We all brag about lifts but how big is your ass Veeky Forums?

We all brag about lifts but how big is your ass Veeky Forums?

37 inch here

Meh....Idk about "big" but ya know iz....iz.....iz ok....I do a lot of squats so iz kool.

42 around widest point

too big, with cellulite, and I'm a guy...

88 cm or 34 inches in retarded units

Feels really bad. On the other hand I'm doing hip thrusts and wide walking lunges, which has helped activating them. I'm now able to move them and are getting in shape, so it's a matter of time to get it big


Women love my butt and call it cute and stuff, but I feel so uncomfortable when they check it out. Like having a good ass is a feminine thing.

42 inches
>tfw Veeky Forums is full of asslets

>tfw 38
Atleast i'm bigger than OP by an inch...

44 inches.

You may only reply to this post if you have a greater than 40 inch ass or greater than 400lb squat.

but for women it is the most attractive body part, they find a guy with a good ass sexy as hell

I guess. Better than having a flat ass

Of considerable size i think



42" w/ 34" waist

>tfw barely 3pl8 squat for 5

>inb4 fartposting

Im not gay but I love girls being dirty, especially when it's Filmed with a hidden cam



you don't need to be gay

you just need to let me bury my face in your ass,

Last one. You'll have to excuse me. I need my recovery sleep
>inb4 gay because who would take such pics
Hey, mires are mires and who doesn't like attention

>tfw bf has an amazing ass despite working out
A little jealous desu

You must fart a lot, don't you?

30. i got small hips and im a girl

My ass. (im not gay)

Pls be in urop

My ass is pretty hairy :)

I will ravage that boipucci

Pic related is your best one, user.

wew, it rotated.

naughty socks :3