Hi Veeky Forums

Been eating clean the last month (except for the usual holidays crap). I've lost 6 lbs or 3 kilo, went from 152 to 146. I'm 5'10 and dyel, 3 weeks into lifting. Just now I started counting calories today. My tdee is 1650 according to MyFitnessPal. Turns out I'm 800+ calories above my tdee for the day. I've been eating Like this for weeks. This is pretty fucking surprising since I've been losing fat for weeks as Well.

How is this possible? I'm on SL since 3 weeks plus do cardio once or twice a week. Besides that my metabolism is really fast (I eat shitloads a day). How can you explain this? Is my tdee too low for my activity? Is it just good metabolism? Before counting calories I thought I was on a cut while the numbers on Paper should be resulting in me gaining weight, right?


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Op here, I should also point out that I've been eating a lot of crap previously and got away with it without gaining a lot of weight. Hence the fast metabolism.

You are not counting calories properly. Eat the same shit for an entire week, no variation and properly measured, raw meat, rice, weight your veggies and your fruits and weight yourself daily, if by the end of the week you have the same weight (+-0.5lb still applies) then you know your real caloric intake for a day and you move on from there adding or substracting kcals. Considering you are a fucking skelly at 146 I highly suggest adding 500kcal or more. Don't worry too much if you go overboard tho you will experience better noob gains with a higher surplus as your body is still getting used to real weights. You really don't have to mind the calories that much so early on your training, but you gotta set them up properly tho.

Thanks for the input. By 'setting them up' you mean eating the right food (and right combinations)?

When they say 1/2/3/4 do you mean 1rm or 5rm. Fuck everytime I ask I get a different answer REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Yes, eating the right macros, 0.8 to 1g max protein for bulking and 1 to 1.2 for cutting. It doesn't matter if you go overboard by 100g or carbs 1 day because of a coffee or if you eat way too much protein 1 day at a BBC, you are way underweight so the fat spill is gonna be neglible. What does matter is you not eating enough protein for a day and filling those extra calories with empty carbs aka junk food.

I'm aware about that so no issues there. I've been eating lots of sardines, mackerel, eggs, beans, lenzils, Greek yoghurt etc etc so I definitely get enough proteins.

I'm 5'11'' tall but have the wingspan and standing reach of the average 5'9'' guy. Each arm is an inch shorter than average. How fucked am I? How will it affect my form and lifts once I get to serious weight?

they always make fat people do cardio when trying to lose weight
whats bad about lifting weights when trying to lose weight?
I-i'm asking f-for a friend.....

For those of you who have done 5x5,

when did y'all switch to a different method or change your routine?

I'm just over two months now and still making some progress, but the squats are starting to get really tiring.

Lifting weights works out better long term, increased muscle mass = higher metabolic rate. Plus lifting burns a decent amount of calories.

Cardio is important however, not just for the calories burned (you can't outrun a bad diet, an hour of running is one big-mac) but in order to keep your cardio-vascular and pulmonary systems healthy.

Lifting + a moderate amount of cardio (about 30 minutes per day) is the best solution for fatties. "Cardio kills gains" is a meme with a grain of truth to it, but that grain of truth applies only in specific contests and never to a dyel fatty.

It's all on the page, just follow the instructions: if you had to deload twice in a row switch to 3X5 for that exercise. Generally you'll exhaust LP in 2 to 6 months.

Sup buddies

I'm a newbiew (2nd month of lifting), wonderijg about accessory exercises to add in to my routine. Currently doing the Veeky Forums Greyskull LP variant (like phrak's but w/ curls on A/C days), and adding:

1. Lat pulldowns after the press on days ABC
2. Tricep Kickback on days A,C
3. Tricep Pulldown on day B

This sort of has no rhyme or reason to it so I feel there's plenty of room for improvement. Currently my squats don't feel like they work my core so I've been thinking of adding situps/plank on all days but does anyone have any suggestions?

(Lifting to 'tone' / for strength if that helps)

Nothing is bad about lifting weights to lose fat. That said, particularly with free weights, more knowledge is required or you risk hurting yourself. Everyone knows how to do cardio without any training, which is why everyone recommends it. The treadmills are always where I see the NY crowd swarming to.

