/Fraud/ - Steroids, blogging, and let's bitch about life general

It's the weekend, why are you here on Veeky Forums and not out doing stuff? - edition


1st for SEAHAWKS B T F O

i have no friends i can hang out with

Youll enjoy my FF team pic (we won the championship too)
If it makes you feel better I have plenty of friends that I routinely avoid on weekend nights

I just turned my natty card in.
I'm doing my first SARM cycle of MK-677. I'm glad to be one of you now.

i could go to a shitty super loud college bar and scream in peoples ears but i hate it.

>tfw wasted a few hours of my saturday night on the annual company party

most boring shit I've ever seen in my life, even my workmates didn't want to ditch and go to a club or something.

Least there was a buffet of chicken breast skewers, wings, sweet potato fries, pulled pork burgers and pizza.

Definitely made sure I got some gains to compensate for the boredom.

I found the key to college was house parties. Felt much more manageable.

But I went to a small private school, different atmosphere. And Greek Life there is really casual and accessible. I was in a fraternity the whole time.

>tfw bought some really tight pants to make my quads look bigger
>some really tight shirts to make my last and traps look bigger

Just got out of TJmaxx. I'll get dressed them post workout and post pics.

What is considered Veeky Forums I dunno what I'm doing

Anyways I'll show you guys my fuxking attempt at it in a couple hours

Because i went out for dinner with my girlfriend and im at hers now

>Why are you here on Veeky Forums?

I've been having a rough time securing a good bitcoin purchase for the past hour. Prior to that I was finding a good source, talked with them a bit, and just made my purchase. I'm way more excited about all this then going out.

Im supposed to meet a couple friends at a bar but I havent heard back which to me is a free pass to sit around and do nothing some more.

Im fine with this. Start new career in like a month and ill be damn busy again.

do jj and infinity still?

Is it necessary to run a HCG at the end of the cycle if youre already going to PCT with Nolva and an AI?

i know its bait but come on man

no not at all, hcg helps your balls a little in ramping up natural production after a cycle but its not required.

i am 21 years old and fat
i got test level of 267 ng/dl and i have one testicle.
i don't want to jump on TRT immediately
can i try running CLOMID only cycle, 25 mg EOD.

will it work? all i want is higher TEST for more gains. doc said i can have TRT but it can fuck up my fertility later on life so.


summoning alex

If you're scared read up on hcg. Also its very unlikely you'll kill your fertility on TRT levels.

also don't roid when fat, just never.

absolute fucking idiot

Finally arrived at tolerable sides in my recomp blast.

400mg Test E weekly
150mg Masteron ED
100mg Tren Ace ED
200mcg GHRP2 x4 day
200mcg Mod GRF x4 day
250mg dinitro DNP ED
100mcg cytomel

Sleeping still sucks, acid reflux is killing me but I can at least move around now without feeling like I got hit by a bulldozer.

That thread is a fucking train wreck. Holy shit.

How much do you guys pay per month for your gym membership?

I thought you were French, wot r u doin watching handegg m8?

>oh new thread
>both of them have posted in it

Maybe next thread, lads

Convince me I don't need 50g of proviron for funsies.

>all that just to recomp

>tfw started bodybuilding so I can look good and get women
>somewhere along the line I started roiding attempting to get my ideals and get as much aesthetics as possible for my own narcissism, though mires are greatly welcomed
>no longer care about women or sex, even if a hot one asked me for a date she'd pay for I'd rather just stay at home

I don't know how this happened, but the gymcel meme is real.

Out of curiosity, is there some kind of correlation between natty ratios of test:e2 and level of aromatization?
So, for example, if one person has about 600 ng/dL test and 20 pg/mL e2 when natural, would he aromatize more than someone with about 600 ng/dL of test and 10 pg/mL of e2?
Similarly, is a person's level of aromatization predictable in any way (aside from being fatasfatass)?

>without feeling like I got hit by a bulldozer.
What happened? You really need DNP, ECA, and t3?

