Fucking skin WHAT THE FUCK

How do I fucking get a good smooth skin with no bullshit, like grills have?! Since I can fucking remember (actually since I got hair probably) I have this fucking bullshit on my skin - it's the worst on legs, but there's some shit on arms too, and quite a bit of fucking shit on the arse.

I don't shave - it's fucking there. I do shave - it's fucking there. WHAT THE FUCK?!

Also I ALWAYS have a layer of dirt that's not really visible but under high friction from fingers it rolls out. I scrub REALLY FUCKING HARD with my sponge and when I get dry there's plenty of fucking gray rolls of dirt, but as soon as I'm completely dry THERE'S STILL PLENTY FUCKING DIRT.
And obviously I suspect it has a lot to do with those red bumps, black dots and other sorts of shit on my skin.

I sweat quite a fucking bit, but I was never really prone to acne - I only have it on my fucking back sides. The skin itself is normal.


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take a fucking shower. a proper shower.

like, actually clean yourself.

Oh yeah, I shower once 2 or 3 weeks with occasional high being a month+.

Well what's proper? I circle every fucking patch of skin with the rough side of my sponge - skin gets fucking red. Is that not enough? I mean what the fuck? Again, plenty of fucking dirt comes out, but it don't seem to help my shit-on-skin situation too much.

You are doing fine

Maybe use water and soap?

I use fucking water and great expensive shower gel that smells nice. I mean I don't know that it's great, but it smells nice.

I have similar bumps and always have. Pretty much all over my entire body but it's the worst on my arms. It's gotten better with age and for some reason, sun seems to help.

Can't help you with the dirt. That's disgusting.

Keratosis pilaris

Are you actually retarded? Sanding down your skin until it's red irritates the skin and you'll end up with more acne because the skin's trying to remoisturize itself by overcompensating. Have you tried using an actual pumice stone? And then using LOTION on the skin?

If lotion is too feminine for you, guess brushing your teeth and wiping your ass is also too much.

Use hipoalergic

Also somekind of vitamin lotion

im 24 and my face still covered in red scabs

they arent spots like a teenager

they are scabs that open when i use my nails to push over my fringe, they sre blakcheads that ooze a stream of black green puss, they are white hives that cant be burst, they are other hives that dont burst but just swell

when i think of my face i can feel every centimetre of my face as if its 100 separate objects rather than one smooth object feeling like my ass cheek

my face is always sweaty and i can feel a layer of oil. if i go to bathroom and use warm water and a towel my face turns into one big spit with every other spot inflamed and irritated, same with cold water but my face tightens up.

if i let my beard grow the spits look disgusting as part of my patchy bears. if i shave it rips loads of hairs out that turn into ingorown hair scabs. if i shave it rips the skin off the scabs and they bleed. if i use an electric shaver then it all becomes an oiley scruffy stubbly patchy beard of red areas.

i thought this shit would end at 20 but im still afflicted, with every new hair that grows as my beard spreads around my face is full of spots scabs hives ingrown hairs blackheads whiteheads and zits

I get a similar thing, I started to take a multivit every few days to top up anything i'm missing and it seemed to help a bit. Also seems to get a lot better when the skin gets good amount of sun on it and if I get a strong sweat on, i guess it clears out the pores. The dirt stuff i assume is dead skin, idk what you can do about it other than get healthier skin to reduce shedding.

You look a bit on the pale side so maybe try getting a bit of a tan and see if that helps

I actually have the same thing. Been to a dermatologist, gave me some lotion, and said there's no way to actually "cure" it. Only treat it

Sounds almost like loads of individual infections, probably re-infecting any parts that try to heal too

Try tea-tree oil, should cleanse the flith and then help repair the sites, it will sting a bit. Also try purging the fuck out of them, get something like an empty pen tip and force out all the gunk until a clean crater remains, your body might be able to take care of the rest.

Btw not a doctor, you should try seeing one though.

> Keratosis pilaris

Retard, did you jerk yourself off into blindness? My bumps are BIGGER THAN FUCKING SAND GRAINS RETARD.

>Sanding down your skin until it's red irritates the skin

Bull fucking shit. I do it when already when and covered with gel, so there's plenty of lube. And also red doesn't fucking equal irritated you retard. Again: I don't really get acne. If what you said was true my front would be fucking full of acne cause this is the part I scrub the hardest.

> the skin's trying to remoisturize itself by overcompensating
What the fuck does this mean, autist? I'm removing all the dead shit SO THAT the skin can moisturize and shit.

> Have you tried using an actual pumice stone?
One of the most harmful memes ever fucking made. Even on soles it fucks them up royally not to mention actual tender skin you fucking moron.


> And then using LOTION on the skin?

It's fucking expensive. What would it do if I just use it after showering as I do and what should I know about it? Also Bill Burr (I know) said that lotion helps eliminate ashyness somehow. Is this true or do they just fucking moisturize and simply stick the dirt and shit to the skin so it looks smooth?

