What betters gains in terms of politics? right or left?

what betters gains in terms of politics? right or left?

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You can't eat or lift politics so neither.


thanks for a source annon. i risked a ban for this but at this point im going all out for gains

just sayin, i havent seen one swole leftist philosopher

Right, the left is too fluid for consistent gains. Seriously how much do you think Zizek benches?

Lets see

>The Left
Shames people into feeling bad about themselves and wants to drag everyone down to the lowest possible denominator by spreading the gains of the successful

>The Right
Believes in hard work, individual success and personal accountability

You fucking tell me. The Left is literally the Gainz Goblin of the political world

OP are you asking if there is a political identity to have that can affect your muscle growth, or if there is a political ideology within which followers are typically more largely-muscled?

Those are two very different questions.

Libertarianism is the strongest worldview as it values invidual strenght and power the greatest.
Also, roids would be legal in libertarian society, so go full freedom, brehs.

This study used bicep size as the sole proxy for strength. The only thing dumber than the study is the idiot who linked it.


is this really a question?

In America, red states also have higher illiteracy rates, and you don't need to do no reading to lift all them weights.

Really makes ya ponder.

>not understanding ad hominem arguments are invalid
>using this as a means to determine how the world is, and how it should be

Arguments should be assessed only on their strength and validity. Those who deliver the message has no bearing on it. It's amazing how much could be solved if people understood the basics of argumentation.

smd fag

Wow, I agree 100%, but welcome to Veeky Forums.

I don't understand this question. Are you having a stroke? Should I call someone?

James hatfield?

I would hardly call Zizek a leftist, he's pretty objective in his study of ideology. He is, though, a hedonist; look at some of his work on "joisseur propre", interesting stuff.

Damn, Bradley Martin is so fucking aesthetic. A little big but looks great.

There are likely dozens of contributing factors to consider, including several listed in this thread... but probably the most important and most affective would be that people of liberal political standing are much more likely to hold professional positions that favor intellectual development and solving non-physical problems, where as conservative people are much more likely to work manual-labor positions that focus on solving physical problems.

This is only considering my understanding of white culture in the US. It is likely different at least somewhere else in the world, and does not consider the influences of other races.

There are certainly probably other contributing factors; such as the types of values typically held by people of different political standings - for conservatives it much more important to be physically strong, where as for liberals it's more important to be intellectually strong - etc...

I would guess conservatives are stronger on average by a good margin, but the direct influence specifically of the political standing on strength is probably a smaller margin.

what does it make you ponder?

why does no one split social and economic issues when talking about politics? big difference between someone who's left on social issues and centre/right on economics vs a bandwagon liberal

blacks are dumb and lazy

this. Fascism perscribes it's citizens be fit as a keystone of it's ideology. Mussolini used to perform gymnastics and feats of strength along with his troops to show they were able bodied and capable of fighting. Their anthem was called "Giovinessa"- Youth.

Is that the fucking ultra intelligent Nazi samurai?

Anyone have the edit of this?

>Fascism perscribes it's citizens be fit as a keystone of it's ideology

Then why is it so popular here?

So I'm guessing your race excels at specious analysis.

How do fascists feel about stupefying spelling and grammatical errors?

I'm neither. I believe in economical intervention and giving the unemployed the chance to work for food and housing. But I believe everyone who isn't from my country and/or doesn't want to work should be deported, and am socially very conservative, even regressive.

>critical thinking
>on Veeky Forums

how did you get that out of the combination of your map and the statement "red states have higher illiteracy rates"?

there are more red states (from this previous election) on that map with low frequency of black/african pop than high, and if you break states down by county and voting blue areas have higher literacy rates.

I think it's NatSoc fascism, as opposed to gentile-school of facism (which said nothing about race). I think that /pol/ likes nazism because of it's shock value, and because they don't have any self accomplished achievements, so thy fall back on being proud of the color of their skin.
TLDR: Nazism has the skin color cop out for being fit.

>implying bicep size isn't the most important facet of strength

>for being fit

Or having other accomplishments.

Hey you should go try winning some souls over at /pol/. Totally serious. Not a lot of anons talk sense like this, and if you think the backwards logic you're seeing here is bad, /pol/ is like a bonus eighth circle of hell.

Authoritarian politics is attractive to insecure men who fear for their futures. They blame others for their problems and expect others to solve them for them. They are forever victims in their own minds as well as in their lives. It's why they lash out so strongly against the real victims of the world. /pol/ in a nutshell.

