Why is it that everyone's like revolves around either drinking, smoking or doing drugs?

Why is it that everyone's like revolves around either drinking, smoking or doing drugs?

I don't do any of them and its so isolating :(

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Know that feel.

t. Ubermensch

Stop hanging out with degenerates

>tfw finally found the perfect girl

I have stopped hanging out with degenerates which is why i'm isolated, read the post m8

because socializing with anyone other than closest friends and family always has social tension and uncertainty associated with it and drugs ease said tension. others know too that alcohol and cigarettes taste like shit but they also know thats not the point

They exist, just get out there and find some

Honestly, being a believing Christian is retarded, but church is the best place to find good friends and girlfriend/wife material

makes sense, i just find it hard to understand people how people can go out, spend £10 on a taxi, walk in the freezing cold at night, spend money on drinks, make an ass of yourself , have no memory of your night, spend another £10 getting home, passing out without getting into sensible bedroom attire, not brushing your teeth and then finally waking up feeling like complete shit

used to go to church with my grandparents as a kid, so fucking boring and dumb and i cant stand any religion so thats a no go

People without any real personality have to affix things to themselves to make them seem interesting or cool, that's why you get people whose whole lives resolve around these three things most days of the week.

It's just a congregation of some of the best people in the country. They're one of the last groups that believe in the nuclear family and not being degenerate. I'm not fucking say convert

yeah thats true, i just wanna find a bro who will come lift with me and go hiking and camping and play video games and just do anything apart from "getting the drinks in"

The only thing you are isolated from is degeneracy.

>that's why you get people whose whole lives resolve around these three things most days of the week.

Your average Veeky Forumsizen's life revolves around the gym


Lawl, dating is shit with 95% of women in their 20's
>so, what are your interests? What are you passionate about?
>"I love traveling, my family, and netflix"
Fucking all of them say that and have no real hobbies

That's a little different, the gym is all about self-improvement.

"I love travelling, drinking every second day and sucking as many dicks as possible"

wow this is depressing..

Imagine my shock when I found someone with an actual interest on tinder

Because drinking, smoking, or doing drugs is fun for certain people.

Why not just hang out with people while they drink and not drink? I never got this; you don't need to partake to enjoy their company and if they chastise you laugh it off because who cares?

Also its totally cool if you choose not to delve in "degeneracy", just pleast don't become a pretentious faggot like most straight edge peeps.

False. All the hot Christian girls are taken and its only the ugly ones that are left. Also, they will leave you if you're not a Christian too.
T. Grew up in church all my lif

You'll find a lot are still in the church, still follow the teachings for the most part, but realize that it's all just fairytales

At least, the two girls I've dated who've been active in the church were both like that, and couldn't care less than I'm an atheist

but all of those things utterly reck the shit out of most people, i dont know any life long drinkers who look good over 40, i dont know any long term weed smokers who arent vegetables, i dont know any long term drug users who havent either died or look like cancer

and yh its okay im not a pretentious fag

>long term weed smokers who arent vegetables

Is the concept of moderation lost on you?

There's nothing wrong with a drinking session maybe once a month, but so many young people make their whole lives about it.

>but all of those things utterly reck the shit out of most people
Only if you don't look after yourself the rest of the time. I've backed off now I've graduated but for three years I was getting smashed once or twice a week, smoking weed semi-regularly and taking MD/LSD once a month or so for the last couple of years
Still found time to lift, play numerous sports and keep up with all my uni work. Didn't affect my health in any noticeable way, I just had to watch my diet more and work harder at the gym/doing cardio

I used to drink every weekend last year, and sometimes twice a weekend, being at university and in a student hall. After coming back home for our break i haven't felt any desire to drink anymore and don't understand how I did this each weekend. I just find it so boring and pointless now since it's literally the same thing every time. Would rather smoke bud occasionally with a few close mates if i want to take any substance at all but desu if I had the choice i'd rather stay sober and do something interesting instead. I think maybe people do it just because it's easy to fit in and feel like you have close friends when you're all drinking together. I haven't drunk since November now and don't really have any desire to get fucked up again like I used to.

