
How many sets are you doing and how long are your sets?

I have been doing 3x1-5 for ages and made the switch to 4x10 a couple of weeks ago for the lulz, and the new way feels 20 times harder.

Other urls found in this thread:


8x3 or 1x20, after working up to a top set on a squat variation. If you thought the doms on a regular widowmaker set was bad, imagine being stupid enough to try it on pause squats.

Squat 145kg 3x5
Warm up consists of, 10 reps 60kg, 5 reps of 80kg, 5reps of 120kg.

I then always enjoy going back down to 100kg after my real 140kg set, and hitting if i can 3x5.

I always love blasting legs, 3 times a week is no enough for me, wanting to switch to 4 days a week.

17 sets every week.

One day where I work up to a heavy amrap set and then taper down slowly for a total of 9 sets. Another day where I do 8 sets of front squats at 70%.

What are the pros and cons of doing 10 or more reps?

Squatting 275 lbs 5x5 3 times a week. Been doing it for a couple months now. Wanted to get extremely comfortable at that weight. Gonna advance to 315 and stay there again.

>same weight for a couple of months
>want it to get comfortable first

275 will be comfortable when you can do 300 for 5 you fuckwit.

ULxULxx here.
One day ramping to 5rm micro linear and than 1x8 for a little bit of volume.
The other one I do 4x8 front squats if i feel like it after heavy deads. Or I just do leg press.

The higher the reps, the more endurance.
The lower the reps, the more strength.

Of course, it's not like this in practice, everything happens at every range.

The most important thing with weight training and life in general is specificity. You get better (stronger) and the exact thing you're doing. This is why compound variations are so great. They target your exact weaknesses.

3x5 or 5x5 depending on how heavy I'm going
3x5 with light weights to warm up in either case

pro: you're in and out of the squat rack quicker.

con: you might snap your shit up if you overreach and your core is fatigued.

Faggot you dont understand how supercompensation works. Stay stupid. Struggling to get 5 reps vs 5 easy as fuck because youre used to it arent the same thing. Now go google that big word i used and stop being so stupid and gay.

Week 1, Mon: 5 x 5 @75% + 5 x 10 @ 55% Week 1, Thurs: 3 x 5 @75%
Week 2, Mon: 5 x 3 @85% + 5 x 10 @ 55% Week 2, Thurs: 3 x 5 @75%
Week 3, Mon: 5 x 1 @95% + 5 x 10 @55% Week 3, Thurs: 3 x 5 @75%

Repeat, deload after 2 cycles

5 sets of 5, 5 minutes of rest in between, once every 5 days

muh 5x5x5x5

3 warmup sets at about 40-50%, 60-65%, and 80%
3x5 work sets
then a couple of back off sets with my warmup weights.
this has been working really well for me, especially the backoff sets. they're just that little extra volume from the fatigued state, and I feel like they've been productive for my lifts

This looks good. Thanks.

Twice a week. Once competition style, once SSB. Volume lowers as intensity increases. This week was 5x5 @180kg for comp style, next week is 5x3 @ 190kg, then 3x1 @200kg, then test new 1rm.

Two sets of ten. On final set, to failure.

Daily reminder that if you're doing 5 or less reps you're not doing anything but making yourself feel strong

Do 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps on compound lifts and 15-20 on accessories, or you'll never see gains.

Squatting for a 10 rep Max set trains a lot of endurance and allows you to last longer during a 1 rep max (no homo)

I use to gasp for breath for a 225 for 10 rep set. As ive increased that to 325 for 10, I've felt a lot more controlled and can grind harder during singles or doubles.

Plus that type of volune can really help you get better form (simply due to more reps per session) and allows you to practice better core stability since the weight is lower and it's easier to dump in that instance

This. It's so hard to keep form when you're doing 5 fucking reps of the most weight you can handle. It's so horrible seeing all these beginner routines that are 3x5 or 5x5. IMO every beginner should start 3x10 on compound lifts until they get form down and reach a plateau, then go 3x5 or 5x5z

0x0 because I'm not some morbidly obese T-rex with busted knees




People will parrot this hypertrophy range bs forever bruh.

>it has strong, replicable research support, therefore it's bs
Veeky Forums everyone!

I think he meant people who say, "8 REPS FOR HYPERTROPHY MINUMUN BRUH!". Not the links I posted.

It's not about the rep range guys. It's about the load and the stimulus that load exhibits on the system and also the velocity in which the muscle contracts. The velocity determines the type of muscle fibers.

Your body doesn't magically grow because you did a certain amount of reps and stopped.

Anything 60% greater is going to elicit hypertrophy effects and cause your fast twitch muscles to work.

Anything less with be predominantly metabolic adaptations that improve muscular endurance.

Both are important.

Never disagreed with that desu. Hypertrophy is >mostly< about how many challenging sets you can have for a given muscle group in a week, not about how many reps there are.

I don't have a rep range per se.

I work in time blocks. I try to reach 30 reps of my working weight within 20 minutes. Once I do that, I add more weight. A typical workout will look like
Push Press
warm up
Front Squat
warm up
Then accessories/prehab.

5x5 with 3m rests. Linear progress and no exhaustion


first lower is 3x5
second lower is 5x5 at 80%