Of course, you can still hurt yourself doing cardio like a retard, but the risk is less than some clueless dude trying to do a bench press. What i've said here also doesn't account for being so obese that cardio is going to destroy your joints.

thanks guys im not exactly a dyel fag ive done weight training before so i guess i gotta start again

so when referring to 1/2/3/4 do ya'all mean for reps or 1RM?

Strength standards are generally 1RM, unless noted otherwise.

what exactly is 1 2 3 4?

My advice to you is to stop worrying about minutae like the exact accessories you choose to do.
Make sure you're getting appreciable volume on every major group consistently and don't let yourself start being autistic about it.
It truly does not matter nearly as much as just getting in and doing the work. Would another exercise benefit you better than the one you chose? Maybe. But it doesn't matter that much. Just do it. Nip this habit now before you start getting more worried about that than form, control, consistency, etc.

Except don't do situps they're not awesome for your lower back.

1pl8 OHP, 2 bench, 3 squat, 4 deadlift

A strength benchmark, by convention it's the point when you're no longer considered weak by places like Veeky Forums, still very far from strong.

60kg OHP/100kg Bench Press/140kg Squat/180kg Deadlift.

Singles for weighted pull-ups on my pull-up strength days. Yes or no? Should I be doing more reps? I do 50 pullups on my two volume days and 10 weighted singles on my two strength days.

Good for fun or power development if you're making sure to do each rep very quickly.
But if you're just doing close to the heaviest single you can manage for 10 sets you could be working more efficiently for strength development.
Heavy sets of 3 would still be a good stimulus for strength development without the shittiness of high rep weighted pull-ups, which is what you're trying to avoid, don't lie to yourself.

How can I warm up my wrists better for OHP?

Before this is answered by a Rippletits DYEL: yes, you do need to warm up joints before a heavy compound and no, sets with a lighter weight doesn't do the trick.

Thanks user. Would you say feeling like I'm not hitting certain groups is a sign of bad form then?

If you're a beginner then don't worry about what it feels like hitting. You'll feel the soreness most in your weakest muscles rather than the ones the exercise is hitting, it doesn't necessarily mean you have bad form.

Once you've lifted for a while it will feel right.

"feeling it" is a retarded bro-science metric.
If you're performing the movement correctly then you're using the muscles that that exercise is "supposed" to work.
I'm not saying don't do your research. Be informed about what exercises do what and plan accordingly, just don't let yourself get caught up in it.

Is there anything wrong with eating 25g almonds, 25g cashew nuts and 25g walnuts each day? That's about a handful of each as a snack.

Decent protein, good spread of nutrients and omega 3. But is it 'unhealthy' to eat that many nuts each day? Since I rarely eat meat and struggle to get protein, I hope not.


If I'm 5'11 and 78kg at ~17-19% bodyfat at what weight can I expect to be ~10-11%?

I've been cutting for the past week and a half @1700 calories and 91KG. I'm still at the same weight. Rugby practise starts this week and I'm not sure if I should lower my calories or maybe with the added cardio I might start losing weight. I also started using creatine at the start of the cut, could that be it?

Agreed and checked

The more i look at that photo the more i think that guy has made it.

He has a pissening physique
He has a qt wife/gf
He has dylan roof as a son.

What is there to laugh at?

Keep it the same at least. 1700 is pretty low for someone at that weight who is even moderately active. Yes, creatine causes water retention so that almost certainly has something to do with it.

I don't think 1.5 weeks is going to necessarily register. you're body weight probably fluctuates daily depending on water/if you've taken a fat shit, etc., which would compensate for the 1-2 lbs you would have lost if properly cutting anyway. give it a few more weeks maybe familam, and don't stress.

also 1700 calories sounds like starvation mode, have you properly done your TDEE and all that?


I've had upper stomach pain for the past few weeks. It's a very dull pain with no other symptoms other than being lethargic. It basically felt like someone was pushing their fist through my top part of my stomach. I took 3 pregnancy tests, all spread out by a week so I'm not pregnant. Drank a bunch of Coke Zero, been burping a lot and the pain is not so intense anymore. Any idea anons? I'm not allergic to anything.


Anyone to save my poor, hurting wrists?

no faggot.

