TFW bought first cycle and now wondering if it's really worth using

>TFW bought first cycle and now wondering if it's really worth using

Fuck ...

>i was going to make a huge positive change in my life but I'm too much of a pussy to prick myself with a tiny stick for a few seconds
Pull it together my disciple, or go back to being a hater natty.

I've been natty lifting 5 years.

There are times when I look really aesthetic and muscular and be glad I never started gear because I look amazing without it.

And then I have days where I look like shit and regret staying natty and want to get on gear.

That said I've realised I don't have the mental toughness and maturity to start taking gear. I think it's gotta be something you REALLY want to do, if you're having second thoughts maybe then it's not something you actually want.

a general rule in life is that if you have to second guess yourself it's not worth it
things that are truly important to you will be done with your entire conviction behind your choices

>Turning into an emotional woman
>Hasn't even hit PCT yet


finishing my cycle this week, i can now understand why roiders never wanna come off the drugs. feelz good

Man I dreamed of it for some long

Now I got it here and I got thoughts of "What if it's bunk", " what if I still got loads of natty gains to make ", " Wat if I'll have a bad response to it?"

>a general rule in life is that if you have to second guess yourself it's not worth it
>things that are truly important to you will be done with your entire conviction behind your choices

By that logic I'll have never got anything done.

Don't we have all second guess ourselves before asking a girl out? Applying to a job? Embarking on a journey? Investing? Starting a business?

well those are the risks and many more user, either accept them and go on with the cycle or never take roids. my gear desu was underdosed (test) , did bloodwork and saw it but it didnt matter much because i'm going to do a 2nd cycle soon.


I guess I don't have anything to lose. My test will go back to normal eventually no matter what


get some HCG and pin 250IU twice per week, it'll keep your balls to normal size.

It's pricey here

$70 for 5000iu...

by that you should never start something new, you'll always have doubts

i tried a single cycle a while back and while in retrospect i'm glad it's something i've done just for the experience itself i won't do it again. i pretty much lost everything i gained on cycle during PCT.
on the bright side my balls went back to normal really fast and i didn't experience any serious side effects.
not really looking to mess with my endocrine system again though. one time was scary enough for me

I'm low test so it really can't get any worse for me.

i'm the same user and i will write down everything i did for my first cycle so you can get an idea.
cycle was 12 weeks test-e at 500mg per week. That's 2 shots per week of 250mg. On the same day i was pinning my belly with HCG 250IU, if it is expensive save money and get it, it is good. Also i was taking Arimidex 0.5 mg twice per week just to prevent high estro but found out through bloodwork that it wasnt needed cause of underdosed test.
Physical changes started at about 4-5 week, the slightest weight lifted was enough to give me a serious pump, strength went up too but not to the extremes. The most interesting thing i noticed was that there wasnt that burning sensation like you had when natty if you tried to push more reps or weight.
Sideffects were virtually none except a couple pimples more on my shoulders but i always had a bit of oily skin so no problem.
As said, i did it just for the experience , didnt expect to see tremendous gains etc. Now i wanna see how much can i keep after PCT which starts in about 20 days. If i keep 2-3 kgs of solid muscle i'll be really satisfied.

then commit to it and stay on. any other way and you're just wasting money and putting your bodey on a hormonal rollercoaster ride. just go 250-350mg/w indefinitely. it's not that costly. say bye to your boys though, that's the downside.

I don't feel comfortable on ugl test tho

Is it really feasible to stay with bathtub lab testosterone for a long time?


I guess there's no real downside of 250mg/wk

I live in Canada so I'll see about the hcg but probably will just start it later

yeah i started it later, was waiting for the bac water to arrive.

yeah try to source some testoviron or the like if you can. or better yet if you're genuinely low t try to get a prescription. don't fuck around with ugl test.

I have 15 000 mg test-e right now

How to best utilize it? I'm thinking running it for a year or more honestly. I've read a lot about how longer cycles are way better and i m really in need of facial hair and overall masculinity gains




You don't have any selfrespect stop pretending you do cockgobbler

(haha lil bitch bout to cash his natty card)

>By that logic I'll have never got anything done.

Then your fundamental disposition is unsuited to what you really want to do. Maybe you're meek but really want to shout deathmetal lyrics on stage? Maybe you're afraid of change but really want to be a backpacker?

What you should do has already been decided, mang. You just have to remember it, dog.

