Should I be worried about such a low resting heart rate?

Should I be worried about such a low resting heart rate?

I do a lot of walking and am a very casual runner, but definitely not an athelete (as online guides suggest this low level of heart rate might suggest) and I'm still a bit DYEL.

Any input welcome, I know it takes a rise to about 55 over a few days and then rapidly drops but I'd assume this was due to my nerves about a job interview,as it dropped in the days immediately after.

Any input welcome.

i only lift and my heart rate is 75. though i just measured after i did some flexibility work. not sure if that effects it.

Mind me asking whwt your weight is ? I wonder if it's something to do with pumping less blood

Whats your height? As far as I know taller people have lower resting heart rates.

My resting heart rate is at 80 to 85.
As soon as I measure it I get nervous and it climbs to nearly 100

75kg 175cm 5.9


Fuck I might be dying I'm only 5'9 (inb4 manlet)

Dunno. Yours sounds healthier than mine.
I am only 72kg on 5'10
resting heart rate of 50 sounds healthier than 80+

CAlm down motherfucker. Unless you get symptoms, you're fine.

Do you faint on exertion? No? Then chill the fuck out. Hr below 50 is considered bradycardia, BUT its only clinically relevant if it causes problems.

I've always had a low (50ish) resting heart rate, because I spent most of my life walking everywhere - I didn't learn to drive until I was nearly forty. I did little other exercise until a few years ago: now I lift six days a week and run or do HIIT most days, and I'm down to 45bpm on a good day.
Never had any heart issues. Bradycardia is only a symptom if it's accompanied by others (fainting, pins and needles etc) that indicate low BP - if you don't have that, congrats, you have a big strong heart.

Also, 5'5" 52kg skellet.

If you have no symptom it's fine.
Currently at 62bpm, gets lower if I'm really resting or sleeping, probably down to something close to your 50-55bpm.

Cheers lads, feel better about it then in that case.

I never faint and rarely get pains and needles, or certainly not enough to notice that it's too frequent so that's good.

Online information is very unclear for the most part.

isn't low resting heart beat a good thing?

i've done cardio all my life and mine is about 50-55

That's a healthy heart rate for an athlete. Anyone post bpm more than 60 are fat people trying to make you look wierd.

t. 6'0" 175lbs 55-60 bpm

Or on too much gear, like myself at 10% bodyfat, 92kg 6'2. 85bpm.

When I was natural at 86kg 10% my heart rate was 48 bpm lel. Goodbye health. First cycle too.

>My resting heart rate is at 80 to 85.
That's no good.

A low resting heart rate can simply be a sign that you live a healthy life style. Your heart gets all the necessary oxygen out with fewer pumps. I have a resting heart rate of 45, for example, though I might do slightly more cardio than the average Veeky Forumsizen.

my resting HR is like 80-90. is that bad?

pfff no... you are totally fine... maybe

I'm intending to join the military- I have a similar resting heart rate. Could this stop me from joining? I've googled it but couldn't see anything so I assume not

Okay I'm just going to respond in this thread because these are always retarded and everyone shows their total lack of knowledge

anywhere from 60-100 is a normal heart rate. If you're in extremely good cardiovascular health, you can go to around 50. That's it. Any number between 60-100 is perfectly fine and supports life

Source: 8 years in emergency medicine

Low heart rate is good. It means your heart is more than strong enough for the rest of your body.

I'm a relative fatass (210 ameripounds) and have one between 55 and 65 BPM. When I do HIIT it gets above 180 though.

Don't listen to these idiots. I used to run and I had a high 30s low 40s heart rate at my peak. A lower heart rate literally means your heart is stronger and can pump more blood in one pump, hence the lower bpm

>Should I be worried about such a low resting heart rate?

The fitbit is not the most accurate thing for measuring ones heart rate. There are numerous studies out there which demonstrate this and the same holds for other wrist-based heart rate tracking fitness devices.

Surely they're accurate to an extent though? It might not be dead on 50, but chances are it's in that low area etc

The heart can become hypertrophied with greater strength. This means more blood pushed forward with each beat so less beats are required. Usually endurance training causes this beneficial hypertrophy of the heart (there's also bad kinds of heart hypertrophy) but strength training can do it too.

>anywhere from 60-100

>up to 100 is fine

No it isn't. 60-70 sure. 100 would definitely be medically relevant and require attention.

I should add resting heart rate.

Source: My uncle's a cardiologist.

>Surely they're accurate to an extent though?

The margin of error pretty much makes them worthless.

By bpm is 50 and I do not cardio whatever.
6"4 103kg.


Optical heart rate sensors don't work well on the wrist but work very well on the tip of the fingers. For just getting your resting heart rate there's free apps that use a smartphone's camera to read heart rate from your finger tip that are as accurate as electrical sensors strapped to the chest (but only when you're absolutely still).

All the answers you've gotten are correct, however I'd still consult your GP about it. Usually they will test you for all the concerns, pretty good to ease your mind about it mate.

If you exercise regularly, a low resting heart rate is a sign of excellent cardiac health and conditioning. It means your heart is more efficient, moving a greater volume of blood per stroke than it used to, which means it doesn't have to work as hard. Keep up the good work.

i only lift no cardio and i am at 79bpm

Honestly, if you're RHR isn't in the 50's you need to do a lot more cardio and strengthen your heart.

I have a RHR in the 50's and it drops into the mid 45's in my sleep. During very very intense work outs my heart rate hits the 190s. Feels good man; especially given the truck disaster that is the rest of my body as it falls apart in old age.