Need? No. Once you've made the choice to DNP though..

Broke my leg in the summer and shattered my ankle, took a few surgeries, got depressed ate like a horse and didnt bother training because lolmyleg.

Making up for lost time and then some.

My friend is looking to enhance and cut with winnie.

Would 5-6w 50mg
And coming out with clomid be enough?

He's not really looking into making gains and getting huge.

>Making up for lost time

On 2 grams+max peptides+DNP/t3/ECA? I would expect that kind of stack from a high level amateur ~8 weeks out, not someone recovering from surgery.

>>somewhere along the line I started roiding
>>no longer care about women or sex
nice estrogen and prolactin faggot

I still got tons of tren/mast/test left over from my last batch in those 50ml jugs so why not.

>so why not

Because running 2 grams of gear for no good reason is fucking stupid.

You keep saying 2grams as if that means literally anything when its a stack, these are not the same compounds.

Why not add in my protons powder with your assbackwards logic? Test is the home team, Tren are visiting and Masteron is playing a different sport across town..


how much muscle do you expect to gain on dnp, lol. and if 0 why run all that gear along with the dnp instead of just enough to spare mass

>how much muscle do you expect to gain on dnp
not him, but it seems like with all that other nonsense you could gain a good bit

i dont think anyone is gaining anything on that shit


Not even sure If this one is elaborate bait or not


Oh man. Laughed so hard I cried.

The comments, it just gets better and better.

'No idea how to use your muscles'


>look decent in a few months

Yeah, that's how natty BB works , you look decent in months from obese!

>tfw don't look decent after 4 months

Haha im just lazy I guess

>know that im gonna look better than 90% of you fags on Veeky Forums when i get to 15% bf.

All those lean muscle gains from my strength routine!

>power lifter at the gym told me to eat more

Hey, at least he followed someone's advice!

>tfw achieved this natty

All I want is to lift and shitpost and look pretty. I see girls look at me and a part of my brain is like 'yo talk to her lol' and then I'm like 'less time to make fun of SS/SL and skinnyfat bulking on Veeky Forums tho'

Rhinoplasty in a couple years I don't want to take a month off lifting and end up doing fucking planks and push ups for a month, anytime soon.

>12% bf
>you can litterally see my love handles from my pants squeezing against my hips

Remind again, who was telling me to bulk? Why you do this moosey?

Also hey what's considered fucking fashionable?

This was nearly 50 bucks, for the outfit, thought it looked fine.

Some fancy ass Italian designer shit that was on clearance for like 2 years so it got marked down like 90%

I'm assuming that if no one wanted to buy it must not be very fashionable huh, especially seeing as how it was old enough for them to mark it down 10 times.

Just looks like normal clothes to me

Tren is good times for things other than gains as well, It's pretty fuckin amazing for fat loss. Masteron isn't for gains at all, it's probably one of the weakest compounds for gains what it does do is lean you right out and prevent bloat from the dnp.

Masterons one of the better cutting adjuncts, Tren is great at mobilizing fat burning and as a strong anabolic should prevent as much muscle loss as possible when eating 1kcal under maintenance.

Everything has a purpose and there's a purpose for everything

>as if that means literally anything when its a stack, these are not the same compounds

This is fat-chick-diet-Coke tier logic, 2 grams is 2 grams.

good lord you are ugly

>thinks compounds can be added together as a net
>thinks masteron is equal to tren

fatlifts is that you?

what's with all the mouth wash?
and relax a little my man

Fatlifts would've done 2g of each of them all together at once and reported back with a detailed description of what's going on with him every few days.

Oh right yeah, it's been a year since I've been /fraud/ so I forgot what flaptits was like.

Mind you back in the last two years doing 100mg Tren ED was the norm and not EXTREME HOOGE GEAR LOAD

I dunno. All my clothes is fucking cheap suits from my old job and like ONE outfit I wear on okcupid dates lol, and some gym clothes.

legit have no warddrobe. bought some random shit, whatever.

