How do you make your skin look nice and get rid of white heads/black heads?

How do you make your skin look nice and get rid of white heads/black heads?

Cleansing fire

Try scrubbing your face

exfoliating scrub, and get one of those metal extractors the dermatologists use.

Those aren't black heads you dumb piece of shit
They're sebaceous filaments and will always be there

you can never truly get rid of it on your nose if that's what you're worried about. but you can bring it to almost unnoticeable levels by just exfoliating and scrubbing.

clean sheets and towels will prevent any extra buildup early in the day and not touching your face will keep it clean.

Like others have said, you can't, they're sebaceous filaments. I used to be so insecure about mine on my nose, but now I've realised that unless someone is right up next to your face examining you carefully, they WILL NOT notice them.

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

By a fucking blackhead strip I pop one on once a week.

by growing up, son.

duct tape
Put a strip on your nose and pull it off, all the lil'fuckers come right off.

>this guy

Anybody tried this?

Tried what? Stick a the sole of a shoe into my face?

Not really. Can you recommend it though? Is it the secret to gains?

You will get some improvement with a gay 4 step skin care routine

>Sun cream (yes even if you live somewhere dark and cold)

However, how you respond to this is down to your genetics

In reality its accutane or deal with tbf senpai

this fucker


those things are normal. Best you can do is just moisturize your face/nose desu. They're otherwise only there to keep your nose moist so if you help out it can lessen their burden.

Everyone has them. If you don't see them it's because makeup.
BAKA this board used to be HEALTH and fitness. Most of the smart people left when they changed it.


Benzoyl Peroxide and Moisturiser.

Your skin will look like shit initially, but as you slowly develop a tolerance for the peroxide, that shit is magic on acne. I randomly had a huge outbreak on my chin and jaw area in my early 20s and benzoyl peroxide annihilated that shit in months.


Other way around, there was so much misinformation that they changed it to just fitness. Some kid permanently damaged his kidneys.

Boreal(?) Or some beauty company makes some strips you get wet then stick over your nose or whatever. They harden up and you rip em out and it pulls out all the little black bits and shit from your skin.

I'm not a big beauty products person but holy shit it's so satisfying. You get to look at the strip after and all the nasty things you ripped out of your skin and stuck standing up on it. That'll get the effect you want op, highly recommend.

>Those aren't black heads you dumb piece of shit
>They're sebaceous filaments and will always be there



Because "Don't put any products on it, it's fine" isn't the most profitable version.

They are blackheads and they looks gross regardless of what you call them. I didnt have them up till some time.

Pretty much, only downside is money and time wasted on all of the products, also gay. Worth it desu.

Blackheads are open comedones, slightly raised from the skin and dark/black in colour due to oxidation. When extracted they appear a hard/solid wax like plug which contains sebum, bacteria and skin debris. They can be yellow in colour which a distinctive dark pin like head.

Sebaceous Filaments appear as pin like dots over the nose, upper cheeks, chin and forehead. They can be grey/tan/flesh coloured and tend to be grouped together. If pressure is applied they pop out like whitish spikes. They tend to plentiful and quite literally never ending, made up of skeleton of 10-30 horny cell layers which enclose a mixture of bacteria, sebaceous lipid, corneocyte fragments – they are basically our naturally occurring sebum which is present in our skin / pores / hair follicles. There is no getting rid of them – even when extracted they refill within 30 days – usually sooner. There is no treatment a skincare professional can offer to banish sebaceous filaments for good. But we know that sebum plays a massive role in skin health and preserving its integrity so we would never look to rid the skin of it completely.

My derm gave me Epiduo and it improved the ones on my nose like 80%. Still have the enlarged pores from years of squeezing the shit out but atleast now they are clogged with gray nasty gray shit. It must be the retinoid in Epiduo that breaks down the oil because before that I was using just benzoyl peroxide for years which never help with them. NEVER squeeze that shit out and if your like me, exfoliating will just make your acne worse.

