What is the best back hypertrophy exercise and why is it DB Rows?

What is the best back hypertrophy exercise and why is it DB Rows?

>db rows
>picture of single arm bent over row

thats not how you spell weighted pull ups

depends what you're targeting in your back

general area is deadlifts
lats you could argue rows or pull ups
upper back just made your grip wide

What about Seated Cable Rows?

I do db rows, barbell rows, sitting cable rows, reverse sitting cable rows, t bar rows, lat pull down and pull ups. All for back.

i deadlift with bad form so i target my back more

I did cable rows for the first time today and holy shit, it felt like I got the lat activation I get with a pull up, along with the rest of my back feeling great.

Being Bill Kazmaier x F is the best routine I've found, mother fucker has a back like the side of a mountain.

That's just wrong

>amazing scoop
10/10 issue would buy

>price: tree fiddy

not posting THE ultimate back picture

nothing can compare

All on the same day? That's way too much


>Not posting the real GOAT Barn Door Back



bet they can't even turn around and wipe their own ass

don't post shopped pictures tho


Yeah. Over 1k reps. Have lats now.


>upper back just made your grip wide
Bro science


I do DB rows, T-bar rows, lat pulls and pullups for lats on pull-day. Is that enough? I never really feel them now that I think about it

no, no, because the grip is wide your back gonna be wide

>way too much variety
spotted the DYEL Rippetoad