This fashion shit is confusing to me, I look at Veeky Forums and I see what they are wearing and I'm like 'really? This is good?'

I think maybe the best thing is just wear whatever the fuck you want, no?

>I see girls look at me and a part of my brain is like 'yo talk to her lol'
at least you haven't been trained like an animal by your deformed face to have your natural reaction instead be "pretend you don't hear them talking to you and ignore them while hiding under your hat acting like you are using your phone"

thinking of the retarded shit i did makes me want to cringe and kill myself even though i had no choice.

>'ugh glands is ignoring me'
>'on his phone again'
>'must be a prettier girl he's texting :('
>'I just need to try harder'

ur a mastermind. really, truly.

Time to go reap the seeds you planted

>omfg guys this 14 year old girl i work with at my minimum wage retail job looked at me
>guys she LOOKED AT ME

ayy lmao

sad thing is more you ignore them the harder they try for no reason? even if i blatantly tell them to fuck off (only done this like 2-3 times but still) they like just want it more.

this is what I hear nonstop from "redpilled" "pickupartists" on Veeky Forums

maybe it's true I dunno? I never tried it.

My perspective: If the girl wants to fuck you, and you want to fuck her.... maybe fuck her lamo?

If I'm gonna armchair physcologist here

>This guy doesn't make me feel pretty by wanting to fuck me
>I'll get fucked by him, that'll settle things


>maybe it's true I dunno? I never tried it.
well i dont know why faggot so called "pick up artists" (aka hit on random fucked up 3/10s until one is fucked up and desperate enough to fuck you) would advocate this. it seems like u have to attract someone in the first place which autistic and ugly PUAs don't seem to be able to do anyway. but mine wasnt just on the level of "act not interested" or whatever.

like grills would say shit to my face from the other side of a lab bench thing (whatever you call it) and i would just tune it out. not just hear it and ignore it, most of the time i would literally fucking prevent myself mentally from hearing it and pretend they were talking to someone else, to ease my mind from the fact that i have to pass shit like that up because of my glands. i did not process the words at all.

for some reason it worked better in my head that way and i was less suicidal. like "grill is talking to someone else -> whatever" was better than "grill wants to talk to me -> i cant and have to ignore it like i have autism because i am a fucking freak"

>My perspective: If the girl wants to fuck you, and you want to fuck her.... maybe fuck her lamo?
except i didnt want to fuck them. i felt so shitty about my face that like i probably couldnt even get hard. but thats jumping the gun a little anyway

>>>This guy doesn't make me feel pretty by wanting to fuck me
>>I'll get fucked by him, that'll settle things
lmao from that perspective that makes sense actually

/fraud/ - Serious question

If I cycle Test E 500mg for 10 weeks, and have good PCT, will I keep gains after? or will I have to cruise for life???

creatine and natty chain amino acids sound more like your type of thing

also side question. why is everyone working at those types of shops like vitamin shop and gnc juiced to the fucking gills. full of manlets too, this one vitamin shop has this 5'3 guy that is almost wider than he is tall

If you wanted something that would help you get big and strong and had no idea what you were doing, would you rather get advice from someone yuge (juiced up powerlifter or bodybuilder) or someone small (runner, swimmer, etc.)?
They hire big guys to associate their products with being a big guy.

yeah but it's like how the fuck do so many roiders apply there? you go in any of those shops you are guaranteed to see roided up employees, 100%. but i never see them anywhere else in shitty retail jobs, just those shops really.

alex is now making mire threads. lol.

I made that not alex

/spoiler// my names alex but I'm not that alex\\spoiler\

>and i would just tune it out. not just hear it and ignore it, most of the time i would literally fucking prevent myself mentally from hearing it and pretend they were talking to someone else, to ease my mind from the fact that i have to pass shit like that up because of my glands. i did not process the words at all.

I understand what you mean, this is what I did when I had a GF.

Any GF. ESTP ex, ex ex.

