Veeky Forums memes you fell for

Veeky Forums memes you fell for

>OHP is enough for big delts
>Squats and deadlifts are enough for abs
>Cutting and bulking

if you can OHP 70% of your BW for reps, there is no way you can have small delts.


OHP is enough for delts

People don't understand that most of these are meant for fucking BEGINNERS.

BUT.... you need side lifts, rear delt machine work, behind the neck presses... the shoulders are a complex area of the physique. Non roiders have to put in the sweat to achieve. Pure roiders can F-off.

Why do strongmen have shit delts compared to bodybuilders then


Not true. I love OH movements, but my delts didn't start to significantly grow untill I started doing lateral raises

To be fair, strongmen tend to be much fatter than bbuilders

Well, fuck it, have a (You)

>weight 200lbs
>OHP lmao1pl8+5lbs
you're retarded

>weight 180lbs
>doing 1 pl8 OHP for Reps
>have nice delts
I guess it works.

>Never go over 5 reps
>Never go to the gym more than 3 times a week
>Never do more than 3-4 exercised
>Doing any of the above will result in overtraining

and you're pretty weak

>You HAVE to squat and deadlift
>Deadlifts are good for hypertrophy

i'm very weak, but 70% OHP and my delts are still shit

>squats are important
Yeah keep building dat fat ass. Very useful

How do you propose to achieve an aesthetic with no gluts?

At a low bf %, your ass looks well, non existent. So you're going to need some muscle there to not look retarded.

It is not even possible to achieve large delts without the use of steroids, never mind thinking that you will do so at a some nonesenseical number in relation to one compound

People on roids need to do these lifts as well.

Because they do not train their deltoids for size. Duh.

I got pretty huge delts without doing any other shoulder exercises, got up to bw strict press, but more importantly did a lot of volume.

Adding lat raises to your routine along with OHP will make your delts grow a lot more trust me

You can't OHP 1 plate?

Found the problem. You need to lift more and bitch less

Bullshit, I OHP 85% of my bw for 4 reps and my delts are still shit. OHP barely hits your side delts and only uses rear delts for stabilization in the same manner, that it uses your legs for example.

Now if you want big delts, you do face pulls and lateral raises on top of OHP.

See post. You must have done something to hit your rear and side delts, otherwise, that's not possible. Wide grip rows and chinups for example or even behind the neck press and other wide grip variations hit the side delt pretty good but not strict press.

Show delts.