So my strawberry nose isn't as disgusting as I thought

Just because it's 'natural' doesn't mean it doesn't look disgusting. Depends on the severity. Although I did remember seeing one guy who had REALLY bad strawberry nose once in public, like you could see it from 10 feet away. But I thought the rest of his face was really attractive so the fucked up nose didn't really make a difference to me, he was still cute.

i took accutane for my awful back/shoulder/chest acne and my blackheads cleared up the next time I popped them after finishing treatment

they're almost starting to come back but it's been 4 years since I last had to pop them

>>Sun cream (yes even if you live somewhere dark and cold)

I'm black do I need sun cream?

You need a rope

You need some self esteem

it's my pyre, agoraphobe if I want to
afford to be consumed, this fire's my costume.
get too close it'll lick you
like it likes you
'cause it loathes you even more than I do


don't do this, they rip them open and just make it worse in a few days. wash your face and use a chemical exfoliant.


This is the worst advice, this will rip open the pores and they'll look fine for a bit, but will fill in worse. Don't do this

Yes bitch, if race mattered he would've said so.

I also have a reddish nose and upper cheeks, pretty much the spots where those sebaceous filaments are.

I don't mind them that much, I just want to get rid of the redness, any help for that?

It's probably rosacea. If you have enlarged pores and redness it will eventually rhinophyma. Google it. get to a derm

It works fine for straight men

I would love to suck your pussy

Damn that big nose looks crazy, I'm still young so y'all pray for me I cure this shit before it develops into that mutated nose.

What do you mix this with brahs?

w2c accutane?


As others are suggesting, this is not blackheads, it is sebaceous filaments.

I have them and also keratosis Polaris (chicken skin) I think it may be related...
Anyways my routine works to keep them at bay so you may want to try this:

Wash with warm water only
Toner after, witch hazel type scrub a bit with this to get clean
Then pop anything else left since you know it's a true zit
Then vitamin c serum
Then sun cream if daytime or lotion if night

Weekly or a few time per week I use exfoliator and vitamin a serum

If I have actual zits I use art naturals brand drying lotion at night but I don't recommend this for pizza face anons

Hard mode: I bought an rf/red light machine and violet ray machine which I use occasionally along with dermaneedles (stamp type). These take your skin and make it look fucking awesome, kill zits, fix scars and wrinkles and dark circles too. Would recommend these 3 to be used also. RF machine specifically is making me look better than when I was a teen (28 and white so u know how it is we age like milk usually)

>it costs ~$45 every day just to get ready in the morning
>still forgot the lip balm
Consumerism, and the near future, everyone.

Soon we'll all be told and willingly subscribe to the idea that we need to buy products just to facilitate blinking.

you need to be over the age of 18 to post on this site, please leave

Water or Apple Vinegar

How the fuck is putting needles in my skin going to help scars?

no thanks user I'm not stickin those chemicals on my body

enjoy /noliver/

Only do ACV, not water. Works better and with water it doesn't bring it to the healthy PH level that your skin needs. You can seriously damage your skin with things a the wrong PH like the people using organic baking soda as exfoliate. It's destroying their face and they think 'hey it's organic so it can't hurt!'. Also that mask will soak up oil but wont help with the sebaceous filaments. You need something to break down the oil, Epiduo did it for me.

I'm familiar with American Psycho, asshole.
I'm just reiterating one of the main points of the movie for anyone who wasn't aware.

omg ok jeez pls no bully

Facial cleansing or whatever it's called in english.


fuck, does popping these make them look worse? I couldn't keep my hands off my face as a teenager and they're fairly noticable. Any way to make them smaller/less prominent without makeup?

Yes popping my sebaceous filaments has given me scars and broken capillaries. You should wash them only.

It's your skin texture not an affliction

Don't be a tardo... Dermarolling and needling, lasers and even micro-dermabrasion are things you can get even an average dermatologist to do.

Basically a scar is partially healed skin, causing another, smaller injury to that area causes the skin to fully heal and the scar to go away

>this will rip open the pores and they'll look fine for a bit, but will fill in worse
Then just do it again?

you will eventually damage your skin doing this

there are better treatments to this problem

Can you fix enlarged pores?