Are those a waste of time

Are those a waste of time

They're okay for reducing joint soreness in heavy grip exercises like pull-ups/deadlifts and for physical therapy for hand injuries, but otherwise they won't miraculously improve your deadlift grip so you can add another pl8 to it if that's what you're hoping for. I use one to speed up the recovery in my sore finger joins from doing weighted chin-ups and deadlifts.

Nope. My friend's forearm is bigger than my calves and that's all he does

How would they be more of a waste of time than browsing and posting on an anonymous image board?



Imo just do farmer walks


holy shit

I do Farmer's with hook grip.


wtf are you all saying

arent these for keeping the weights on the bar





holy fucking shit dude

I have two regular hand grips and another adjustable pair that goes from 10kg to 40kg. The adjustable ones fucked up the skin of my hands because of the rubber, so I'm currently doing 3x65 with the regular ones and increase +5 reps per week. It's better than nothing.

>Not buying captains of crush

Just ordered a no.1 (140lbs)
Rn my dl is 335
Lets hope for the best

TOO FAR user


No they won't necessarily make your arms huge though. Make sure to work your extensor with rubber bands and throw in some pinch blocks and a wrist roller. Now that combo will get you some great fore arms

thats nothing compared to captains of crush. I thought it was all bs at first, but theyre a real challenge.

Get the vice gripper instead.

not that guy, but compare the situation:

farmer's walks are a compound exercise. your grip strength will give out a certain point, let's measure it in steps. with hookgrip, it'll take more steps for your grip to give out. it trains your grip exactly the same as normal grip (hook grip doesn't make your forearm's grip strength stronger after all, it's just more advantageous for grip), but you took more steps. you trained the rest of the muscles more.

You could try deadlifts and curls and bench press with a fat bar.

This one weighs a mere 65 lbs. Not much heavier than normal, and about as big around as a pub pint glass.

>used it last night


Are you ok, OP?

>all these normalfag responses
this board is fucking dead

Veeky Forums provides a lot of useful info about nutrition and weight lifting. Thanks to the sticky and some threads I finally am training properly at the gym while many others use machines with tiny weights. You're a normal scum faggot



It's the only truth on this board.

wait I thought these are the things you put to on a barbell to secure the weights. No wonder I was getting so many weird looks.

Holy moly guacamole



If you do wrist curls + finger curls + reverse wrist curls + these I guarantee your grip will miraculously improve

But you're on it to