He's below 6'3''

>he's below 6'3''

>she already looks 30

>She's over 23

shots fired

Trips of truth
damn girls age terribly and if she is single at 20+ you know her personality is fucked aswell

>he's not 5'3

>she can't stop checking the phone for 2 minutes

>her weight is triple digits
>she is so insecure she has to berate people on a chinese weight lifting forum for autistic people

implying girls under 25 who are married aren't stupid either...implying other robot girls are betas...implying she already got divorced and is a single mom


Manlets detected

plot twist, she's talking about subway

*white girls age terribly

>implying other races have any type of quality in women
Mate, remove head from ass please

I take it you like 'em old and used then?

*people who spend decades binging on coke and heroin age terribly

>tfw 5'10
>tfw ex was aryan, literal blonde hair, blue eyes, 6'1
>dicked her down daily in HS
>current gf is a hot Italian chick.
>dick her down whenever I want to

Get fucked you height cucks. 6'8 or 5'2, none of that shit matters if you can't get laid

>implying manlets can't get hot babes like pic related

what is this?

Also got a piece of this action
>btw, I'm only 5'7"

Are you one of her students?

big men help others up not put them down

>Special education trainer
Perfect for you user, she is used to people drooling all over themselves

I'm 6'3 on the dot.



>she's below DD

pretty cute

Plastic women don't age

>Tfw 6'6
Still virgin

You're just jealous you can't taste that fiery redhead pussy

Tall men have a few advantages, but as long as you're not terribly under the average you'll be fine.

E cup and up baby.

>tfw 6'2 and like guys taller than me.
>tfw no 6'4" muscle bara bf
Thank god im not any taller. But im glad im not shorter. 6'1-6'2" is god tier height

post your Shaq-size feet

Her weight starts with 2...

>mfw 6' and i see a girl as tall as me because they're wearing those 5 inch elevator boots and/or are genetic freaks
It's bullshit

I hate when manlets make the excuse that a girls heels makes them as tall or even taller than them.
Like fuck no, you're just short, faggot.
Don't blame it on their heels.
They might as well say women have bigger chests because of their boobs.

is this trolling?



>her weight is in the triple digits

That's the prettiest tranny I've ever seen