Let's get one started to motivate everybody to get Veeky Forums.

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>only one /fph/ on Veeky Forums when there used to be 15 at the same time
Incredible, also fat people should legitimately kill themselves

I felt bad for a fattie the other day
>first day in class
>fat fuck walks in
>drinking from a 2 liter coke bottle
>plays diablo 3 during the class
>name gets called
>his name doesnt get called
>him "m-my name wasnt called"
>teacher "i think you're in the wrong class"
>him "o-oh okay"
>complete silence as he walks out
>everyone staring at him
>he exits
>random stacy "awww i feel bad for him :( maybe i should give him a soda XDXD"
>everyone starts laughing, even the teacher
felt bad for him desu

>first day of my senior seminar class
>a few minutes early, sitting with a friend (girl) who I've had a bunch of classes with talking about break
>this literal circle walks in drinking a large McCafe caramel frappe
>she stares right at me for a few seconds
>she walks over and sits next to me
>still have no idea who this person is, there were plenty of other seats
>suddenly it falls on me like a block of cheese
>I was in a group with her last semester for a different class, she kept making unwanted advances over text and asking me over to her house under the guise of the "project"
note: I'm desperate and the loneliness is killing me but I have my limits
>"Heyyyyyy user, how was your break :)" comes out of her mouth verbatim including the "fuck me here and now" smiley face
>have to maintain a conversation with this beached beluga for a few minutes until class starts
>she mentions food almost every other sentence
I feel bad for her, she could be a person if she dropped a few hundo

>she mentions food almost every other sentence
i fucking hate women

2 fat chicks in my class
>we had to partner up with someone and write a paper about eachother
>had to tell stuff about ourselves to our partner etc
>we have to read the papers out loud for the class
>the 2 fat fucks papers gets read
>both of them: "And FatFuck LOVES to go to the gym to exercise!"
>they chug down soda all day and eat chocolate while talking about how they are gonna lose weight
>"oh i ate a salad today so its okay that i eat this candy xd"
fat women are the worst to be honest

I have a lot of stories through the eyes of a petite girl.

>used to work at a home and bedding store with a hoard of 4 whales, a half fit chick, and a skinny white boy.

>the gaggle of smaller whales that worked there were nice but were always talking about all the food they can buy in the plaza
>the half fit girl and skinny nerd guy have a thing for eachother, and I am really chill with both of them
>in rolls my manager Natalia everyday that would watch the store through the security cameras in her office with a futon, mini fridge, and seemingly endless amount of donuts from the supermarket next door.
>insert the person I have to do shipments of 500-2000 boxes 1-3 times a week with, Alison. She was at least 300lbs, drove a little tiny Honda fit, and showed up with a large double sweetened Dunkin Donuts ice coffee erryday.
>I always end up doing the majority of the shipment
>I have to take all the shit out of the boxes while she stands there and oohs and awes at the new shit
>The manager landwhale and the largest landwhale don't even give a ahit about customer service if someone needs them to walk around to figure it out

I have a lot of stories from this place and general life stories. Anyone curious?


>hoard of whales
The technical term is a pod.

>through the eyes of a petite girl.

I miss the endless FPH and FPS threads, some of the shit people posted made me twist and tear up from laughter

Everyone likes on.
More stories please

>fat person cosplays as fit character
This is healthy! Fat acceptance!
>skinny person cosplays as fat character
Thin privilege! This is oppression!

Phone autocorrect

Anyone who believes this is a real conversation between two humans should be embarrassed

Fat dudes are just as fucking bad
>i want to lose weight, but i can't really work out at my size
>you can just eat less and not move a muscle bro
>i'm already eating less, i only had two hamburgers today
This was around noon, fucking mind you - and I wasn't gonna ask if he at least didn't mayo the shit out of that thing, because you know he did
>you really should eat something less fatty, or shit, even a burger is fine if you at least stay a bit away from the mayo and whatever grease you used to cook it
>i don't know man... hey, how bad is a slice of pizza for you?
I hate fat people so much, why do they always have this infant quality to them?

i guess basing your life around food makes you a weak faggot that should kill yourself

So it's been a little while since I worked there luckily, but it made me damn appreciate the fact I have always been able to look at food as fuel and not so much fun (thanks to my parents)

>Alison rolls in at 6:55 with a 2000 calorie extremely creamed coffee.
>on November 14th, so it's going to be full of stupid new Christmas decorations and shit
>shes already complaining about her ankles. She slips on her "shipment gloves" and lines up leaning on the truck.
>she takes the boxes out of the drivers hands and waits for me to put the previous ones down and come back to her for another load.
>she only leaves to walk in pillow boxes, which are on the wall next to the loading door. These boxes are 10lbs tops
>I get to carry 4 pack boxes of Bella ceramic ware 16packs
>she stops in the middle of this shipment to "pee" and leaves for 25 minutes.
>comes back with yet another monsterous coffee from the Dunkin in the plaza
>I moved in about 150 boxes of curtains and shit in the meantime

>then she bitches at me that we need to work together during these shipments when I leave for 3 minutes for an ACTUAL pee and to refill my water bottle at the fountain.

