Friday Night Help Thread

This thread is to help all new comers and anyone who needs advice on
>getting started
>lifts for specific muscles
>gym etiquette
>lifting form
>martial arts/fighting classes
>anything else that is related to fitness
Come my friends

How much are you supposed to tip the receptionist?

Is it realistic to cut 15-20 pounds over 3 weeks? Just for a one time weigh in of course.

Multiply her x/10 number by 2

Does cardio really kill gainz?

This is a summary, but basically:

I'm a skelly with zero gym experience or social skills, but I want to start lifting soon, would it be too weird to ask someone my age that I know (but don't know a ton) that's into lifting/exercise/etc. for their contact info for workout advice?

I can post the whole story but I'd feel bad for reposting.

I keep struggling with the retract the scapula down and back position while benching. The put your scapula in your back pocket cue gets me there, but I think I struggle to maintain it while benching. Any tips you guys have

>1 pound = 3500 calories
>20 pounds / 21 days = .95 lbs a day
>.95 lbs a day = 3,333 calorie defecit per day
If you go really, really hard with IF diet or some shit, and drop a shit ton of water weight, you might be able to make it. Thats still a big maybe though

also you might die but gotta get that low weight class for wrestling amirite?

In excessive amounts yea, but you should always jog a little bit.

whats considered excessive cardio?

Deload and focus. You should just brace during bench the same way you would to support your back during squats and diddly. The consistency should benefit you.

What is the IF diet? Also I must say wrestling is a big calorie burner and I've already been keeping my calories at around 750 a day today and yesterday. Beyond that I think I've got about 5 pounds of loose water I could squeeze out without any serious health concerns.

It's subjective, but I would say anything more than a mile each day on a three day split would be too much.

Intermittent Fasting

Basically you're only allowed to eat in a 6-8 hour period every day, and can consume absolutely nothing aside from zero calorie drinks like water and coffee in the other 16-18 hour period.

If someone did that to me I wouldn't find it that wierd. As long as I sort of know them.

How do you stop premature ejaculation

masturbating beforehand doesnt work for me cause then i'm either not in the mood or if i am in the mood still i cant get an erection. and eve nif i can, it goes soft after a couple mins

You dont need to do that
1. Read the sticky
2. Find a local gym
3. Follow a simple starters routine for either bodybuilding or strength
4. Educate yourself with Veeky Forums + internet to improve your fitness as you go

I need help improving my core its definitely my weakest muscle group. What do you guys do for abs. I want to someday be able to do the whole front lever, side lever, the human flag, planche and all that stuff. So if you guys could help me out with a routine that will strengthen my abs that would be helpful.

no porn
failing all of the above, some viagra and slam some a couple of times to get some bedroom confidence.

I've been looking into that. I already started this whole thing off with a 24 hour fast after puking up everything in my stomach and replenishing it with just a TV dinner. The issue is the schedule for wrestling is super erratic so I'll be needing nutrients at different times during the day

Most people who lift are pretty eager to help. Maybe contact via fbook or ask the advice in person so it doesn't have to be awkward.

So yeah go for it. Good luck

Yes I have done it personally. do 60 120s 6 times a week and eat around 700-800 calories a day. Drank lots of water, it will fill you up and you don't want to pass out while running. It took me 2 weeks to lose 20 lbs that way I was in 14 or 15 at the time and went from 180 down to 160

does that last suggestion work? ive thought about it but it seems liek youd get reliant on viagra/cialis then be unable to get erections without them

To be honest I'm like 99% sure I'm overthinking things and that it won't be a problem but I keep psyching myself out.

Part of it is (and I know this sounds pathetic) it would be nice to have a friend to talk to about these things and not just Veeky Forums

Everyone's going to say heavy compounds. I'm still working to the heavy part, so I add in planks on my rest days while doing yoga.

Go for it dude. Just ask what his routine is and if you can train with him easy as cake. also read the sticky it has a lot of great stuff like beginner programs.

It's not pathetic at all, it sounds like you just want a bro.

Yeah about that I'm pretty strong all ready not by fit means but I can bp 2 plate and squat 365 and all that good shit but I lack endurance and I don't train my abs outside that so I'm trying to syphon some knowledge from somebody who can do levers and planche and human flags and stuff. Appreciate the (you) though

Hit a plateau on my bench, cant seem to get past 155, which is pretty low compared to 3 pl8 diddly and 2 pl8 squat. Switched to dumbbell chest press and im going up 5 lbs each visit but still stuck on bench. Made sure i had good form, scapula in, slight arch, feet planted, all that. any thoughts?

your bp is proportional to your dl and squat so don't worry about that. Just stick with i. deload if you need to or tweak your routine a bit its all covered in the sticky.

Is it okay to OHP in the squat rack?

I do when no one else is using it. If not I'll shittily clean lighter weight off the floor and press that.

This might've just worked for me, but add 10-20 pounds to that bench. Then find a good spotter and try to bench it. I think I got stuck on that weight because I kept thinking "oh man this is a lot of weight". I got it up over halfway before the spotter had to help, but the reason it worked for me is because it gave me and my muscles a taste of daddy weight. So I pumped through the 155 to 175 a week after doing it and I still do it to this day.

how do i get big biceps
how do i get big delts

can you make gains on a cut if youre not a noob anymore? i think i exhausted my noobgains but im still weak, cutting on 2300 kcal/day and I'm stalling on deadlift and ohp

I started off with retracting the scapula doing dumbbell bench then moved on to barbell, it's easier to start with dumbbell

Just keep pulling bro. Pull heavy, pull for volume.