If you're really feeling the need to warm up your wrists before pressing you have weak wrists, poor form, or both

>the press

will SS supplement a barely beginner rower?

yeah I have most tdee calculators put me at 1700, im 185cm 91kg and 22.3%BF last time i checked

Eat tons of fiber, get checked for gastritis or ulcer or small intestine bullshit, get checked for lactose intolerance or other food allergies, pay attention to chewing thoroughly (30 times minimum) with your mouth firmly closed.

Also post butt.

does volume per day matter?
specifically, im doing 531 bbb and there are 2 variations, one with all of the same core on one day and one with it split
so today im doing bench 3x5, and then something for bbb sets
is it better to do A - bench 3x5, bench 5x10 on one day, or B - bench 3x5 press 5x10 on one day, and then vice versa on the press day?

Are these bars any good?

Too much sugar, I recommend kirkland protein bars

That picture is my dream

Option B for sure.
What you're talking about is really frequency.
One of the big criticisms of 5/3/1 is the low frequency. Upping your bench frequency from once a week (option A) to twice a week (option B) will probably get you some good results.
Bench responds well to frequency, so 1X/week is usually too low.

can someone help me with a simple routine for getting strength

i tried reading SS but it said some shit about warming up without weight and then slowly adding weight a billion times until you get i dont know where and then lowering the weight or some shit

im retarded pls help

If you're too stupid to do SS then you probably shouldn't lift weights, you'll end up choking on the clips or something.

Here's a good routine to do before SS: You can do this workout everyday with no rests needed.

Read the sticky.
Read a page of any book: 3xF
Graduate high school: 1 rep, max effort
Drink bleach: AMSAP (As man sips as possible)

How bad is dive bombing on squats? It looks like a lot of people doing 200+kg dive bomb like crazy

Also, how can I do 5x reps of 80% at a speed that isn't slowly stand up? Should I to where I can stand up quickly or is speed not important

Hey Veeky Forums, I'm going on a beach holiday for 2 weeks. I won't have any access to gym equipment, my diet won't be great, and I'll be drinking a fair bit.

I've heard that over-training prior to a holiday can be good because the muscles have longer to recover and they won't shrivel away into nothingness.

Is this true? How much over-training should I do? I was thinking of just adding an extra set to everything.

Both the eccentric and concentric portion of the lift are important, dive-bombing is used to get an extra kick from the rebound - which is okay if you're competing, setting a PR or training for a sport, but for general strength training purposes it shouldn't be overdone.

Your muscles won't waste into nothingness within two weeks or even two months in any case, barring you getting in a traumatic car accident and suffering extensive rhabdo or overindulging on the bleach or not eating anything the whole time.

Just enjoy your holiday you autist, the rest will do more good than bad. You can make some extra gains if you over-reach prior to the holiday, but it will have a very, very minor effect.

Thanks. I just want to look my best when I'm at the beach.

Since you'll have 2 weeks to recover, you might as well do drop sets of everything. You can train pretty much as much as you think your joints can handle. For example if you normally do curls 3x10, maybe do 6x10 and then a drop-set at the end with progressively lighter weight. That wouldn't be too unreasonable. You wouldn't want to do 20 sets though, because your body definitely won't be used to it and you'll do unnecessary damage to your body.

Anyone have any strategies for dealing with anxiety and bulking? Half the time when I'm eating I feel like I want to puke, but it's all mental.

>im retarded pls help

The best thing you can do to markedly improve your looks in such a short time frame is get rid of excess water, just don't dehydrate yourself.

whats the name of that shit that you get after exercise that makes you feel like complete shit. its like drinking poison. You especially feel it if you work out hard and don't sleep.

For seasonal affective disorders or just if you think you don't get enough sun, could you replace your light bulbs with the reptile kind? Like the 100w lizard bulbs that replicate the sun for iguanas?

Yes, I know it sounds stupid. So stupid that it might work.

Should I dropset every set, or just the last set of each exercise?

If I do biceps after back, should I just dropset back or biceps or both?

Your TDEE is not 1650.

What calculator did you use and what options did you select?

How fat is 6'1 210lbs 20% body fat?

thanks very helpful i guess i'll just do bench curls and squats with as much weight as i can

It's better to dropset the isolation movements you do because there is less risk of injury for going to failure. For example on my pull day, I will do weighted pullups as my main compound, and then do machine rows and curls afterwards. So in that case I would do maybe 1 or 2 extra sets of weighted pullups, but save the dropsets for the previous mentioned 2 isolation movements.