Wtf is wrong with these people? My next one is about a disgusting fat shit customer.

go on

I'm kinda skipping around time-wise but this was one of the weeks right vefore I went off to seriously look for a new job.

>working on a spring evening around 6pm on a Sunday. I unloaded all the inventory I had to from the back already and we closed at 8, so all I really had to do was a little customer service and vacuum
>enter two fat flamboyant fay guys, I assume are a couple
>they're looking at the sheets when one of them goes up to my skinny male cohort and asked to use the bathroom
Now, we had 2 bathrooms. One was public use, and the other was for employees and housed all the backstock of toilet paper and shit. They both need to be unlocked to use them.
>so he unlocks the door for him and the other guy is kind of awkwardly peepee dancing
>skinny dude asks "do you need to go too, or would you rather wait?" and he holds up the keys. The dude says he's fine and we all walk away.

Detail for your brain: our entire store except for the bathroom floors, were carpeted.

>A few minutes later I am in the stock room sweeping up some cardboard bits
>skinny dude enters, pale as a ghost, and even though the music is loud and the stock room is vary isolate, he takes my be the shoulders and whispers to me

"That fat guy just took a piss in the hallway"

>I am in half tears from internal laughter combined with some good old fashion wtf
>I walk out with him to see a huge puddle where he stood.
>He and I walk up to the register and the two walk up to the register. The culprit has WET FUCKING PANTS

"Did you plan on cleaning that up? The carpet cleaning fees are going to be about $350 for that"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

>"The puddle of piss that you left in our hallway!"

We had to call the cops.

How is this remotely relevant?

>That fat guy just took a piss in the hallway
thats my fetish


Not her, but fat whales tend to be complete and utter bitches to anyone who is even remotely smaller than them and the same gender.

The mere sight of another female in a more attractive body makes them snide and vindictive. Whales don't treat skinny men this way. idk if this matters to her experiences or stories, but it's a universal truth about fat women really. They feel threatened so they overcompensate.

>I'm healthy and beautiful
>*sees genuinely attractive woman*
>How sad, she probably STARVES herself
>She MUST hate herself to suffer
>I LOVE muh curves

Youtube needs more people like this guy

I'm fucking done with this general. Holy fucking shit you guys are beyond helping. You're like pigs who roll around in your own shit and shit in eachothers faces and then spitting it out at eachother. Every thread for months has been people throwing shitposts and memes at eachother. People derailing threads for the sake of arguing and stomping out whatever tastes they don't like, and autists giving shitposters the time of day by replying.
You're all immature faggots and ruined one of the only things about this website that keeps making me come regularly. Shitposting between both sides of anything have completely destroyed /FPH/ in its entirety and I don't see how /FPH/ can recover from this if it doesn't stop. You're all cancer and /FPH/'s on its death bed.

Have a last recc from me. /FPH/ general belongs in the /trash/ with this level of shitposting and flaming, not Veeky Forums.



This is true desu
It happens to all of Veeky Forums's boards at some point

then leave faggot

>t. Buttmad fatty

>Be me at disney land
>Its the halloween special so at night everyone comes dressed up and go around to the entrance of each ride getting free candy.
>Im in line dressed as jack skelington when this fucking giant blob comes wheel pass everybody
>fucking 900+ pound 30 year old bacon solar system sitting in a deluxe XXXXXXX large motorized wheel car
>The motor on it sounds like its dying its last breath.
>She's dressed as ursala because both her legs are amputated and she just has some inflatable tentacles hanging where her thighs should be.
>Gets to cut to the head of the line because she's "disabled"
>She fucking takes two bags worth of candy
>I get to the front after she leaves and theres no candy left

FPH has happened since fit was born you degenerate fat fuck. Go do SS for a few months, if you're not lighter, kys scrub

There was one posted the other day, making fun of Trump for being fat and the fact that he's about to become the fattest president in over a century. Trump supporters got really buttmad and started defending their clinically obese leader, proving that fat acceptance is not just a librul thing. Eventually the mods killed the thread because I guess there's a conservative fat-sympathizer on the mod team.
Then the next FPH thread referenced the previous one, so the mods deleted that too.

I agree that the president shouldn't be fat but at this point I'd rather him operate at full capacity for the rest of his presidency than focus on losing weight while in office.

You make it sound like this legless obese woman isn't disabled lmao



>full capacity
kek. All that fat bag of steaming garbage is good for is laughing at the trash that falls from his diseased mind like shit from ass.

You have to go back

Are these meals for one person? Who the fuck can just eat a whole bag of chips and more?

>People on diets talk and think about food and practically nothing else

As if fat fucks don't talk about food at all?