>MMA fighters, boxers, top athletes all pin to get something out of it
>million dollar contracts and shit
>"i just think this might be the one thing that finally turns my l-life a-around you guys!"

why dont you try some simple shit first like lifting and talking to people. maybe some meditation, bet you never done that huh

>tfw want to roid but afraid of losing hair
>Should just follow the Jeff Seid natty routine since he doesn't roid or else he wouldn't have perfect hair

>too low test to have hairloss

You are just about the only person ITT who should roid because of T deficiency.

this 100%.

>By that logic I'll have never got anything done.

Wtf why do poofters like you even exist?

Don't we have all second guess ourselves before asking a girl out?


>Applying to a job?


>Embarking on a journey?




>Starting a business?


Okay maybe you're super unique but most people second guess themselves quite frequently.

Doing the first thing that comes to your mind usually isn't the smartest.


Since i've been to england from jerusalem there is a possibillity that you might be the son of my "second" wife (the woman i fucked). say something in hebrew

don't waste good hormonas, gh15 is dissapoint

What do you guys mean by underdosed test?

It is dosed below what it is sold as or expected to be.

i just don't know if it's right for me user.

Convince me to do this. Convince me to take the plunge.

ah ok ive had 2 vials sitting for a year. I was gonna do 417mg week over 12 weeks. Hopefully it wont fuck my shit up

Not sure if fucking shit up is even possible

Im so unsure if i want to join already or not. I've kinda got a persistent shoulder injury and I'm not sure if i can really "go hard" as should be expected.

Mail it to me, I'd love to fraud. Just too poor at the moment.

how do you even get ahold of stuff like this

i bought 2 full cycles, pct and all, 3 years ago.

still have it lol

Lol M8. I'm waiting for mine to arrive then I'll hopefully start next week


Haha this has been my exact response to the LSD I bought a couple weeks ago. Let's just do it OP

LSD and fraud are very different
I'm not a fraud, but I HIGHLY recommend acid


The problem for me has been finding the perfect place to do it as I'm in college, don't want a bad trip. I keep using that as my excuse for not doing it. I know I'm a puss lol gonna do it though with a couple friends whenever the time is right

Imo it isn't. I just hate that when you stop you feel like a bitch and also chance of boobies unless you have the right counter drugs. Too expensive 4 me thx.

Also my girl loves it when my balls slap against her butthole during sex and i don't want peanut testicles. I'll just wait until they invent the miracle drug that makes your balls produce way more test and stops negative effects like balding, acne and cholesterol.

All you need is 5 scoops CMON

Not him. I very strongly recommend getting etizolam or a benzo to have with it, if not, have a few beers beforehand. I used to think lsd was fool proof when i was only having good trips but last 3 times have been horrible. First bad trip got me anxious, causing more bad trips. I was wanting to vomit for 2 hours but unable to and it felt even longer. The horror stretched on forever. The rest of the trip was always good after that and you just have to acknowledge the bad and expect good to come soon. Last time my gf took it she had an etizolam at the same time and said it was literally impossible for her to be scared of anything. First and 3rd bad trips were saved by etizolam with 20 mins of taking it, but I had none on my 2nd bad trip and that's why it lasted 2 hours.

yea i'm in college too and I'm gonna do it with a couple of friends during my winter break. For me it's less convenient and comfy to do it on campus but idk your situation. Also, I literally can't imagine having a bad trip, just listen to music and have fun. You're gonna have a blast

>positive change
Nice cope

Steroids are in no way necessary to attract women. The average girl thinks fucking ottermode is big. The only person you're pleasing with this cycle is yourself

Who said anything about girls?

I couldn't either. My first 4 trips were great. My first bad one i wasn't feeling super great and was in the car (gf driving) trying to find somewhere to go for a walk. The uncertainty evolved to anxiety and the anxiety fuelled itself.

Make sure you are feeling great beforehand and have literally zero obligations and you should be fine.

Nobody but let's face it they're important to all of us.

I would never trip in a car or if I had obligations that day lmao, I always make sure that I have an 8 hour free slot in a comfy environment

Sst? I did some googling all I found that was related were a caffeine mix supplement.

This is a shitty myth, you dont lose your gains unless you stop lifting and eating.
I was on a heavy blast of test and deca after cruising on tren, test, and mast for a year. I was arrested 8 months into the blast and incarcerated 5 months. I made sure to eat a lot and did jail workouts using other inmates for weights. I just got out and only lost a little strength and size. I even get morning wood

Wtf were you in jail for

I was picked up on an old assault warrant, was state only for years but election year came around an they decided to do a "roundup"

Then you just got jail gains. It's a thing doofus.

Oh what a smart guy you must be :)))

Are you going to be competing at a level where it will earn you decent money?

Yes - do that cycle.
No - what are you, a mug?