Just started lifting seriously about 4 months ago:
bench 5x5 165
squat 5x5 165
deadlift 3x5 225
ohp 5x5 90

Damn. How short are you? I've got very similar stats and don't look nearly as muscular.

Pounds or kilograms?

5'8 155 lb

Bulking season is over, I'm looking forward to getting shredded brehs.
Bench: 250 lbs
Squat: 355 lbs
Dead: 450lbs
Ohp: 190lbs

Want to see all abs and obliques. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO /FIT?

pank, hanging leg raise, russian twist. a lot.

Stop doing 5x5, you don't need that many sets with your time lifting and it's going to make you progress slower.

Eat less carbs and run more

I thought I wasnt doing enough
I'm running a ppl now
On one push day i do 5x5 bbb and 3x8 inc dum
the other push i do 5x5bbb and 3x8 dum pulloever

You trying to squeeze an inch on me, boy?

You're 5'7 at best, 5'6 most likely, quit your lying.

KG ofcourse, OP benches 165kgx5x5 - donkey.

Rounded up from 5'7.5 but ok you caught be on a half inch

You'd unironically get stronger faster where you are doing 3x5. 5x5 is subpar for novice progression.

Will do broski Thank you
I'm commiting to limiting my carb intake to a bowl of lmaoOATS in the morning and just doing veggies and protein for the remainder of the day. good idea? bad Idea?

what kind of running? sprints or jogging? is it cool if I bike for cardio? or should I add it all in the mix?

When I get shredded, w..will I have made it? or will I be DYEL?

Well I wouldn't say get stronger faster, you'll get just as strong at the same rate, but you'll stall later.


20 minutes of sprinting 3 times a week is enough, but if you add those abs in to the end of your workout and just eat leaner youre fine. Carbs are essential, so don't cut those just eat lean

Eat leaner? Should I be eating more than a bowl of oats?

Why do you need oats? Just eat at a slight deficit with the sprints and abs you're good in a couple months

6' 185

H-have i left skelly mode?

IDK, I just figured I needed carbs, and they are fairly healthy carbs and limiting myself to a bowl in the morning is a good discipline to maintain a lower carbs diet.

I appreciate the suggestion and will follow.

oh wait, last thing, what should my 20 min sprint regimen look like? sprint 60 seconds and rest 60 seconds ten times? just sprint for 20 min straight?

>20 Minutes

6'6 too, don't skip squats and deadlifts, you have that wide hip and chicken leg look about ya

I know. I totally do. I really hate doing legs.

I deadlift. Squats on the other hand...

If you're done bulking you can probably cut whatever program you're on, say SL. Start a PPL routine for hypertrophy, still keeping the compound lifts. Run it MWF-PPL. On your off days do say a lap of sprint. rest a min. then another lap. Do that for say, a mile. Then do the ab work on your off days as well


I'm 180cm at 75kg those were my starting weights and I look like shit compared. Props for ez genetics

I won't "lose gains" by under training muscle?

Honestly, you might lose al ittle, but if you're increasing your lifts every week or so it shouldnt be very noticable. The point is to have muscle show, so youre taking off fat while training abs and maintaning muscle

I really appreciate the advice.

learn to love it.

from the tits up you're two different people

you motivated this nerd to go do hack squats tomorrow.

My OHP and deadlift is the same as OP's but my squat is 190 and my bench is 110. How come I'm so smol?

>you motivated this nerd to go do hack squats tomorrow.

High bar faggot.

That or front.

You need it.

Yes, looking swole
5'11, 165

6'3" 170lbs
Starting SS with supplemental workouts on the last workout of the week. Because I'm weak AF.
Goal is to hit 195-200lb this year.


is this skinnyfat? he has a pump from lifting but he still has a loft of soft spots

actually decent body but ultra weak tier lifts, wtf man. ur a myth.

that's what happens when you skip leg day my man

you must not eat fucking anything. im jealous though, I can bench a ton more but am skinnyfat and look like shit.

you do need to put on some weight though.

please eat

nice neck

mirin natty gains

6'2 ~185lb
145/185/315/405 x5 approx

Curse of the no arms like me.
Nice boobs.
Kinda same weight but you look massive.