>20% body fat
Too fat, lose weight.

Don't set your goals based on other people. Set your goals based on what you want. If it's a 5rm for 1/2/3/4 then do that, if it's 1, then do that. Stop worrying so much about what other people have as goals for themselves

I look sort of lean builtfat. Been going to the gym for 3 months now. Been out two weaks with a flu, but am going back tomorrow. Should I continue eating what I usually do to build mass or should I be cutting? I'm afraid to lose gains if I cut this soon.

What did you expect? You are literally saying that you can't follow a simple set of instructions that can fit on a single sheet of paper. We are not qualified special education teachers.

It's 20%BF at 210lbs. What do you mean? Aesthetically? It depends on fat distribution but generally it's a bit north of average.

You should be cutting, you are overweight. Gains be damned.

It originally meant 1RM. The 5RM thing is a recent phenomenon.

Cardio will expend more calories overall, but you should defnitely lift weights while cutting. You'll expend more calories, and retain more lean mass so that you aren't a skinnyfat mess at the end.

You change your program when it no longer works, despite adequate nutrition, rest, and adherance.

Nothing wrong with it. Just be sure you are getting some volume with moderate intensity elsewhere (like 5x5 or something).

>and no, sets with a lighter weight doesn't do the trick.

But it literally does. If it's not working, you're not doing enough reps/sets.

Yes, people often retain a couple pounds of water when beginning creatine. Keep at it, measure again in a week.

What brand of food scale do you have?

Does it respond to antacids? Better or worse with meals? Any dark tarry stools?

Yes, SS is good for beginner strength trainees.

Split it up. The biggest problem with vanilla 5/3/1 is the low frequency. Training a movement 1x per weeks sucks shit. Increased frequency will make you better at those movements.

Start with the bar. Lift it for 5 reps? Is that easy? Add 10 lbs and try again. Keep doing this until your bar speed slows down. This is the weight you will start your 3x5 with on Day 1. It should not be difficult to complete.

Get used to it. Just eat more faggot.

They make SAD lights for SAD. Just get one of those. Has light in the correct spectrum. I don't know about the lizard bulbs.

You're not 20%BF, 210lbs, 6'1'' after three months of gym - that would imply a BMI of over 22. Not right unless you were very athletic even before going to the gym - it that wasn't the case then you're probably close to 25-30%BF. What are your lifts?

Whats a respectable distance or time to target on the rowing machine? Like beginner intermediate advanced levels

Bodyfat% can be achieved at any weight, it just matters how much muscle you have to make up the rest of the weight. You could be 10% at 200 pounds, you'd just be really fucking ripped and have lots of muscles. You can be 10% at your current weight, you'd just have to build more muscle while burning your fat

I think by BMI you meant FFMI.

>BMI of over 22
*FFMI of over 22.

Everyone else I've asked has said to keep going until I've reached a goal, then cut a little body fat. I'm not looking to be a skinny "aesthetic" twink.

I'm definitely not 25-30%.
I've actually been in the gym 2 months, my bad.
Bench = 60kg
OHP = 40kg
Squat = 90kg
DL = 95kg

210lbs at 20% bodyfat isn't unreasonable if he's done sports in his life

>simple set of instruction that can fit on asingle sheet of paper
SS is a fucking book, you motherfucker, it doesn't fit on a single sheet of paper

thos digits

As I said:
>Not right unless you were very athletic even before going to the gym
Mate, either read the post or don't reply.

>I'm definitely not 25-30%.
You seriously think you have 76kg of lean mass at 185cm with a 60kg bench and a 90kg squat? Not a chance, unless those numbers are for 30 reps. You're definitely at least 25%, probably 30% or even more.

I had the same delusion when I first started out: the 30% pictures on BF% charts looked like absolute fatasses and I couldn't believe I was that high - turns out I was and simply stored a lot of fat viscerally. The math don't lie.

Is it optimal to be doing both v-grip cable rows and v-grip pulldowns or should I switch one of the grips for more varety?

I already do regular overhand pullups.

As a man, what sort of routine will make me T H I C C?

