I usually make one of these threads every so often as bait, but this time im not baiting, look at this:

This 6'4 lanklet said that he will kill himself after making the post. And judging from the post being made 22 hours ago and no activity on his account, he delivered.

This was his post:
Hi. This is what a 24 year old virgin looks like. I've never kissed a girl, had sex or held hands with a girl. I'm 193cm(6'4"), 50kg(110lbs), I like a holocaust survivor and my face ugly as sin.

I look like I'm dead inside, which I am. After a life of getting shunned by peers, never acknowledged, girls being disgusted and never looking your way twice, always thought of as less worth, I simply don't even give a fuck anymore. I watched so much porn that I don't even have a libido (sex drive) any longer. I simply just want to die, don't want to experience this any longer. Been severely depressed for way too long and it completely fried my brain to the point where I haven't eaten anything in 6 weeks because I have no apetite.

I know I look like a generic school shooter, although I would never do such a thing, it's no one's fault that I look like I do, it's my genetics fault.

As a child you hear all these stories about people being alone without anyone to love them, watch cartoon stories where some ugly old man is alone on Christmas, and he became bitter and unloving, and think to yourself "Man, poor people that end up like this", and you never think to yourself that you would end up just like them.

I feel sad for all the things I could've become, done, accomplished, friends I could've had, but that's all an illusion I've been living reserved for the regular looking folk. Ugly people are sentenced to a life of feeling unworthy, which is why right after I'm done summitting this post, I'm gonna take this gun and blow my brains out.

For those of you that are too lazy to go to the link, im going to post all the pictures he posted on in the post.

Also going to make trip code so you know who will lead this manlet revolution. oh man this is the best day of my life.

Bro if I was 6'4 and didn't care about my life I would take all the fucking roids I could and get massive and maybe get a chance to live like Zyzz before dying

lanklet chicken arms!!!

What the fuck are you waiting for? get in manlets!!!


Damn 6'4" such a waste, poor kid if he actually did it, i would kill for that height

I know we hate on each other, but I can't help but feel sorry for him. What if he was my son or brother?

I don't think I belong on this board.

You're a fag

nice b8 m8, i rate it an 8. lanklets are destined to a life of lanky awkwardness. Proof right here, this guy fucking killed himself!! He's not even that ugly, he's just skinny as fuck. Look at the reddit link i posted though, you'll see everyone trying to cheer him on, its hilarious.Everyone get in, this thread going to be immortalized brothers :D


>I look like I'm dead inside
You look like you're dead outside

He would have been a solid 6 if he lifted, bulked, got a haircut, took care of his skin, and smiled.

>I usually troll, but
>I know this conversation is usually useless, but listen to this anecdote
>Not online for 20 hours straight, must be dead

This is.......

>this guy is more attractive that me

Hold me

This guy could have been a Chad. Too bad he's a lazy self-defeating millennial bitch.

6? 8 I'd say.

These are joyous times bois, everyone post manlet pride posts. Im actually so happy im crying, i always thought tall bros had it all, the constant reinforcement of "tall, dark, handsome" brainwashing must make life a breeze for those lanklets, but this just flipped my world around, knowing that lanklets can be virgin losers too. I've been so depressed about my height recently, 5'8 20 year old. the idea of a 6'4 unhappy male is an out of this world concept for me only a few minutes ago. oh im so happy.

dude, they didn't show any mercy to us in the past. now we have them by the balls and your hands begin to quiver? you have any idea how many times you've been cucked by those man mores? fucking wake up you cuckhold

go kill yourself lanklet.


Makes me feel better about being 6'4 180lbs

he's pretty aesthetic desu

It's certainly possible, but it's hard to tell. He had a LOT of work to do. Would have taken 1 year minimum to become decently attractive.
Either way, what a waste.

Wtf i am 5'10/130 lbs and look almost as bad

He looks dead now that's for sure lol :D

a solid 6 round chamber unloaded in his skull is what he is lol :p

wtf u saying?

look at his torso, looks like someone put a sheet of cloth on a barbecue rail. you're definately more attractive if you're short.

If Chad is a corpse with a bullet wound to the head than he is definately Chad. But honestly, Chad's are by defintion outliers, we don't incorporate outliers into the model.


>haven't eaten anything in 6 weeks
>it's my genetics fault


>dude, they didn't show any mercy to us in the past. now we have them by the balls and your hands begin to quiver?

it's a fucking MEME you dip

That's a cryin' shame.

