What is the most red pilled weight loss plan

What is the most red pilled weight loss plan

Eat less.
> thread

DNP and fork put-downs

Starving to death.

Sucking Jewish Cocks

Daily jew and nigger hunting. Burns a lot of calories

dnp and ice bath sit downs

a strict diet of semen and cigarettes

Keto + EC

I lost 306lbs doing this from 2010-2012 (Age 17-19). Minimal loose skin because GOWAD and I actually lifted after.

Ended up injuring myself and blew up from 200lbs to 275 over 2 years of office job and rehabilitation.

Currently running DNP+Keto+EC.
This is the redpilled combination if you have ASCENDED.

Keto+EC if you're just starting out.

Main thing to keep in mind is all of this will do nothing if you dont do fork putdowns until failure (which should be fucking never) and actually fucking grow some testicles and cultivate some discipline.

Protein Modified Sparing Fast is goat. It's literally the diet they put the morbidly obese on when they admit them in bariatric centers

cut your legs off

>Cultivate discipline
>Uses DNP

Yeah hi I'm retarded please let me tell you about my disciplined natty life

> uses appetite suppressant
> thinks hes using willpower

Fiber/Portein diet + Caloric deficit diet + 3 - 6 Times lifting a week

The one I'm doing right now tbqh family.

Lift 3x a week, run 7x a week, which brings your TDEE nicely high to eat 1700 calories and still be at a 1250 cal deficit to lose 10lb/month. Even on vacations, I can still booze the night away and eat shit without disrupting my progress since I'll still at least be under maintenance.

the only one i can vouch for is appetite suppression.

i have adhd, so i get 30mgs of dexamphetamine daily, which is approximately 200 pills of 5mg dexamphetamine.

>zero appetite
shits great actually. plus i have energy to exercise daily.

lost 12 kilos in 4 weeks last year during holidays, when all i did was exercise, sleep and play vidya.

this year im studiyng through the holidays, so only lost 5 kilos in 4 weeks.

there's a chance your weight rebounds if you quit cold turkey off dex, so you gotta have enough so you can taper down over a few weeks.

Being at that large of a deficit wouldn't you lose muscle as well?

That's a big slice.

I used to make mad gains on intermittent fasting.
I woke up, drank AminoX (BCCA with no added sugar) with Yohimbe HCL for dick gainz and to suppres my appetite, took my gymbag to work, ate nothing, only drank coffee my coffe black and carbonated water, went straight to gym after work, pumped iron for 2 hours, went back home, took a double dose of whey and fixed a 2000KCal meal, which was just one big pan with clean food, at it in 1 a 2 hours, drank more double doses whey and went to sleep at 20.30 and repeat, i did this on a 2 day split on 5 consecutive days for half a year, but now i'm like "screw that m8" and started doing SS, because why the fuck not?

Spreadsheet, log all calories, create recipes.

It worked for me.

Ketosis is the ultimate red pill to diet and nutrition


>no spic/wop food(pasta, beans, pootatoes)
>No arab/nigro food (fruits and grains)

What is the most red pilled weight gain plan ?
I'm fucking auschwitz mode, help.

Keto,but with more food.

Are you me xd