> vitamin lotion
Kek-level meme.

if you had smooth skin you would probably besmirch it with tattoos, anyway.

Anyone else having trouble figuring out what the fuck part of body is in op's picture? Whatever it is it clearly doesnt lift and therefore has no business posting here.

>> Keratosis pilaris

>Retard, did you jerk yourself off into blindness? My bumps are BIGGER THAN FUCKING SAND GRAINS RETARD.

My skin looks like yours and my dermatologist said its keratosis pilaris.

buy dead seasalt peeling and urea body lotion.
use the peeling while showering and the lotion afterwards.
it doesnt cure it but makes it alot better.

shower more often and scrub you disgusting being

this is exactly how my upper looked like when i was a kid playing wow 24/7 and never showered. it was rough and bumpy. now that i actually shower 2 times a day it's smooth as silk

> sun
> tan
I'm not big on cancer, thanks. How do you even think it helps? Magic? No. Cancer.

Tea-tree bullshit is TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE and plucking shit out will take literally forever unless it's the face in which case it can actually legitimately fuck you up. I'm talking potential paralysis and shit.

Maybe it's all just ingrown hairs? I mean that's what they look like right?

BTW check this shit out. I got it I think as an allergic response to antidepressant (not the first fucking time this happens), but it persists for like a third month now (again, had this happen). The thing that's different now is this shit seems to react to fucking water - especially hot. And soap and shit just fucks it up and it gets much much fucking worse. But I need fucking soap for lenses, otherwise I'd just use antibacterial napkins or whatever the fuck they are called.

No, I don't have fucking money to see a dermatologist and they are useless retards anyway. It's my liver going bad is it?

That's how true man's FUCKING QUAD looks like, faggot. Sorry it's not shaved and fucking lotioned and shit.

Your dermatologist is as retarded and ignorant as people in this thread. I'll try your shit if I find it and it's not too expensive and then create a thread.

But before that I'll try showering every other day and shaving cause I think it's just ingrown fucking hairs.

Fucking ghouls and synths
Try again

Stop showering.


>I think it's just ingrown fucking hairs
are you retarded?
thats literally what keratosis pilaris is

I said stop.


It's not check fucking wiki. How do you even think this "condition" even work? Hairs just grow in more often? Retarded fucking moron, grow some critical thinking glands.

don't scrub your skin so hard faggot. you don't need to and it's bad for your skin. also moisturize

Is there a cheap way to "moisturize" without fucking jew-lotion that costs a fortune and may be bullshit anyway.

You're a faggot OP
People are giving advice and you reply like an ass.
I hope that shit grows and gets worse, you'll never make it.

Jesus dude you need to relax, you've got a bunch of people trying to help you and you're dismissing all of it and yelling at your keyboard. Maybe it's your impotent rage congealing onto your skin that's causing it.

don't know where you're from. i use a dove body lotion which lasts for a long time and costs about 3 euro

if its your quad then why is it bending up on the left?

Weird as this shit sounds try a bath with a cup or 2 of apple cider vinegar. Shit just seems to cure or at least help with this sort of thing. Cant say I had the same but it was a similar problem.

Smells a little funky too but after 5 soaks there was noticable improvement. At least google the shit and make your own judgement.

tfw the skin in my arm looks just like OPs and I try to read every reply hoping there's some kind of solution but OP is being a fucking retard to everyone trying to help

I'm not assing people, I'm assing their retarded ideas. It's fucking Veeky Forums, grow up.

I'm only dismissing obvious bullshit because I don't want other people with my problem to buy it.

It's bending down retardo el autiste.

I don't have it probably even in shops. And even if there are, it's fucking expensive.

>Guis i need help with my nasty ass basement dweller skin
yeh bud try this it worked for me

just tie the rope bro

Get off fucking WoW for an hour and get outside, you neet faggot

The redness on your hand looks like eczema

>Apple cider vingear
Whats it like being so poor?

It's your gut

You eat shit and get constipated and you re absorb the shit

How has no one posted this yet

Hahahhaha aww poor specky is all mad because he isn't getting the answer he wants. Crawl back into your moms basement where you're rolling around in your own filth for 12+ hours on the computer and maybe when you get some sense to listen to people giving you actual advice instead of dismissing everyone like some cuck with his hands over his ears screaming autistically at a computer, you might actually clear up your disgusting, decrepit, fat fucking body

It's okay, I'll help us both get to the truth. Nobody thinks you're a pussy. Just... Stop being a fucking bitch.

Hm thanks for the idea.

I eat fucking grains, eggs, bread, butter, vegetables since recently and potato. Tea. What the fuck is unhealthy here?

Stop butthurting, I'm listening to everybody and don't mean no disrespect. You're just a projecting crybaby autist who can only get offended and that's all he does.

dairy products can give you eczema

gluten can give you eczema

simple carbs like potatos raise your cortisol which can give you eczema

If you really want to get rid of what you have(which is eczema, by the way) you might need to look at cutting out some of these foods.

