Daily Supps Gen

What supplements do/are you taking?

Today's stack:
>Fish oil per meal
>Magnesium Glycinate per meal
>D3 3000ui
>Ritalin 20mg, going to library to study

the hell kind of multi are you taking that doesn't already provide D3 and Magnesium?

Multi has magnesium oxide not glycinate and only 1000ui of D3

Hey Veeky Forums bros,

Been lurking for a while on this board, this is my first time posting.

My daily:
>30mg Zinc
>20mg Ritalin (2x daily)
>50mg Zoloft
>1200mg l-citrulline (3x daily, Just started yesterday)

I spent the last 5 years living with pretty severe depression/anxiety and un-diagnosed Adult ADD.

Since starting my treatment last summer, I've completely erased weed from my life and cut out junk food and booze (except on Friday's, I allow myself a couple slices of pizza and a few drinks).

I've lost a lot of weight and gained a LOT of my old energy and personality back, But the sexual side effects of the Zoloft have been a bummer.

I just started pic related yesterday and I don't know if it's a placebo effect or not, but I woke up last night with a rock hard 100% stiff erection. I watched some porn and jerked off for like a half hour and was rock hard the entire time. This is a huge contrast from the lackluster stiffness and staying power of the erections I've been having since starting the Zoloft.

It's my understanding that l-citrulline converts to l-arginine and excess l-arginine can cause herpes outbreaks.

I know that "everyone has herpes", but I've never had a cold sore in my life.

Anybody here have any success stories/horror stories with taking l-citrulline?

>fish oil
>beta carotene
multis are good as a cover-all but if you look at how much of each thing is in them it's a fraction of a percent of how much an individual supplement of that thing has in it

- Zinc (13 mg / 2 day)
- B-50 complex (at least once a week)
- Vitamin C (2-3 times / day)
- Magnesium (2 * 100 mg / day)
- Pumpkin seed oil (1000 mg / day)
- D3 + K2 (once a day, can't remember the dosage)

You could experiment with B-50 complex and magnesium for depression.

Fish Oil
Glucosamine sulphate
L Glutamine

I only got the bottom three when myprotein had 50% of all supps and it's too early to tell if they make a difference.

Serious: does anyone feel noticeable effects from this shit? I'm natty and been lifting for like 4 years and feel generally healthy but I'm considering taking supplements besides creating/protein.

>200mg Modafinil
>~2g L-Tyrosine
>1.8g L-Theanine throughout the day
>potentially some 5HTP before bed

Using the theanine to combat phenibut withdrawals. Seems to be doing the trick

Real food god dammit

fish oil, multi and d3 are the only ones that did anything for me

kind of hit or miss

so far my favs are vitamin d3 (I take 4000 IU/day) and fish oil (which really helps with my tendon looseness and recovery)

ZMA is some crazy noticeable shit, one mix I got of it helped with my deep sleep a lot while another made me kind of restless in bed so I just stopped

Any Eurofags with recommendations for multis?

>Green powder (barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina, chlorella)
>green tea extract
>L-theanine in my coffee

>>potentially some 5HTP before bed

Does it work?

2 x fish oil, 1 multivitamine and 1 ZMA.

zinc, d, cla and calcium pyruvate ; _ ;

Jarrow's probiotic formula, i do not trust any other brand, it's really is the best if you take nasty meds or have digestive problems

zma is just zinc and magnesium packaged together to cash you out

Vitamin D can have a pretty big effect but it depends on your lifestyle and what part of the world you live in

I live in northern England and work nights

Taking vit D supps was one of the best choices I ever made


RIP in piece.

Vitamins can kill you senpai.

>>beta carotene
Does your skin look better since taking this? I'm pale as fuck but am scared of sunbeds

5000 iu D
B pill

Let's do it bois

Fish Oil
Vit D
Folic Acid (have a slight deficiency)
Amino Acids
Milk Thistle

Zinc and Magnesium Aspartate, which is different than what's usually in your multi

it still had a noticeable effect on my sleeping patterns (positive and negative at times)

I live in Ohio, don't get outside enough

started taking it last month and for once I'm not having a depressed January

I've never heard of supplements before. Does it really help? Where could I get them?

Almost forgot to take pso today. thanks for reminding me

>600mg test E a week
>50mg of Anavar/ day
>Aromasin 7mg eod

oh yea and a multivitamin lols

>he doesn't take biotin
enjoy your nohairgains

I just had a shingles outbreak on my face after taking l-arginine for a week. Seems like it has more to do with the ratios than the amounts of different amino acids, so it should be ok if you're taking lysine as well, but in any case I'm just staying away from it. And now that it's not in the regimen I don't notice much difference (unlike magnesium which is GOAT)

>tfw made a positive impact in someone's life


i thought i was the only guy taking k2

anyone know how long ephedrine stays in your system?

I've been taking an EC stack but I got a drug test coming up randomly in the next few weeks at this new job

do they let you put primatene down as a medication or something

Thanks for the feedback, user.

How much arginine were you taking per day?

I'm not taking lysine at the moment, but I've scoured threads all over the internet and I can't find a single account of someone having a shingles outbreak or something like that from just 2-3 grams of pure l-citrulline a day.

All the herpes horror stories seem to come from people that are using supplemental arginine with/without citrulline. Plus I'm not supplementing massive ammounts of l-citrulline like many people do for workout/bodybuilding purposes so hopefully I'll be okay. I'm definitely going to stock up on some lysine next time I go to the store just to be safe.

a tablespoon of psyllium husks a day. makes pooping a wonderful experience, it just slides out, firm yet soft and barely any wiping


Hey, I'm the guy who was asking about the citrulline.

Since switching to a mostly plant/veggie based diet (protein from nuts, eggs, a little bit of meat every now and then), I've had the same experience. I never knew a persons body could become so efficient at taking a shit lol.

my regular consumption of oatmeal, raisins, and ginger tea seems to compliment the massive amounts of fiber I get from all the celery and carrots!

yeah just to piggyback on what said magnesium glycinate or taurinate are said to have effects to help depression. some user posted a few medical links said something like 70-80% of amerifat suffer from magnesium deficit. there was a study done where 125-300g of mag glyc/taur per meal help depression within 7 days. Google is your friend

>fish oil
>vitamin d3
>st. john's wort
>whey isolate
every day

miles better yes, do 30mcg a day for a month then 15mcg eod after that


is-is he ok?

What should I take for my dick?

Da fuq is that


noob trap

>200mg modafinil
My nigga.
Saved my last course, cramed in 3 months of lectures over 2 weeks.

Thx but mcg? or do you mean mg?

Fish oil

sometimes Milk Thistle

>green tea
>fish oil
>wine vinegar
>passion flower
>phenibut once a week

Any good natural sources of vit D? I don't want to take any more pills?