fuck off, we are the lumenauts



the IBM thing must be one of the bigger brainfucks to happen yet. We'll have lumemarines projecting moons whenever an IBM exec farts years from now while the coin stays in the eternal 500-700 zone

I'm just a holder, I need no sympathy
Because gains easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to meeeeeeeee, toooo meeeeeeeeee

Mama, just bought a bag
Logged into Kraken really fast
Pulled my trigger, now I'm dead
Mama, my gains had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, oh oh
Didn't mean to make you cry
If my allowance is not back this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

>500 to 700 range
>that's close to 30% swings
>not making massive profits swing trading that amazing volatility

weak effort, try harder

i would suggest you stack up now , this is a good hold

and we will see 600-700 this upcoming week

we already saw that yesterday the 21st you dip

history tends to repeat itself

and this IS the dip

One doesn't exclude the other

if history repeats itself and this is the dip, wait and buy in below 450, as in the previous dip
unless you want to be a bagholder that is

I see a little silhouetto of a line
Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the Moon Mission
Candlesticks of red lines very very frightening me
Press release now, press release now, press release now, press release now, press release now, IBM, magnifico

a lot depends on btc's next move right now , so i'm just watching the charts , but did get in at 520 just in case

This is a quality post.


up to 540 sats soon

here we go fags


And beyond.

20 BTC buy wall up.

It is not rigged entirely it is meanly being heavily manipulated with Pump and Dumps by Pajeets, Chinks, bots and probably NK. The rocket ship icon makes it easy to shill for.

Bellow is a link to the tread from yesterdays pump and dump. the second spike we saw today was from mostly residual hype.

>Read this!
The actual coin and company behind it are decent. the base coing price is increasing and its market value will increase over time. These spikes are nothing to do wiht that.

Side note. Now is a very good time to buy in as it has bottomed out, they are probably prepping another pump within a few days. It will drop again after but its not a bad way to make some extra XLM in the meantime. Not that these people should be encouraged. If their money supply falls off they will stop. so make sure you do not lose money on any deals while they are active (they have bots and things active all the time but the large-scale pump and dumps are of a greater magnitude).

tl; DR: Don't buy at the top of a pump and dump. XLM will increase in market value over time but it is being manipulated.

this is not a pnd , btc is crashng a bit hence the price action

Crap, wrong link

Generally that whole thread though. It is only a P&D example, not an XLM hate thread, if anything it should give you hope that XLM will be fine despite this manipulation.

No, they did a P&D yesterday and all these spikes in XLM are because of others they have done. XLMs base price is going up but slowly. It would go up faster but this shit stops it. Nothing to do with BTC, if anything people leaving BTC would increase the amount invested in alts.

Read the whole thread. It applies to many other coins and tokens too.

yeah yesterday sure , but right now btc is dipping and ppl start to move to alts

I actually think it's simpler than a lot of people think. It should have mooned to near ath, but didn't due to the recent btc activity. Now that the btc activity is coming to an end, the price is rising. And who knows, maybe with the added news from upcoming conferences, it could even have a new ath. Anyway, that''s my 2 cents on the issue.

all spikes? including run up to 1k after IBM partnership was announced?
nah, that was just overhype, and I think the manipulated part about this whole thing is the fact that there was no sustainable floor even after multiple 50% corrections to the spike.
I have seen the buy and sell walls but the fact that it went back down to 370, which was only 100 off from the price before each big run in october is suspicious, especially since the price then shot back up above 500.
I think the real current value is closer to 550, and that the price was kept down by schemers taking advantage of the floor falling out.
It's worrying when even after a large partnership announcement that comes with a large scale real world use case, a coin can't sustain even a third of it's gains.
if you could manipulate the price that low off the correction of that kind of over-hype, you'd trigger a massive sell off as people panic thinking its going to die if that kind of development can't keep it going.
buy in at the crash, put up buy walls and "pump" it back to the real world value and ride the overextension for good profits.
there's manipulation, but I don't think it's completely obscuring the actual value of lumens, buts it's doing a good job to hide the general uptrend

also, keep in mind that IBM said this was a temporary use of lumens, so be wary of lumens as an actual long term investment unless it starts to be adopted by others. Don't wan the entire value to be based on one partnership