No shit, but the basic instructions which threw him for a loop fit on a sheet of paper:
>Start with bar.
>Add about 20% per warmup set until you reach your work weight.
>Do 3 sets with work weight.
>Do dynamic stretches before-hand if you feel the need.
That had him fucking confused. Either he didn't bother reading the basics and wants us to spoon-feed him or he is a genuine retard like he says.

if I keep my arm perpendicular to the ground for bench press, the bar touches my body 2-3 inches below the chest on my stomach. Is this ok?

Ok. I'm probably near the 25% mark, when I remember more accurately. So in your opinion do you think I should keep lifting to build up muscle mass or cut to decrease body fat?

To be fair that's way more complicated than what most people do at the gym

I have been natty lifting for 4 months and I have an FFMI of >20

FFMI in general is useless, and doesn't correlate to how you look.

I have very wide shoudlers, wide hips, heavy bones. So my FFMI is high with minimal muscle and minimal fat on my body.

Other anons with smaller frames look amazing at 20 FFMI

I am 168 LBS 12.5% bf 5'10.5 which gives me an FFMI of over 20.

I'd say 30% but whatever, doesn't really matter. Personally, I'd focus on cutting first: Get down to 10-12% and then slowly bulk back up to whatever you feel okay with, rinse-repeat. It's a lot easier to cut when you're dyel and can maintain your muscle more easily than when you're an intermediate and need to either take the cut very slow or lose a decent bit of muscle.

Like 2-3 inches below your sternum? Like all the way below your xiphoid process? If yes, that's pretty low. Consider widening your grip a bit.

alex pls go

Ok cool. Sorry for being such newfag but how do I cut when I already find it difficult to bulk?

People should know though.

It's retarded to claim that you have a good or impressive physique just because your FFMI is high or someone is DYEL because their FFMI is low

This is almost as retarded as the guy speculating on someone's levels of LBM based on their fucking 1 rep maxes lol

>I have very wide shoudlers, wide hips, heavy bones.
Which makes maybe a kilo or two of difference. An entire human skeleton weighs around 10kg. I have 7.5'' wrists, my dad has 8.5'' - I can tell you that that's a 1kg and 2kg difference from someone who has 6'' wrists.

>Other anons with smaller frames look amazing at 20 FFMI
Overall looks highly depend on bf%, insertions and proportions. At 20 you may look good, but not impressive or amazing by Veeky Forums standards, probably not even by normie standards.

>I am 168 LBS 12.5% bf 5'10.5 which gives me an FFMI of over 20.
The jump from 20 to 20.8 (which is yours) is much easier than the jump from 21 to 22. Diminishing returns and all that. No way is he that high with those lifts.

>FFMI in general is useless
Fuck, it's always the guys who have just made their noob gains who spout such shit: Weight doesn't tell you how a guy looks, does that mean that it's a useless measurement?

>and doesn't correlate to how you look.
It correlates to how much muscle you have, which correlates to how good your body looks (unless you consider the shade of ones charka as being more important or something.) I think by "correlate" you meant "exactly predict" - in which case: No shit, Sherlock.

you're retarded.

do you see any difference in these two physiques numbnuts?

Neither one one of us is frauding our stats

Yet you're gonna look at this photo and still come up with some fucking bullshit lamo

I guess with my superior FFMI I have beaten his physique, totally look bigger then he does!

6 years of bodybuilding, 4 months, same shit!

IDK if you're gonna try to pick apart the bf % or anything else, in reality, he is like 143? right now I GAVE him 150 for arguement's sake

I used it to get an idea of the guys BF%, for which FFMI is a very useful tool.

You are the one who went on a fucking rant about your l33t shoulders and muscle not being that important - on a forum dedicated to helping people build muscle, that's like going to an car-race and screaming at people that having a fast car is not the most important thing in life.

>or someone is DYEL because their FFMI is low
Muscle mass is literally what determines whether you're DYEL or not. Congratulations on being a retard.

>This is almost as retarded as the guy speculating on someone's levels of LBM based on their fucking 1 rep maxes lol
There are entire text books, scientifically rigorous formulas derived from extensive data and of course the common sense fact that strength is related to muscle mass.

Is it better to pretty much work my full body 3 days/week if I have the time of do like upper/lower/cardio days?