When another woman would talk to me, I would just tune them out 100%, like I don't even fucking listen to what they say just their lips move but I'm thinking about some shit.

My brain didn't process what they were saying because there just was no fucking reason to be listening to them, pointless.

Unless it was a customer. But zero fucking women worked in electronics scrap lamo.

That's one of the reasons I was so fucking rip shit pissed when I get fucking broken up with and shit, I was like 'I don't deserve this fucking shit'

In reality looking back at it logically, I DID deserve it because I made the choice to trust someone that couldn't be trusted.

When you trust someone, and they FUCK you over, you have oyurself to blame for being dumb enough to get taken advantage of.

> i felt so shitty about my face that like i probably couldnt even get hard.

I am determined to cut until I get ed.


I am doing contest prep at an FFMI of 20. L0L.

> i did not process the words at all.

Yep yep, it's just a fucking distraction.

>(aka hit on random fucked up 3/10s until one is fucked up and desperate enough to fuck you

I can personally attest that this works GREAT, except I prefer sober 3/10s

I dunno glandsy, like, 2/10, 5/10, 9/10, had it all, at some point, it's just like, the same man.

Just no fat girls because I can't even move her around and stuff (is this why people train for powerlifting?)

The other day I was talking to some dude at the gym

>You're getting huge bro!
Thanks man

>What supplements do you take
Uhhh uhhh uhhh


Drugs work guys

it's true though. I never told a single lie on this board or thread.

I got that number, and never texted it.

Idk why I bothered to get it

I feel like at this point if I even bother it's for the validation but fucking them just seems like a hassle

I have the shit tier disgusting body that teenage girls and muscular men crave

>>>What supplements do you take

>>I am determined to cut until I get ed.

i really really fucking hope i am able to get a life and that i am not too fucked up from over half a year of this bullshit.

Discounts on supplements, I guess.

Plus get to sit around and do nothing

>>Plus get to sit around and do nothing

>if you have time to sit there you have time to clean!

anyone else cruise on tren

also omfg i am reading the mire thread and it brought back a bad memory, from when a literal fucking faggot was always all smiley and shit with me. i didnt even realize it was a fucking fag until that shit had been going on for a while. when i realized this thing was trying to flirt my fucking god i remember like just screaming into a fucking pillow i was so fucking weirded out.

>not permablasting
stay benching 1 plate with 11 inch arms

I tried to apply a supplement shop and they wanted a fucking essay on why I want to work there and why I should be hired.

Like bitch I could make more money as a fucking barback no way I'm writing shit before you even interview me. The fuck you think this is

>Like bitch I could make more money as a fucking bareback***

>i really really fucking hope i am able to get a life

Glands, glands, glands.

Falling for the you gotta be a normie to be happy meme I see?

Figure out what the fuck you want to do and then do it.

You don't need to tick off boxes autistically like

>Have X many facebook friends
>Have X many instragram likes
>Have X many people I drink with
>Been to X new club

To be happy.

Most normalscum do that shit not even because it makes them happy, and it doesn't.

95% of the normies around me in the gym seem fucking depressed, maybe because they are looking at their normiebook account worried they don't have enough """friends"""?

Who knows.



>Work to achieve it


>fucking do it.

Not rocket science, people fall for the TRAP of trying to be normies because hurr durr it'll make me happy.

Except they're all misreable and I'm grinning like a retard reading "8 months of Strong lifts progress thread" with tears rolling down my face and a huge grin plastered on

Lmfao what are you 12? You're not gonna turn homo just cause some faggot was flirting with you.

Fags can literally make for the most bro co-workers. Worked with a pretty obvious twink. Was fun to talk to, never crossed boundaries and was just a cool guy. This dude hooked me up with a cute as fuck Ukrainian girl. All the foreign chicks loved him so he had a ton of social capital.