Theres no way OP isnt a faggot lanklet. Manlets would never stoop so low. Fucking embarrasing, lanklets.

oh man, look at those arms, lanklets have it so bad hahaha. they look like chicken wings, except without the wing part. Must suck to be tall, sure you get a few shallow girls, but at the cost of what?!


you're a piece of shit

you're fine, dude... this dude posting is literally just a giant piece of shit. Obviously leads a pretty fucking shitty life to the point where they use the term "lanklet" or "manlet".... not everyone is a fucking retard here. Some people just want to read fitness related material, you just have to sift through backwards retards like OP, who will never make real gains anyways.

Eh let him be, He's probably only 5'8 or something and just lashing out.

it really makes me sad that there are people like you in the world

Damn Veeky Forums, you depressing :(

Anorexia is horrible. Pills can't treat it and therapy doesn't do a whole lot either. For every success story there are 10 more people who languish though life with it. It is a horrific disorder. It is so ingrained in a person's personality that just saying "EAT MORE, BULK UP DUDE" just doesn't work.

I hate that someone killed themselves over depression, but OP isn't unlike that kid. Look at the guy, talking about crying from happiness because someone is more pathetic than them... all because he's fucking 5'8. this whole "manlet" thing really gets to some people's heads. This shit doesnt exist outside of /fit, dude. I'm 6'0... I wouldnt care if I was shorter, wouldnt care if I was taller, as long as I still look good,

was it a meme? I sat through insult after inult, meme after meme. just last week I was in college and this dude stood next to me and every ounce of my being said "he's sizing you up cause you're short", but i said to myself "its all in your head, its the memes, he's just standing next to you and streching, don't mind it.", then bang, he calls me a manlet. That word i've only seen on the internet and occasionaly freinds was dropped on my by a stranger. Every time a woman writes "atleast 6ft", that is equivalent to getting cucked by a lanklet before i even engaged. Knowing they live shorter, get cancer, spontaneous lung collapse was comforting but not enough, but this suicide note finally put a smile on my face.

Manlet and proud. Happy and i know it. and you know it.

>backwards retards like OP, who will never make real gains anyways.
I'll be making more gains than that lanklet. Kinda hard to do any exercises when you're dead. maybe calisthenics in his coffin? lol


This is WHY you need ALL three

he had more potential than you. That feeling... that feeling when someone killed themselves from depression, but were still better than you.

YOU NEED HELP. holy shit, you need help. I've never seen this site beat someone down so bad as you. Holy shit do you have issue, and coming on here more is only going to destroy your mental health. I would legit never come back on here if I were you, its not worth losing all of your self esteem over. You're legit killing youself being on here

It's not a meme you dumb cunt. Manlets get less respect automatically. Fuck this lanklet cubt. I'm glad he's dead

It's sad this guy offed himself. But almost more sad that your hunkering over your computer monitor making cringey troll posts in your dimly lit single mothers basement at night.

Lanklet detected

I remember first time i went to the club last year, i accidentally bumped into this girl and instantly her boyfriend came over and said what the fuck are you doing you little midget? I quickly apologised cause he was like 6'3 or some shit. His girlfriend had to protect me from him and say "its ok it was an accident". He looked like he was ready to beat my ass right then and there.

I remember i finally mustard up the courage to talk to this girl in highschool, and we talked for a while. a few days later i saw her post in fb when her girl friends said "don't you want someone taller? he's so short eww", she would say "yeah ofcourse".

Even in the presidential election, marco rubio, ted cruz, ben shapiro, (5'9,5'10,5'9) were called midgets to great effect. It is most definately not a meme. wake up.

Zyzz was 6 ft 2. Kill yourself manchild.

You got fucking problems.

Is that a picture of you writing your suicide note?
Post some pictures of your chicken mcribs too.

Respect man. lanklets need to be shamed wherever and whenever.

I hope you say the same to people who put manlets down everyday. Do you?

I know your not a happy man

Say whatever you want my friend. but the guy who suicided used the word "lanklet" in his suicide note. I hope the word lanklet gains popularity from this exposure and more woman will use this word over tea to attack those raggy stick figures.

but being dead ain't one of them. can't say the same for t.lanklet.

that's right, he just bullies shorter men, but when he gets the same treatment he tells you you have problems. they're just acting like feminists.