What is this??? Its horrible! Some sort of nachos?

and then the thread was derailed

mexi fags why do you use to many limes on everything

its really no surprise why mexico overtook america as the fattest country after watching this webm

is this bait? who can't eat a whole bag of chips?

I can and I weigh 114

Having the diabeetus take your legs is entirely your own fault and no allowances should be made

What if there was a fat tax

you have to pay a flat rate if your bmi is obese



>lost both legs to diabetes

>diets are expensive
>having to buy "special diet products"
why do fat people think this way? Who even pushes this narrative anymore? I get that back in the 80s or whatever everybody talked about how you have to buy special meme products to lose weight, but I'm pretty sure by now anybody should know that those "special diet products" are just veggies, lean chicken, etc. which are cheaper than that junk food making them fat

>be born with multiple autoimmune diseases that require I do everything in my power to live healthily to survive past my 50's
>these fat shits gleefully destroy their health because it feels good
ebin, id give anything to not live in constant pain

Look, if you are at that point, why the fuck wouldn't you go into a voluntary prison where they give you limited rations?

Sounds better than dying to me. Why aren't those a thing?


found the DYEL
tax bf%. Also no "flat rate" it should be a progressive tax. Men pay an increasing tax for every point over 25%bf they are, women for every point above 32%bf. That way the superfats can save money by becoming "smallfats" and then save even more money if they become normal humans
I definitely think something like that should be the case for countries with single-payer health care, if the government pays for your medical bills then fatties should pay more taxes.
Also question, in the US before Obamacare, did private health insurance companies charge people higher rates if they were fat? I know they looked at other factors like age, smoking, etc., I would think health insurers would charge higher premiums for fat people too

Also the thought of a fat tax made me think of pic-related

and who would pay for this?

You did not powerlift your BMI into obese

What the fuck is this? Is it tasty?

I base my life around food, but I'm also a chef...

The money they save on food alone would probably suffice.

>Using bait older than yourself
Nice try, kiddo.

meanwhile all tax revenue is lost in tracking the entire nation's bf%

no, not really. It's easy to measure bf% in a variety of ways, it's barely more work than checking BMI. Have people come in for a checkup once a year, spend 2 minutes checking their bf%, done.

I'm a very casual lifter, I don't really stand out in the gym. Yet at 16%bf I'm still overweight BMI. If you think BMI has any value, it's because you've never lifted a fucking weight

nah, you just force hospitals to weigh and submit their records

everyone will go to a hospital at some point, you could go to the hospital and get a new official weight when you get below the threshold

which autoimmune diseases do you have?
Curious, because I just got diagnosed with one myself about 3 months ago. It's been quite a shock to really let it sink in I'll be sick my whole life.

An ounce of prevention is worth more than a load in the ass

got one too. challenge is character building, chaps. laugh at it and people will be more impressed with you than if you were problem-free. dropped from 75kg to 65kg at the start of this year, 85kg now, increasing my lifts weekly.

You are correct.

This one time at a pizza place I got mean mugged by a lard of a woman for this trifecta: I was also woman, I was fit looking, and I was eating a salad. Legit >.> eyes peering over from her big cup of soda every time she took a drink. She ate an entire calzone. A calzone from this pizza place is easily 2 meals for me, sometimes 3.

>be complete and utter bitches to anyone who is even remotely smaller
emphasis on the "even remotely smaller," pic-related: A 4X hamplanet will be a bitch to a 3X hamplanet, because apparently a 3X is only a "smallfat"

Did skinny white guy and half fit girl fall in love? Bang? I'm too invested not to know now




I'll see if I can find some more bitter/jelly posts in my fps/fph folder.


>Reminder that obesity negatively affects cognitive performance.
>Reminder that hambeasts 'logic' might actually be the best they are capable of.
>Reminder that they should still be shunned for allowing themselves to deteriorate as human beings.


What do you care about impressing people when you are living under a guillotine?



interesting. I'd known there was a correlation between intelligence and obesity, but I never knew if this was just due to stupid people being more likely to fall for HAES idiocy, or if being fat also causes stupidity. Looks like it probably is a bit of both

What should the thin girl do to check her privilege and be a true ally?
"Sorry random hot dude at the club, I can't have casual sex, you see, I have a fat friend"


>Start new job
>2nd week, co-worker takes an entire week off due to a dental abscess, leaving me to pick up shifts
>Is, naturally, overweight, constantly drinking full sugar cola at work

Also, like, having worked with a couple dwarf planets now, I can't help but notice how much they focus on their footwear. It's always "new shoes" and "too many shoes" but never "new dresses"...

you're always living under a guillotine, user.

AIDS ridden or Healthy as shit, everyone is one step away from death in most directions

Stopped a bit for a moment of rage, going to read the rest now






That's too much sog...He's making pudding.


This just makes me sad. Normally I would be angry but the fatties are growing in both number and size and soon we will live in the Wall-E future and there's nothing I can do about it.

out of jelly girl post.
Now back to your regularly scheduled fat hate.


