6.6% bodyfat

6.6% bodyfat


Fucking asian genetics.
Loot at that shit.
Took me 4 months to look like that and that fucker can do it in a bit over a month.

There is no way that's 6.6%. Video is pretty good for buzzfeed though

should have shown the girl instead of this chinky cuck

He's literally just spreading his lats more in the second picture. Arms pressed against his side in the first picture, arms holding invisible textbooks in the second picture. That is the only difference.

Yeah nah fuck off m8

LMAO more like 16.6%

he's also doing a sort of static flex if that makes sense. You could take two pictures within 10 mins of each other and get the same effect.

He still probably made progress just not as exaggerated as this

thats more like 12%

His shoulders also got 4.5 inches wider in just a month....Brehhh

yeah brah part of the hollywood training regimen is tren

There's no way this rando Asian dude started tren.
Probably 80% posture correction 10% gains and 10% pump.

>10% gains


Noob gains + better posture = making normies think they can become fit in just a month

The results are exactly what i expected, but they arent all too impressive.

The chick did a pretty solid job too.
Just goes to show what noob gains+ Primo Personalized training can get you.

I forgot to mention hollywood lighting.

trained like super heroes for 30 days? More like sucked DICK for 30 days.

did they fuck after?

It's only a matter of time before they do a "Buzzfeed employees have sex" video

If he has 6.6% I have 4%. Absolute bullshit.

>left pic out of focus, makes him look softer


>thats more like 12%
At 12%, his abs would be more visible. It's more like 15-16%.

why did her face get 200% uglier

He literally just stood with correct posture and flexed his abs in the after pic you retard

They tried to hollywood lighting this chick.
Makes her look flat and dry.
Whereas on the left she looks sweaty and flushed.


rekt and kekt

you're an idiot

that is ~12% he has no visible abs because his abs are weak as fuck


>tfw you'll never be below 20% bf
Fuck my condition...

Having weak abs doesn't make them disappear, nimrod. Why do you think really skinny guys have abs, despite never working out?

>6.6% BF
>no vascularity
>1" subcutaneous fat over belly
>serratus not visible
Yeah fuck this normie bullshit

Is your "condition" being a woman?

No, I just have a PHAT DICC BBYYYY

wait, I'm 6ft 170lbs with the same body fat (in right picture, not 6.6%) but I look thinner than he does. How does he weigh so little?

He's Asian. They don't have wills.

>6.6% bodyfat

He probably has babby legs

Also the photo is taken with pump, good lighting and lots of flexing