>This shit doesnt exist outside of /fit, dude. I'm 6'0... I wouldnt care if I was shorter, wouldnt care if I was taller, as long as I still look good,

Oh the irony...
Of course you don't think it exists, you're the ideal height. Ask any guy 5' 8" or shorter and you'll realize they get shit for their height constantly. As a 5' 6" guy I get shit from girls so often I've completely given up on them

So well said. Its so easy to forgo thinking about this issue completely if it doesn't effect you. i remember when i was a kid, maybe 10-12. If a show poked fun at a short man, i would most definately have laughed along with it. short men is seen by literally everyone as a none problem, and ironically, because of this we face overwhelming discimination.

wording it better, what i mean is that the discrimination of short men is seen as a none problem which is exactly the problem.

dude should have travelled to some other country where chicks have diff opinion on his attractiveness, suicide is never an option, fucking weak bich

Kill yourself fatalistic shit
I mean that
Don't even wait on your growth spurt

If he was your son or brother and he went forward with this, he's obviously mentally ill and any amount of affirmation wouldn't fix the real underlying issue

Half agree
Disagree on where you think 110lbs would pull women, you are unattractive on a visceral level if you're an unhealthy weight

Why are you so bitter?

I'm 5'5" and never had any problem with it, never was disrespected (quite the opposite, actually) or bullied and never had problem with girls.

It's fucking sad that he killed himself.

That is why you are belittled by people, not because you're short, but because you're a shitty person and insecure.

Holy shit, I'm 5'10" and never get shit for my height. You aren't even short, you're 5'8". You have self-esteem issues/little man syndrome and people can tell.

>suicide is never an option, fucking weak bitch
weak bitch? There are most certainly situations where suicide is warranted and you saying that just shows how ignorant you are to life's problems. Have you tried staring into the barrel of a loaded gun, stood on the edge of a 500m cliff?

Saying you're brave because you continued living is just a nice way of phrasing your fear of death. If anything, him suiciding is the last redeeming thing about him.

24 years of suffering. Sleep well t.lanklet


>It's fucking sad that he killed himself.
>That is why you are belittled by people, not because you're short, but because you're a shitty person and insecure.
Top amen my dude

Holy fuck fit is full of hypocrites if this was a Manlet who said the same shit you'd make fun of him
Fuck you faggots

read my posts>because you're a shitty person and insecure.
In none of my examples is your argument valid. you fucking idiot.

Wew I revise my agreement to make room for you

Kill yourself

I've never had issues with girls as a manlet either. But you're deluded if you think manlets don't get bullied or aren't heavily discriminated against in the work place etc. It's a fact.

Fuck the lanklet. MANLET UPRISING

You clearly have not seen the post where a guy sucked a prostitute traps dick and realized that there is no such thing as a feminine dick, when he was crying on the floor realized it was just a dude in a wig

Sure, sure.
A guy called you a "manlet"?
He used this exact same wording after going near you in line and stretching?

Nice made up story.

Please post image

the exact same wording? manlet isn't some one in a trillion hash. its been used even in shows like the bachelor. go back and reread what i said, i thought he was just streching because i thought it was all in my head, but he was sizing me up and seeing how short i was.

you have serious reading comprehension difficulties.

This is not the one I was thinking of. There is one where an user gets throated by a tranny.

can only imagine how many weak anons have fucked up their lives with all the cuck shit floating around the last few years

Sure, and he just said "manlet" and then it ended there? Nothing else happened, he just looked at you and said "manlet".
And you happened to be the last in line.

Imagine the situation you're describing.
Imagine a guy being in a line, no one else comes after that guy, then an other guy comes and he measures himself to the other guy, looks at the guy and says "manlet".

I know when we make up stories, we forget about the realism, but you should try adding that to your stories.

Actually picture the situation you're describing.

I know you're trying to make me feel better by telling me being short is a non-problem. appreciate the sentiments but what you call realism is just the norm. many things deviate from that and contribute to making things called impressions. A collection of surreal anecdotes may seem unrealistic, but that is explained by confirmation bias. to say that a situation never happened because you can't picture it is the definition of being in denial.

He looks identical to a long time friend of mine, except he's not all that tall (5'6), he's still 15 or something though, the kid already has a really qt gf. I'm fucking 19yo and I've never had a girlfriend, (well I fucked around and shit) I'm honestly pretty fucking jealous, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's mostly all in your head, your probably not very ugly and your most definitely fucked in the head from year's of abuse, get therapy.

Why didn't he just take steroids?

>you will never save a pathetic failure on the brink of suicide
>you will never take him under your wing and teach him to be a man
>you will never push him to his limits, making him reach his achievements
>you will never teach him how to dress and how to style himself, to see the confidence in himself grow
>you will never see the day when he makes it and thanks you for all the help you've given him
>you will never pump your load into his eager boipucci, taking his virginity and making his life complete

why even lift, brahs

when will this manlet lanklet shit end.Insecure midgets vs insecure skellies is what it is.Just stfu and do your lifts jesus

Wouldn't help if you aren't in the habit of eating.