> There's nothing wrong with a drinking session maybe once a month
Degenerate pls

Then just become a degenerate so you'll fit in

Those aren't real Christians man. It's like the Catholic that goes to Mass twice a year.
After high school ended and all the kids that were forced to go by their parents stopped coming, you'll find it's only the true believers that are left. And they are all fucking zealots.

>not invoking the spirit of your ancestors and drinking numale faggots under the table to prove their inferiority to you

Because they're idiot faggots who do what everyone else does out of boredom
>any kind of stimulant
>weed with tobacco/constantly
>research chemicals

Then they're the aforementioned idiot faggot. Occasional halucinogenics like acid with friends are really good in moderation and so long as you take then clean and by themselves. Normies are fucking idiots cause they overdo it most of the time or mix it with other substances. Same with smoking weed constantly and not having the money for it.

Don't feel bad about not being a degenerate. I've given up alcohol, refuse to smoke thanks to numerous cases of lung cancer in the family and only occasionally drop but only as a stress reliever.

You make up for it in other ways, if you have a job, are confident, happy with yourself, have had fun experiences you can talk about, etc.

Then again if you had the above you wouldn't be on a chechnyan yak exchange board and neither would I.

I disagree. I think it is healthy for a young adult to explore drugs. It's just that you have to grow up and stop doing that shit when you're 25+. Seeing a 30 year old at a rave is one of the saddest things you can ever witness.

I disagree with stimulants wholeheartedly. Not only can most people not handle it cause they overdose it like plebs, stimulants in general can fuck you up just because of how hyperactive they make you. Most young adults get shit for cheap from some unknown dealer, overdo it or take research chemicals and end up fucking up their cardiovascular system badly.

Hallucinogenics sure, but you still have to be responsible. Ketamine is just plain retarded, because od'ing on that has you piss yourself and literally in 'please rape me' mode.

You can take take drugs recreationally and responsibly without being an idiot. It's like sexual experimentation, it's only possible when you're young and whilst you should not cling to monogamy desperately, you shouldn't also literally fuck left and right because you can easily fuck up, get someone pregnant or catch an STD.

Normies have a problem in overdoing this shit. That's why there's an outbreak of STDs in London right now and why teenage pregnancy is an actual "issue" in modern western society.

Because they are using alcohol and drugs as coping mechanisms to get through their shitty lives. When you are into fitness and have a self improvement mind set it is very hard to interact with people who are not driven. I use to find it isolating but now I realize there is no point wasting time on 'copers' and find people with similar mind set of self improvement and not just getting by day to day.

Drugs (in moderation) spice things up and make life a little more tolerable

Life is only your perception of it anyway

Because I can't respect people who have to drink everyday just to get by. These people are generally boring as fuck and not good company. Even though they might think they are while drinking.

>I am enlightened because I only take LSD in moderation, if you take anything else you are an idiot degenerate
yeah, take your fedora off before you post next time you raging nonce

>Ketamine is just plain retarded
i assume that you are just plain retarded, because ketamine is a very strong psychedelic drug if used correctly... and no, not in a club...obviously..


>because ketamine is a very strong psychedelic drug if used correctly
it literally isn't a psychedelic

well then you didn´t experienced it..
ps who is john lilly?

>well then you didn´t experienced it..
it's a dissociative you utter weapon
a psychedelic is an entirely different class of drug

i can relate to this on a spiritual level

you failed philosophy didn't you?
I can see why you think they are fairy tales, but the moral implications of an omnipotent, omniscient God aren't seen in fairy tales.
>inb4 hurr durr you believe in a zombie kike
Nothing I said implied that.

ill be your friend

would you be so kind and apologize now? but i bet you won´t because you cant even bench the bar.
ps faggot

It even says in there that dissociatives are not true psychedelics (which are serotonergic)
Ketamine is a very different feeling to something like LSD, which is a 'true' psychedelic

Fuck off Clarence

>sensible bedroom attire

I understand the importance of religion in the past and present, but that doesn't mean the stories are literally accurate to history

Prove to me that everything else in that list not in moderation isn't a waste of time.

protip: you can't.