Be nice to people and see where it gets you sometime

to spend my current retardedly abundant amount of free time doing something "social" since i am in fucking college, instead of playing video games for 12 hours a day

>Work to achieve it
tren saved my life, gave me the roid strength to pop myself and get rid of the glands

not being so forever alone that i relish even my interactions with the guy installing mirrors downstairs

Meh. Not much sometimes

See above

You're a fucking idiot bro

Hahahahaha I hope that's a troll.

that is different than one fucking flirting with you like he is some girl. i thought he was just like a shy kid at first or something but then i noticed he acted normal to everyone else except me. like you know when a girl is staring and you make eye contact she will smile and look away, or if you dont then they just keep staring. he did that shit and when i would talk to him he had this FUCKING body language i cant even describe like he wanted my boipussi so fucking bad.

it's not, that's just alex

She did though.

Somewhere I missed the sitcom story arc that might have taught me that lesson without so much grief.

fattits is that actually you

are you still 400lbs or whatever

Finally got some ostarine off of auslabs. Cant wait to try it and join the dark side, next will be lgd if this is any good then finally might man up and pin.

What can I expect off of a 6 week run with osta?
Ive got nolva and adex on hand as well just in case. Should I only dose adex if i start seeing estrogen sides or run it from the start? I know I probably wont need it but want to be safe. Just hope its all legit cant find many reviews on auslabs

>>What can I expect off of a 6 week run with osta?
hopefully an adverse drug reaction that kills u

Nah man, nah.

is this a troll this looks like bait

Fingers crossed ai good way to get the feet wet

>people unrinocally think this is a bad idea and or impossible
>natT has been doing this for 6 years

Ugh, it's that fucking guy that is bulking at like 35% bodyfat and thinks that you have to get obese to make progress.

>you're a fucking idiot

No, you're a fucking idiot for literally getting fat for no fucking reason.

I (will) weigh aprox 159 lbs at 8% lean as fuck 'dick don't work' bf %

Bulking gaining 4 lbs a month.

I can gain 4 lbs from 8-9%, assume 3 lbs of fat. So I'm now at what, 10% bf.

then I can cut for two weeks and get rid of the 3 lbs of fat and keep the muscle I gained.

How are you not able to comprehend such a simple fucking concept?

Who knows

nope not a troll. Just trying to ease my way into this side of things

>>>natT has been doing this for 6 years
wait he has been lifting for 6 years and is fucking 140lbs? i thought he just started a year ago or some shit wtf?

ease a dick into your tight virgin asshole faggot

Ill ease a dick into your mums tight virgin asshole faggot

>not a troll

Pick one.

Either start shoving needles into your dickmuscle or get out of the /fraud/ thread.

>natural bodybuilding

Hey, he looks better than 99.9% of the bodybuilding community, 95% of people on gear, and 99.9999% of the general population.

That's an anchievement.

You keep bringing up his FFMI of 20, but I have a FFMI of 20. Weight/Bf %/ Height doesn't mean shit.

Clearly FFMI is meaningless, he looks pretty well developed at 20 FFMI, it is possible.

Only thing that matters is how big you look, not your fucking stats.

He. Looks. GREAT. for. a. natty.

then after i finished her ease a dick into your dads gaping asshole and when i finish wipe my cock on your pillow faggot

Yo I'm the queer who's gf left him yesterday for finding my gear. Tried making up with her today didn't work r.i.p. So I'm starting my blast tomorrow 900 test e 600 eq, and some tbol. Maybe some tren after finish the t Bol

So you want social interaction?

Females are the easiest way to get it.

I dunno how to like, make friends with random guys, but with girls, there is a romantic pretense so you have an "excuse" to approach them

Just start hitting on the fucking girls you are ignoring glands

figure out what you want fgt.

You could have anything in the world what you want? what popped in your head?

pro tip don't stack tren with eq

i am pretty sure i have never used the word FFMI in my life lol, thinking of someone else

cool so just as i thought another 12 year old trying to be hardcore with his fucking sarms. probably kept asking his mom for money to go to the corner store, so that he could afford this shit.