I'm assuming you're already taking room temperature or colder showers?

OP, you have keratosis polaris, you ignorant fucking baffoon. Buy a lotion from your local drug store called 'Amlactin'. It is around $17-18 a bottle, but consistent usage of it will remove all of your red, scratchy bumps.

The gray shit is dead skin and what not.
Take a bath and exfoliate.
Use those Korean scrubs, hit up Google.

Also, exercise and sweat a lot, that always helps my skin a lot. I've been running and lifting for a year, and now my entire back is smooth.

I don't think it's dirt OP, I just think its rolled up skin which appears darker when bunched up in rolls.

I ate those as long as I fucking lived and it was always fucking fine, unless you mean the leg shit. Though I'm pretty sure it's not fucking meme-diagnosis like "too much dairy" or "hurr gluten durrr".

I have cooler showers as a resolution, why?

> around $17-18 a bottle
Fuck. How soon does it start working? They are not scratchy.

Forgot a picture of the mitts.

Alright bros, I've got a somewhat related issue here. Let's see if you have any wisdom to impart to me.

I've got little red blisters similar to pic related, running from my triceps down to my hands, and covering my calves. They've started to develop and spread very rapidly in the past week or so. I live in VA and spend a lot of time with my arms submerged in salt water, so I figured it was just irritation, but I've been taking precautions against that now and they don't seem to be abating.

TLDR; itchy spreading blisters plz help

also have red bumps on my triceps
have had them for years

I think that's a fungus, go to a dermatologist and they'll prescribe you a cream.

I used something similar and it was pretty fucking useless. More of a jerk off than anything. Though it had bigger scale texture,

That's what I meant.

Could be psoriasis too

>retardo el autiste

What should one with acne prone skin eat then? I still have some on my face and I'm thinking its because of my all on died, so a couple of days ago I cut out all dairy, as well as most of carbs, like only eat yesterday's bread when I have to and stuff, so what else can I eat, I also started drinking a lot of water recently.

I just can't live on pure veggies man. How long does it take for a body to get clean from the wrong diet, a couple of months? How am I supposed to survive.

Just water and kale.
> How am I supposed to survive.
You aren't. Jews have different plans for you buddy.

What Jews man? We own land, we grow our own food, we don't depend on no Jews.

It's not fucking psoriasis. It's never psoriasis.

Das true only you get your dieting info directly or indirectly from jews which makes all of your food useless since now you think it's "harmful".

Is meat not the most delicious thing ever? Besides there are plenty of carbs you can eat besides processed wheat. Rice and oats I'm sure are fine, and of course fruit.

Lol what food do you grow buddy?

Idk man, I have it. Mine doesn't affect the skin, but the joints. Anyways, why is it never psoriasis ?

You just have shit skin genetics

Sorry bro

I forgot about meat and fruit lol, true. I also didn't cut out rice as well.

Almost all of the veggies.

Because retards like you always project.

It's not projecting, just a mere supposition ? Don't be that salty. I'm not saying I'm right, I didn't even say it was psoriasis. Just that it could be. No big deal, dude.

It could also be fucking santa christ shitting on me in my sleep. Not saying I'm right.

Bathe in salt water once or twice a month, exfoliate and moisturize a lot, use lotion with urea.
It's genetic and there is no cure.

it took me 10 seconds to notice that your skin is really dry.

stop shampooing your body every single day and use some kinda creme/oil for your skin.

Pretty sure the "gray rolls of dirt" you describe is dead skin. It gets softened by showering and then you rub it off when drying. Try to shower, dry and then repeat immediately, you will probably not have them the second time around.

OP listen. It's a milk allergy i guarantee. My sister had it bad and she thought it was roceasia but as soon as she cut out dairy her face and arms cleared up completely. I had the same thing but not as bad.

go outside in the sun

How long did it take her to get better skin after cutting out dairy?

Like others have said stop showering and start using moisturizer to help with the dryness.

I've had bad dermatitis my whole life so I know your pain, it varies from person to person but I can shed some light on how I pretty much cured mine.

Sweating helped a lot but the biggest thing that seemed to make the red patches go away was a proper mind-muscle connection in the affected area. Now hear me out I know that may sound weird but I noticed when I fully could make the connection my skin grew tighter and more body hair developed in the area of that certain muscle group. For example I had really bad itchy rashes all over my right hand fingers included and it was a nightmare to say the least. After proper training and grip exercises I can feel the muscles in my fingers and properly flex them, and after some time the redness and pustules completely went away and my right hand is now smooth and matches the color tone of my arm.

I did this over my entire body and now I'm 99.5% rash free for the first time in my life.

>lotion is expensive
>A product which you can get a large size of generic brand from any pharmacy store like CVS or Walgreens for like $10 that solves all your problems and makes the quality of your skin better is "expensive"

Post face.

What the fuck are you talking about??

just like moisterise and go out in the sun you skinnyfat dyel b-tier shit poster