I lean towards the left but I think the right.

>"you are insecure because you dont control your destiny like me"

/pol/ is a wasteland as far as intelligence is concerned. I don't bother going there because there's no point in a rescue mission when nobody wants to be rescued.


He's a fucking leftist you dumb piece of shit.



Meanwhile, totalitarian politics, like those proposed by all modern leftists, denigrate men into machines.

thanks for the tip-o-your-fedorah, meighty.

/pol/ is a shithole
But to be fair, thats a problem with Veeky Forums in general. Whereas theres no pressure to conform with social norms on the site, instead of using it for critical discussion, its just a bunch of memeposting and people thinking they're smart due to being contrarian.

Neither. Beliefs about gun control, abortion, immigration laws, taxes, infrastructure, trade deals, etc. are irrelevant to picking up and putting down heavy things.

> uses the term "redpill" like it means anything
> accuses others of being fedora-tier
wew the cognitive dissonance

liberalism is a product of estrogen

Every leftist regime relies on government opression to function
Fascist governments have always been ironically more free than marxist ones

This the first post I made in this thread and I don't identify with the alt-right which is where the "redpill" term usually comes from
Your argument is "lol [other political group than mine] is dumb xd i wont even bother discussing with them" which is very fedora tier if not worse

>usually people with very fit bodies also have incredible diligence and work ethic aligned with traditionalist or conservative views, which is how they became fit in the first place
>but the body should be excluded from consideration when looking for a mindset to become fit, come on silly user!
we aren't talking about what ideology is right in a world view, only the one to benefit gains my friend

You're talking about dictatorships that were "leftist" in name only. Cuba, Russia, China, etc. were all authoritarian and brutally unfree, just like Nazi Germany. Arguing left-vs-right using places like that as evidence doesn't mean shit. Ultimately any government can go that route no matter what brand of politics it claims to follow. Leftist policies if implemented democratically, not unilaterally, are good for everyone.


I mean this is the exact opposite of a fedora situation. A fedora tip here is like the fucking apex of cluelessness.

>You're talking about dictatorships that were "leftist" in name only.
Literally no true communism. Wow. It's almost like you ideology is impossible to manifest in reality and should therefore be discarded.

>'red states have highest illiteracy rates'
>red states have the highest concentration of blacks

stupid or just liberal?

Stoicism isn't a political ideology but a personal psychological outlook.

Rather stoic about your spelling there too huh

im not trying to defend poll here, and what your saying i guess could be true for some. but user, fascism is not based in authoritarian thinking, the fascist ideal is strictly based on traditionalism.

>tips fedora

Pic related

Illiterate or just can't parse a mildly complex argument?

Also please tell everybody what you think liberal means. Can't wait.

jesus christ you are stupid

I'll deliver

Traditionalism is authoritarian. A traditionalist says, "We must continue doing it this way because that is how we've always done it." Basically you're telling people how they're allowed to act ... and in a fascist regime that will be enforced by the law and through force. There is no tolerance for aberrant and untraditional behavior.


Authoritarianism =/= telling people what to do. Authoritarianism concentrates power in a single person. You're claiming that no system can tell people how to act without being authoritarian, which under its own framework is authoritarian.

I'm from europe.
It's really rare to find a Veeky Forums leftist. The few Veeky Forums leftists are the communists (but the communist party in my country is quite conservative and praises hard work and good virtues).
Usually the right wingers have a healthier look. The most Veeky Forums are without a doubt the far-right\skinheads.

You win

Some leftist economical decisions can benefit everyone, like (me) said.
Your socialist model where everyone's happy ultimately fails because most people dont want to give up their economical freedom or live in an excessively liberal society like the one modern leftists propose, and ends up requiring violence to keep stuff under control.
This is not the same as movements that have military power as their base like the third reich or mussolini's italy, because the society there is the one who "opresses" itself in order to make their country powerful, and because most people actually like it

Wrong, as libertarianism is just leftism.

why are /pol/cucks so insecure that have to make these types of threads every day?

gr8 argument thnx for the enlightenment.


It's all relative, but yes. Every government will "tell people how to act" to some degree but if it's authoritarian or totalitarian or whatever the cluck word we want to use then it must be especially invasive into its citizens' lives. For example, jailing or punishing people for holding certain political or ideological beliefs, being a certain religion, being gay, etc. That would be an invasive government. Jailing or punishing people for committing murder, fraud, etc. would be considered reasonable. I'm not sure what I'm even arguing at this point, I guess just semantics, wew.

