Ideals Thread

post these gay ass pictures

first post worst post

Big roadie to the big city the weekend shmelt, you know what that means?

sauce on the two girl in the pic? c:

the one with the ass is swimsuit succubus and holy shit 10/10 taste her body is straight out of hentai mangas


i never got a rate on my last one. white virgin

>being gay unironically


Rating is fun for everyone.

Nice Herculean physique. Hate the rest. 3/10.
Well meme'd/10
Nice chicks. Good goal bod. Pre steroid era best era. 8/10.
>white virgin
Trying to dress like Tyler Durden in real life might be part of that. There was a good discussion here recently about when people try to dress like movie characters irl and why it doesn't work for anyone who isn't as handsome as Brad PItt.
Anyway, nice chicks. 7/10.

try hard with a masculinity insecurity

After a few weeks I still don't get what a "Euro" Accent is supposed to be... Just like any European accent?


I like thicc -- judge me goddammit

possible fatty detected

*tips fedora*

don't like the template. this is just my inspo of ideals, they're relaxing to make and also serve as good wallpapers


micropenis neckbeard who dresses like a homeless lunatic and slaps it to traps

please consider suicide

thicc is good.


post yours faggot




Everyone is 10/10!

i already did, white boi

which one nig

u mad?

you're a pathetic coward


u mad...

What are you idiots blathering about?

>can't read but assumes the position of a holier than thou moderate
really fires off the neurons

I'm asking you fucktards "what do you think you're doing".
I know what you're doing.
Do you know what you're doing?

>small hands
>small feet
>wide hips
>narrow shoulders
>big natural titties

You seriously call THIS a "trap"? you fucking faggot.


Post yours, asshole!