 5mg a night should be good.

Would you like some food with your supplements?

You've peaked my interest user, I'm pretty depressed and this sounds like something to try

If that's the case then what should I do? Just tone down my workouts or take a break and then resume?

I swear I'm not a NYRfag, but I've got a couple questions about supplements
>What exactly is creatine supposed to do? I'm not concerned about the baldness meme
>What's the difference between whey and caesin? Aren't they both protein?
>What's fish oil for?

Do not forget to take your K2 with vitamin D my dude.


Pretty close, Australia.

Anyone else here take ginseng?

fish oil
vitamin d cause im a midwestfag who doesnt get sunlight and ms runs in my family
a few nootropics

I find that when i start making large stacks with 10 plus pills per day i get sick far more often and dont feel as well.

>wanting to eat lbs of fish per day to get the amount fats able to be utilized if lifting correctly...