Not if your natty senpai. You know what time it is.

c-can someone whos tried dick pills give me some insight

I'm slowly building a home gym, but until I get enough weight for a routine I'm doing,
>10 sets
>20 Crunches
>10 Push-ups
>10 Pull-ups
>10 Squats

This will lead to weight loss with possible gains correct? Obviously watching my diet as well.

Thanks guys. I'll try not to pussy out kek.

I'm really just starting out. The last 2 times I went to the gym I did some machine workouts and about 20 minutes of running. After I'm done running, I have a tremendous pain in my hamstrings. I would compare it to a migraine, only in my thighs.

Have you guys experienced anything like this? Is this normal for people starting out, or am I doing something wrong?

Need way more volume bro. Even if you have to drop to your knees and knock out ten pushups or "walk the plank" for pullups you should be doing multiple sets. of 10 for each exercise. If you want to lose weigt cut calories and do some 60 120s at least 4 times a week. Also crunches are a shit ab workout. substitute with planks I guess.

My bro in law is pretty big and this past month he's gotten 8 people messaging him on fb for help. Most of them are hardly acquaintances. He still gets super excited every time someone asks him for help. Also I'm fucking his sister, he's not fucking mine

not that guy and not sure if broscience, but this seems like an awesome idea. I'm gonna try this thanks bro

Do it! Most fit people I know love to help out people new to getting fit. It would be like someone asking you to share one of you favorite hobbies.

I thing I should have said and made very clear is that at no point can the spotter ever touch with more than two fingers. I mean unless you just suddenly drop all the weight then of course he can.
Make a thread on this in a few weeks and tell if it worked.

Planks and side planks. I do 60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest three days a week. Been better for me than most other ab workouts.

I think I just went full retard typing that. Please disregard the shit English.

I can already tell you it works, a lot of the time its just in your head. I think I was stuck on that weight as well lol. Its good solid advice. For some reason if you were to fail just deload 5 lbs and try again the next workout.

Isn't this just a QTDDTOT thread

Thanks bro it seems like doing planks is the way to get towards those goals. After I get comfortable in the plank position I will add on some progressions of those exercises. Thanks and happy lifting!

Okay, I just started lifting on Monday. I'm doing the Stronglifts 5x5 plan MWF and running TTh. My question is that I'm super fucking small (like 5'10ish ~135lb) and haven't ever spent time in the gym before. So my starting weights are all like 65lbs. I'm easily getting the reps required, but I'm afraid to 2nd guess the program and jump up a bit in my lifting weights.

It seems like a lot of people stall on 155 for some reason.

Not if you don't ask a fucking question dipshit. This thread is well formatted I highly approve this thread.

Its a big achievement then I blew past 165 and stalled on 175 its a head game man.

I've been doing the basic compounds + accessories for a little over a year now, I want to switch to oly lifting-- should I wait longer or do I have a good base for it?

Currently at 180 5' 9" Manlet any good all around regiments and diet plans? Links very accepted.

My friend who I workout with has a very similar story to yours. Just stick with it man and add on every workout if you can. Starting out is the best time to make gains. If you fail just deload 5 pounds and try again next workout. Good luck man.

Shit I was stalling out frequently and didn't have the patience to wait a whole year. After 6 months off SS I switched to 531 and took off.

Thanks, I'm adding 5lbs every day and I've been getting all my reps in. Just feels bad having to deload 225+ just to load up my 95lb squat.

Thanks so much you two (and the rest)

you guys boosted my confidence a ton

What you need to remember is that everyone started as skellington or fatass. Nobody gets born a buff dude, not even Arnold.

They will probably love helping you out.

Ive been lifting for over 6 months, browsed Veeky Forums years and decided to help a guy out. Fucking ends up spegimg out on me
>be me
>nyr rush
>pumped for first year leg day
>see guy on my squat rack
>see him fuck up deadlifts beyond belief
>back is parrallel to floor and hes doing some shrug
>gotta help this kid before he goes snap city
>tap his shoulder
>tell him that hes doing it wrong, and show how to deadlift properly. Thanks SS
>he fucking tells me to fuck off and shouldn't bother people bigger than him
>I just walk out, why are people so ungrateful
I dont know if I should report him to the gym owner or ignore it

pls be real
You're a dumb faggot for not knowing what a row is

10 sets of each is what I'm doing, wtf is 60 120's?
I never get the same number of calories on calorie calculators, but the general area is between 2300-2700 I have a hard time meeting even 2300 so I feel like I'm good there.

Nvm, forgot I had fucking google, but I'm doing c25k, which I like.

start by simply asking for some quick advice on this machine or that lift. pick somebody who seems normal and politely ask for a little help (I'm to this, you look like you know what you're doing, could you please explain...). Contact info comes later.

probably anything over 40 minutes a day

>am I doing something wrong?
yes, 'tremendous pain' is a signal

you say 'running'... how about a slower pace?
stretching well after getting warm but before working the muscle?