It would help tremendously. His problem isn't under eating; look at his bf%. The problem is his prepubertal frame. Not to mention the fact that something like mk677 can help with appetite.

This thread is stupid

Dunno how people have a problem with appetite. Ex fat here, cut by doing a shitload of cardio and volume and eating 2500-2000 calories

even at 2000-2500 hunger is nonstop killing me, EVEN ON AN EC StAKC LMFAOOO

Nice sample size. Manlets kill themselves all the time buddy.

Yall are gonna have to rise pretty high to be a threat.

I felt bad for you OP. Legitimately. People are idiots when it comes to height, and no one deserves to be discriminated against for something that is beyond their control (height, race, etc.). I even like you sense of humor. It is said that those who suffer often have the best senses of humor. Any q as, then it happened. The one comment you've typed that can not be forgiven.



Thats literaly what i would if i was willing to die

Bitterness and jealously, the thread.

How does it feel that i'm a skeleton at 6 foot 130 pounds and my life is 100x better than yours OP. I bet you don't even have a job or friends outside of your D&D game night in the library. Sad. A skeleton lives a more happy life than someone who is probably fitter than me and better looking, yet hates themselves because they are a MANLET. SAD


I'll slit your throat and cum in the wound ya filthy lanklet cunt.

So you admit you're making up surreal stories that never happened because you're too insecure and/or just trolling?

Alright, kiddo.

>imagine a giant flying dildo destroying cities! You don't think this is realistic? You're in denial?

Height discrimination happens, but it's more than that. I was never discriminated or disrespected because of my height and I am way shorter than you.
I knew a guy my height (actually, a few cms taller) who was disrespected a lot while I wasn't, in fact, I was very respected by the same people who made fun of the guy.
This guy was a scrawny guy, he was beta, reeked insecurity.

When people smell an insecure person, they make fun about what the person is insecure.

They see a fat guy who is insecure? They poke fun at that.
They see a short guy who is insecure? They poke fun at that.

Girls have standards. Some will never date a black guy, some will only date black guys.
Some only care about height. Some don't care at all. Some only cares that the guy is taller than her, not necessarily tall.
Some prefer blondes, some prefer Asians, some prefer white guys.

You will get rejected by women for many, many things. Heights is only one of them.
I have standards. Woman has tattoo? Trash. Woman is overweight, doesn't matter if she's just a little bit? Trash.
This, this and that. I reject women all the time.
Whenever I go out, have girls checking me out from head to toes, flirting, even when they're with their boyfriends. Most girls that are into me are my height or taller, in fact.
And I'm way shorter than you. But people perceive me as a very secure guy who is at ease anywhere.

I'm not trying to brag or anything, I'm just saying how it works, how it always worked for me.
I won't be attractive to every woman. Every woman won't be attractive to me.

Poking fun at a guy who was miserable and killed himself just because he was taller than you is why you're a horrible person.

Danny DeVito please stop using the c-word

Could you do it without tip toeing though?

Reddit might be a bit more your speed cunt

You first. they seem to have plenty of sub-reddits you may like. such as r/platformboots

Not an argument lanklet cunt

anyways isn't a word, dumb lanklet

yeah because flying dildo Godzilla happen with the same occurrence as height discrimination. its common as fuck, but its so common for a lanklet to jab us for our height and then call us napoleon psychopaths when we complain. kill yourself you fucking lanklet.

Guy wasn't even ugly wtf man he just needed to lift

Sure, i get you, manlets an hero more. but what im saying was i always thought the taller the better. 6 ft and you're very highly likely to be good in life, 6'3 and you're likely to be earning well and getting girls, 2m and you're most certainly a celebrity, sportsman earning millions getting girls.
Seeing one lanklet an hero doesn't tip the boat and say they're all shit, but it brings to reality something i always thought was a meme. tall people can be unaethetic losers. That face makes me very happy.

sure, i did add a bit of humor to my posts, but don't take that the wrong way. I am still very serious in trying to use this to have a go at lanklets, humor is just there to entertain you guys.

I have a clean record with the law, but i would totally risk it to drop a lanklet scum like you in a dark alleyway. hear those long thin bones snap and crack like a camp fire. you better watch out.

the fuck

see ya kid

or you could just stay on your knees you faggot slut.

they also got /r/backpain, /r/dieearly, /r/cancer

Are you happy about this?
You're using the death of a man to justify a side in a meme argument

hm geez, am i happy about this.... lets see...

NO FUCKING SHIT IM HAPPY. I just cracked open a 76 wine, that i was planning for my non existent girlfriend, to celebrate this occasion.