Post yfw

Post yfw
>this is what girls think is muscular
>this is how girls react to the thought of muscular men

>implying she just wasn't finding any excuse to say ew to this guy
If you sent her a pic of chad instead of pajeet she would love it I promise you

Women are genetically attracted to strong alpha men. Leftists can try to change things all they want, when a woman sees a strong guy she can't avoid her genes. Sorry cuck

do you guys realize you don't have to reply to every thread you see

Explain why many girls are with their nu-male NEET bfs mate

Because they can do whatever they want and not risk losing them


you realize all those nu male NEETs are getting cucked by chad right?


So girls pick ugly guys with less value over guys with higher value because it hurts less to lose them/they wont lose them?
Wont this change the market dynamic?

I already feel like being tall and muscluar isnt doing shit in todays dating when every girl and her sister are in a relationship with patrick betamale already

>sees picture of a manlet pajeet with tiny shoulders and a head that's almost the size of his torso
>can't think of a suitable excuse
>pretends she doesn't like muscle as she realises it's an excuse that might make you feel a bit better for being rejected, even though she can see you barely have any

sorry about your genetics friend

Lol "no mutual friends" Internet stalker Pajeet strikes again

>Blame muscles
>Guy is ugly af

Man. If you're a 2/10, not even a great body will save you.

Just name one 8+/10 guys with muscles that women doesnt want to fuck

Don't be delusional

They will also want to fuck a 8/10 guy without the muscles so whats the difference

Settling for less. Easy to manipulate compared to Chad. Not many of those girls are relationship material.

OP here
You faggots are reading into this too much and it's really weird
It's just a shitpost

It's not because you're muscular, it's because you thinl you're miscular when in actuality, you're full on small shouldered dyel, and a shitskin with horrible taste in glasses.

I watched Pumping Iron with a girl and her sister, they were both thoroughly grossed out.

Girls dislike big bloated muscles, that's a fact and even Veeky Forums knows that. But OP is just a Pajeet sending his picture to a white girl like every Pajeet does.

She wouldn't say that if he actually looked good tho


A crab once legit grabbed my cigarette. I was cooking a few and fucking with one by baiting it with the cig and the motherfucker grabbed it and burned me.
I smashed that bastard apart like Sodom and Gomorrah.

my honor demands it