Post your naturally achievable goal physique
Nice pic though.
but seriously, something like this
>adamantium laced skeleton and claws
yeah, not natty buddy
Just imagine if that chest was fuller
he didnt drink anything for like 3 days to achieve this
hehe xd
To achieve what? The veins?
I mean I don't want to be like the walking movie still, just something achievable that is near his physique at that time
interesting fact though
That's an impressive torso,
He was also lifting for well over 10 years at that point.
There's a Jamie Lewis blog post on Chaos and Pain about his diet and routine in preparation for every x-man movie and how his physique has improved over time even though he's gotten older.
Hugh Jackman used to be the definition of a lanklet if you can believe that.
Who cares about chest. 90% of the time you're around people you're wearing clothes anyway and when you have a big chest it looks like you have tits
I want to go almost fem-fridgemode
maybe like mini-fridge
No go for /thismode/
On the right
Bow down to the king
>tfw this guy mostly does bodyweight/crossfit type training.
C-cross is a meme right...?
Worst body here, bloated mess.
Look at those forearms!! Imagine the grip strength Jesus man
natural max
>naturally attainable
This fucking thread
Easy peasy,can probably go even further beyond naturally
God tier chest insertions
>tfw chest gap
pretty this desu
you can expect to look more like this if you're going for his physique
Isn't swimming mostly cardio? Why are swimmers so buff?
He competes as an olympic weightlifter when he's not swimming
all natty
I would say you can look like this natty after years of serious,disciplined lifting and dieting.He just looks like a swimmer who also does bodybuilding
12 months or less lol
pretty good
Ryan Nelson is natty as hell.
Fat legs are gay.
no u
Looks deformed
as natty as michael jordan
user, that's Klokov-- an olympic weightlifter.
Wanna know what else is gay? Looking at pictures of nearly naked men
>babys first time hearing about weight cutting
> delusion, the thread
I mean I care about chest that's why I said that lmao
>Skipping leg day
When they will learn...
>bloated mess
Maybe if you actually had abs, you'd know that they're only photo shoot chiseled when flexing them.
not natty unfortunato
looks natty
looks good
mutually exclusive
>what is perfect lighting, perfect pose, a pump plus carb refeed
Nobody walks around the same way they look in pictures.
hes not natty
ok come back in 10 years when you look like this crying about how 10 years later you look like total shit and I'll help you with first cycle
>t. chestlet
Just because hes stronger than you doesn't mean hes on gear.
Perfection aside from the pretty undefined quads.
Fucking lol really?
Here I was thinking that maybe the black gene meme is real, but holy shit is that a joke or what
>being natural
damn that is one salty dog.
is that MDMA in his lap?
>not white rocks or powder
pick one
>every post is either an obvious fraud or dyel
I hate this board
True. I meant 'extasy' but that's apparently never just 1 thing so I said MDMA.
Thank you,I was looking for his name.I do think he is natty and has a godly back
>Is on Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
>Has problems with anything gay
Get out now,cunt nobody wants you here