Random strangers are always mirin you

>Random strangers are always mirin you
>Grills at work think you're attractive
>Could go out to any bar in the city and find a stacy to fuck
>Could spend your weekends partying with chad
>Devote all your free time to playing Crusader Kings and Mount and Blade instead

Who else knows this feel?


if you think you could do all that shit just do it

jesus, has shia labeouf not taught you anything?

literally who?


Those are good games though. Time well spent.

keep lifting brother, we'll be real life crusaders soon enough

Most of the time I'd rather be home cuddling my pets

After having spent time doing both I felt like my time was better spent playing miutn and blade

good taste in game so it ok op


CK2 is fun AF, but don't let your dreams be dreams, user.

"Small town nigga Hollywood dreams, I know that everything that glitters ain't gold. I know that everything ain't always good as it seems, but tell me till you get it how could you know"


Fuck selfie sticks. Most self obsessed statement you could make.


pretty sure the most self obsessed statement you could make is being on Veeky Forums

Why don't you just wife up one of those hoards of cuties comin at you supposedly. If you're a homebody be a homebody and have wifey cook dinner whilst you destroy filthy Muslim hoards. When your empire spans from Santiago to Baghdad she'll gush her panties and suck your dick for sure.

>could do all this shit
>complain about not doing it

Choose one
A) man the fuck up and do it
B) stop bullshitting

Nah I'm 5'8


You play mp m&b?

you're shit at Warband you cuck
fight me 1v1 US GK TDM newkid

never has this pic been more appropriate.

This is me except it's Dota 2

I don't know how to feel about this feel



Save your mana, friend
Denying the temptations of the flesh will guarantee you a spot in The Kingdom of Heaven

MnB is full of fucks from /POL/ but it's still the best game ever

I do, or rather, I did.

>mfw I had the hottest girls in my high school and college wet for me
>mfw didn't do anything

Lifting doesn't cure autism.

>is racist
>push nigger food inda nosehole

Yes. But i dont want to fall into the feelingless pit of just fucking sloots with no personalities, been there done that. now i have a qt gf and a stable job.

much happier

>knowing who shia lebuf is

Consider suicide.

There's still hope

This 9/10 girl I knew in highschool is an escort now

an mount and blade was legendary

I got a demo for a really early version (I think it was v0.67 or something) in a computer magazine like 15 years ago and have followed them since. The LotR mod was awesome even though it never got finished by the creators

> riding around the field with a sprited courser >heavy bastard sword, one hand wield
> fucking up 200+ knights alone
> just gotta keep momentum
> don't let your horse die and you're fine

Didn't like warband though

this guys wallet must be bigger than his nose

I spent last two days playing as a norse nomadic horde on CK2 because I am too broke to go out

WTF are you me?

I've only played CK2 and M&B:Warband for like the last 6 months on and off...

i know that feel
you are more alpha for choosing what you want