Pic at 175 looked better.

5'9" 200lbs

Squat: 415
Diddly: 495
OHP: 190
Bench: 240
Chin up: +90lbs (3rm)

Lifting for almost a year now

Thanks brehs

Looking good, but cursed with those wide hips like I am

You made some nice gains in lats and traps. You need delt work though

Timeframe is remarkable, siqq gains. Natty?

Not him but I'm 6'0/170 lbs and have similar stats:
Deadlift: 245 x 4
Squat: 165 x 5
Bench: 165 x 5
The Press: 102.5 x 5
Row: 135 x 5
>weighted dips: BW + 35 lbs x 5
Pull-Ups: Like 8/7/6 at bodyweight.

Thanks man. I'm natty but I got really fat doing a permabulk on 5x5.
Around 20% bf

You tried hard and actually did the fucking program, good shit. Current plans?

Get fat and strong.

5'7.5" 180lbs

260 x 1
120 x 10
135 x 10
120 x 1
? x ? (gonna try this one tomorrow)
13 (strict form)

just started squatting a week ago, obviously need a lot of work there.

>no current body

13 strict pullups

Skelly detected.

5'7 175lbs


>tfw no neck bf

>Props for ez genetics
>op is 5'7

Me today at 147lb

>tfw no neck bf

I'm not sure if insults or mires.
Recovering Skelly, this is +40lbs from Jan 1 2016

Solid proportions. Nitpicks: lower chest underdeveloped, abs underdeveloped, vastus lateralis overpowers VMO

I'm #18, speaking for #30 when I say they are mires

mirin chest and abs

train delts and lats

lol do you have an outie belly button?

It looks like he shopped it ahahahaha

I'm not saying that you look particularly good but your lifts should be much better while looking like this.

Lats are really hard to train, I do rows and pullups consistently but they're not popping out


other side

I'm 6' and at least 30 pounds on all of his lifts but I look dyel

I have been doing calisthenics and sprints/distance running, so I actually don't lift(although I am using some dumbells to try and add mass to my awful shoulders).

My question is, do I look dyel? More importantly, do I look good enough to slightly impress Normie bitches 17-18? I am going on a beach trip in 4 months so I want to know if I am on the right track.

Am I still dyel?

>lower chest underdeveloped
>abs underdeveloped
>vastus lateralis overpowers VMO
100 percent agree. I love narrow stance for legs. Well said thanks for the direct critique. Will work on it.

deadlift 155
squat 80 or something
bench 50

still new~~~

>bench 5x5 165
>squat 5x5 165
>deadlift 3x5 225
>ohp 5x5 90
I have better numbers for all except bench and still look like shit.

5'7 150lbs here

Is training for strenght a meme?

>tfw no lifting gf

6'0 172

Gotta Include height+weight.
Big balls for posting on Veeky Forums
How long have you been lifting?

How long lifting man?

Looking good as usual


would smash 10/10 Muhammad

>that strand of hair escaping the black hole


Great physique honestly. Would train upper chest to get that separation from the clavicle. Landmine press is bae

Missed the obvious.
Sewiously lifting for 4 months maybe? I finally hit the racks maybe only a month and a half ago

Pls respond, do I look dyel, or at least enough for 17-18 yr old Normie bitches?

Just do a hypertrohpy routine if you want aesthetics. ppl

6ft 82kg reporting in

Tbh you're ripped by normie standards, you need some sort of tan tho



Mirin jaw/hair/nips more than physique, physique is okay


th-thanks s-senpai

wew lad those legs

get to work on those

damn son, I'm an inch taller then you and weigh the same, and my chest doesn't look as good as yours . Do you skip leg day or something?

had a hearty handful of pistachios the last couple of days

they have been good days

155 lb at 5'7''
2 months into 5x5 Stronglifts

Don't forget to work your abs
Hanging abs crunches and ghd machine. When you are on the ghd machine flex your core the whole time, hands behind your head, and do 100 situps
Start doing close grip bench
Solid just work your abs more
Eat more and bench more
Ss claims another victim?
Clean your place other than that solid
Based otter
If you have to ask...

nice anterior delts


Front shot. Extremely flattering lighting.


anabolic androgenic steroids, have you used them