Many tenets of leftist ideology have been successfully implemented: in the United States, in Canada, Europe and other countries. Basically when it's done in democratic countries it works a lot better than when rebels seize power and try to force it. Revolutionary leftism is fucking retarded, you can't force it on people even if you feel like you ought to be able to.

just from my county, so not overall representative. I'm far right, non-christian

Far left - complete socialists, but good drugs and probably do stuff like yoga/bike. Also farmer's markets, which are awesome for gains
Moderate left - Socialism lite, so like the far left without all the nicer things from above. So, a lot of minorities
Center left - Kind of want the benefits of socialism without going full retard. Not really into fitness, and only has really bad pot
Center right - Usually the non-religious right, but tend to hate all the dictatorial things the evangelists force on the right. Might be doing the same yoga/bike as the far left, but near no drugs.
Moderate right - tends to ignore the evangelicals but ends up saying near exactly the same. Almost as lazy as the moderate left. Biggest potheads aside from the hippies
Far right - either the fittest or the fattest., the most evangelical or or the ones that hate them the most. Either the least drugs of all, or secretly doing lines of coke off a passed around bible during 3x/week bible study

Libertarians - act like they have no responsibility to society. Breaking anything they want and copping a bigger attitude than the ghetto when called out on why they were drinking a bottle of Jack while going 75 through a school zone - as long as I didn't kill anyone..

if you think your political alignment makes you any bit tougher, you're actually just a gigantic pussy

surprisingly fair and accurate

I was implying quite the opposite.

(I'm too lazy to dig for literacy rates, so I'll just use %pop with bachelor's degree as a proxy, which probably reflects state-level intelligence better anyways, because let's be honest just because you can read doesn't mean you aren't stupid [true also of having an educational degree, but probably to a lesser degree])

10 states with lowest %pop with bachelor's degrees
oklahoma - 24% - red state and low pop of blacks
tenessee - 24% - red state and low pop of blacks
indiana - 23% - red state and very low pop of blacks
nevada - 23% - blue state and very low pop of blacks
alabama - 22% red state and high pop of blacks
louisiana - 21% - red state and high pop of blacks
kentucky - 21% - red state low pop of blacks
arkansas - 20% - red state moderate pop of blacks
mississippi - 20% - red state high pop of blacks
west virginia - 19% - red state with very low population of blacks

according to the map posted above:
all states red
3 with very low population (~50% counties

probably not then, because your political ideology cant directly affect your physicality, it can only shape your physicality indirectly through cultural norm and your own personal interaction with it.

As much as I love to shit on republicans and conservatives I think a lot of this also has to do with where the more attractive and desirable jobs are as well as places to live. People who get degrees are more likely to move away to the coasts which are very blue. Sort of a chicken-or-the-egg dilemma. People here will just say, "college is a scam they're smart for not getting degrees" or some shit like that haha.


this is a fair point. I would have to do some thinking about how to include that in the assumptions of this (admittedly beyond-basic) model.

>"benefits" of socialism
>...without going full retard

Intredasting, user.

>punishing people for holding a certain political, ideological, or religious belief is always wrong
>punishing people for murder is always right

One whole trashcan of ideology.

You are assuming that the people having these arguments are interested in fact finding.
They're not.

Are you retarded?

Most of the counties surrounding mine are "Tea Party" type libertarians & right wing, and it's amazing the amount of bullshit that flows. One hasn't had an elected D in 28 years, and most of their races don't have a D running. They have crap industry & everything. My county gov. is slightly liberal overall with a rather sane far right component. No economic problems here.

I was just raised to pragmatic to believe in all the /pol/ BS or the left wing hype. Crybabies living in Liberal fantasy land are just as dumbass as the yeehaws with addresses in Outer Redneckistan.

Only lefts that can be swole are filthy commies

All rightists can get swole m8

That drawing was intended as an insult, but it was taken as a compliment.

Right-wingers are meritocrats, so are naturally in tune with hard work in the gym

Leftists will find a way to complain endlessly about why this or that is hindering their progress and probably quit after 2 weeks then make a blog about how the Veeky Forums right winger needs to check his gains privilege

This is the point we're at as a nation. Some guys still take pride in strength, muscularity, and testosterone. Others think there is something wrong with it. Guess who doesn't belong on this board.

yeah right wingers are totally well-known for judging people purely by the merit of how they act and work

> mfw this is literally the foundation of leftism and you're this deluded