How do I get my gf to lose weight? She's about a 6 on this scale and I notice she eats as much as me...

How do I get my gf to lose weight? She's about a 6 on this scale and I notice she eats as much as me. She's also starting to get a cottage cheese ass. She says she started going to the gym with a "PT" but apparently her PT is some out of shape woman and I have no idea what program she actually does. I watched Rippetoe's Starting Strength video with her and told her to do squats.

>she eats as much as me

I mean when we dish out portions together. Obviously I only make healthy meals (chicken breast, rice, potatoes, salmon etc.)

Don't be a pussy and tell her you think she is gaining too much weight. Whether it is because you are worried about her health, are no longer attracted to her, whatever, just fucking be a man and speak to her.

She'll probably be hurt, no-one like to hear that they are fat sacks of shit (at least I didn't), but if she won't take the message and make an improvement in her life, you will be wasting yours by staying with her.

>Starting Strength

Don't be retarded. Read the sticky, get her to read the sticky, calculate TDEE, count her calorific intake, and deficit that shit up.

read the fucking sticky, newfag.
these threads are no different than "how do i lose weight" threads...

Chicks love piggybacking, take her out running, go to the gym with her, workout together or do cardio with each other, you could also make her feel insecure by getting mires from chicks that are more in shape when she's in the vicinity.

Don't be passive aggressive, and don't call her fat outright unless your willing to deal with whatever shit storm might ensue,

How do I get my girlfriend to fucking eat? SHe's like a 2 on that scale and I'd like something around about 4 or 4.5.

Make her plate smaller then yours and when she asks why she got less food you say "Because I'm the man so I get to eat more"
She even gets an attitude with you after that say "What are you bulking? Trying to put on some muscle mass if not you dont need to eat this much?"

Solves it right away.


this is much harder

every girl wants to lose weight, none of them want to gain it. i got my gf to come to the gym and lift but she's deathly afraid of eating more than a few bits of white bread a day and struggles to squat the fucking bar

this is my gfs untrained ass. how to get her a bubble butt?

Is there a better scale than that one out there? Literally every woman in that drawing looks like ass.

squats dude

its extremely frustrating not being able to go to the gym with the gf. she doesnt share the passion for fitness and its a bummer. shes the kind of girl who thinks walking an extra amount that day counts as working out. she aight tho

You can let me fuck it, it'll cause some gainz

pretty much my strategy at this point, just make her do all the work when we fuck so she gets a workout in


i assume youre a man user

a girl eating as much as a man will almost always make her fat

thats ur main problem

> calorific intake

This is a good idea except we always eat at her place and she usually makes the food and pays for the ingredients.

The sticky recommends SS. She's actually pretty strong as-is, I think she has potential with weight training. Obviously I don't mean something like SS+GOMAD or something retarded like that.

nice gyno

You have no clue whst passive aggressive means


>I'd like something around about 4 or 4.5

Jesus, man, just tell her. Show her /r/fatlogic on reddit or something, it's full of women so they know how to sugarcoat it for fat chicks who are just starting out.
Women don't need to work out as much, it's 100% diet for them unless they choose to add cardio so their diet can be less strict.
>not appreciating sticc gf

dump her

I'm thinking about it but the pussy man, and big tits are nice. But if I got her when she was a bit chunky I guess she doesn't feel the need to take working out seriously, even though I tell her I work out constantly and am in the gym at all costs even late at night.

step 1: live alone
step 2: make her one of the girls you are banging
step 3: workout
step 4: eat rice and water only
step 5: study and start a biz make cash
step 6: invest

seriously if your woman is eating as much as you then you need to lay down the law.

I guess I'll downgrade her to plate status and if she asks I'll say say "sorry, fitness and appearance are really important to me".

Why create a confrontation?
Living alone right?

6 is THICC and HIGH TEST, lol you're just a beta who cant handle a REAL woman with REAL curves

I kek'd

My gf is a 4. Just sayin.

>doesn't know where his gf is and who she's with at all times
>not making her stay at home and make meals for you while you're at the gym or at work

Lol enjoy getting cucked, a woman who isn't a NEET shut in will always cheat whenever they're out

Regular direct injection of my protein inside will work miracles, trust me.

Women are clueless about fitness. They think walking for 20 minutes is a big workout and they proceed to eat cookies and shit as a reward for all their hard work and they buy into every weight loss meme imaginable

I'm living alone yeah. I was seeing another girl at the same time and she was fit as hell, well, skinny and took fitness classes.

>doesn't live with his so called gf

you guys have a teenager relationship lol

Living with someone you're not married to is a recipe for disaster. Do you not value your own privacy or freedom? She's going to see all your flaws, get bored of you and it will ruin the relationship. No more browsing Veeky Forums, no more porn, and good luck setting up plans with other girls when you live in the same house.

t. been there done that

I'm a chubby chaser so I don't care when they blimp out as long as a girl keeps her underlying muscle and stays mildly active, I'll keep pounding that blubber

Sorry for your troubles OP, honestly the best you can do is try to include her in basic cardio and see if you can light that spark of "gotta get gud" in her without implying she's lazy, stupid or greedy. You don't want to police her body, but you DO want her to be Veeky Forums and healthy. It's a hard line to toe and I wish yall the best of luck.